- fix memory leak issue. #374
- fix null encoding for nil pointer. #368
- fix Decoder failed to decode int8/int16 type values of map field in struct. #366
- fix pointer value set. #361
- fix ref to wrong type of map for nil value. #357
- support java wrapper types. #350
- fix empty slice encode/decode error. #341
- fix bytes.AcquireBytes memory leak by dubbogo/gost
- fix java enum decoding incorrectly. #332
- fix not writing class name first when encoding pojo map. #320
- fix nil slice decoding to empty slice. #318
- support encode object to map and vice versa. #309
- add a tool for generate hessian2 java enum define golang code. #304
- fix list value not unpacked. #300
- support java function param type. #295
- support serialize UUID to string. #285
- support encode non-pointer instance for pointer POJO definition. #289
- support wrapper classes for Java basic types. #278
- fix registration ignored for struct with same name in diff package. #279
- fix cannot encode pointer of raw type. #283
- add new api
. #271
- fix not unpack ref holder for list. #269
- fix encode null for empty map, add map tag instead. #275
- Fix getArgType reflection value logic. #276
- support java.util.Locale. #264
- fix repeatedly adding list type in type map. #263
- support java UUID object. #256
- fix map decode error. #261
- fix insufficient bytes for string encoding buffers. #255
- fix get wrong javaclassname for POJO struct. #247
- fix not enough buf error when decode date. #249
- fix emoji decoding error. #254
- change value reference to ptr to improve performance. #244
- fix issue that cannot decode java generic type. #239
- add GetStackTrace method into Throwabler and its implements. #207
- catch user defined exceptions. #208
- support java8 time object. #212, #221
- support test golang encoding data in java. #213
- support java.sql.Time & java.sql.Date. #219
- Export function EncNull. #225
- fix enum encode error in request. #203
- fix []byte field decoding issue. #216
- fix decoding error for map in map. #229
- ignore non-exist fields when decoding. #201
- support java collection. #161
- fix skipping fields bug. #167
- update bytes pool. #147
- fix check service.Group and service.Interface. #138
- fix can't duplicately decode Serializer object. #144
- fix bug for encTypeInt32. #148
- support skip unregistered pojo. #128