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Open MCT v2.1.6

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@shefalijoshi shefalijoshi released this 14 Mar 20:26
· 611 commits to master since this release

New Features and Improvements
Configurable camera position and angle for Imagery compass rose #6139
[Staleness] Functionality in telemetry component views and API #6109
"Recently Viewed" items section for the left pane #6053
- Visual tweaks to Recently Viewed items #6180
Support requesting thumbnail-size images from the Imagery view #5931
Plot Annotations Prototype #5853
Notebook Embeds Should Include New Action Menu #5810
Operator Status Indicator v1.1 improvements #6098
form file inputs should be able to accept mime types other than json #6088
Delete notifications independently #6073
[Notebooks] Formatted entries v1 #6059
[Plots] Allow multiple range axes in Overlay Plots #2321
- Zoom, pan and grid lines for multiple y axes #6051
- Model changes for plots to support multiple y axes #5937
- Visual treatment of multiple Y axes #5792
- Allow configuration of yKey for each series of a plot (Overlay) #5785

Bug Fixes
[Notebook] Double snapshot indicators #6316
Display Layout drawing objects can't be selected or manipulated #6287
Y Axis configuration for new Axes only shows up after saving and editing again #6268
Staleness doesn't work for overlay plots embedded in stacked plots #6265
Stacked Plots don't allow child selection while editing #6261
Compass rose isn't being transformed properly #6257
[Object API] Use of structuredClone causes errors with related telemetry in imagery #6236
[Overlay Plot] Turning on Log Mode and turning off Autoscale breaks the plot #6230
[Overlay Plot] Turning off autoscale on a series causes it to not render on renavigate #6229
[Annotations] Tags in Inspector need layout/visual refinement #6215
Recent items name text is wrong color #6212
[Plot] Unable to annotate the plot view of a Telemetry Point #6209
[Notebook] Links are sometimes not formatted #6202
Vue warnings after Recent Objects target animation ends #6201
MoveAction fails to save transactions in some circumstances #6197
Possible memory leak in Object API #6193
Legacy Overlay Plots without Series YAxisIds throw errors when embedded in a Stacked Plot #6182
[Stacked Plot] Removing a plot from the elements pool is removing the wrong one #6178
Some Overlay Plot color swatches are not updating while editing #6176
Empty Y Axis Buckets have little baby scrollbars next to them #6169
Setting log mode on one series affects all y axes #6166
[Plots] Loading old plots not working #6165
[Plots] Duplicate Plot Series #6164
[Plots] Creating a plot with telemetry on axes 2 and 3 only shows no data #6163
[Staleness] Error destroying staleness subscriptions when item is removed #6160
[Plots] Overlay plots render slower in 2.1.6 than they did in 2.1.5 #6159
Plot annotations aren't creatable #6157
Navigating to an object from a Breadcrumb doesn't update the URL hash #6151
Moving the first series from a y axis bucket does not work #6148
[Stacked Plots] Plots are not lining up properly with Multiple Y Axes in Stacked Plots #6147
Operator Status Poll Option Indicator will not be available if Poll Question is set as Empty String #6136
Notifications Overlay Opens Automatically #6130
Moving a telemetry endpoint to a different y axes in an overlay plot requires navigating away from the view. #6128
[Elements Pool] Previewing a plot element shows empty plot and throws errors #6107
[MultiYAxis] Activating Limit lines on a series fails #6106
Dragging a series from the tree directly to the 2nd y axis throws errors#6096
[Stacked Plot] Removing objects from a stacked plot, will not remove them from the legend #5834
Legend color is not in sync with plot color on change #5233
autoscale turned off doesn't work #3981
Stacked plot legends are getting clipped when the plot is small #3858
Icon button labels are being clipped #3822
Clicking "View Large" on Imagery leaves it paused #3647
[Object Label] Object names with descenders seem cutoff #3568
[Plots] Renaming the child of a plot does not update the name in the legend. #3554
[UX] Side tree does not stay resized on refresh #1646

Testing and Maintenance
[e2e] Re-enable snapshot tests #6267
[e2e] CouchDB notebook tags test is failing #6231
[e2e] appActions.e2e.spec.js - expandEntireTree is flaky #6225
[e2e] test results not analyzed on circle ci #6223
[Notebook] Fix links tests #6155
Tests for #6132 (Support requesting thumbnail-size images from the Imagery view) #6149
Update Playwright to 1.29 #6023
a dot is missing in the end of a sentence in a #6019
[e2e] Make expandable tree items more actionable #5994