(Beware: for a production usage you must set up this project on a Paas such as kubernetes or Openshift).
This Github Repo contains all relevant files for setting up an entirely CI/CD sandbox.
This sandbox is only available on Linux.
You need a server/VM Ubuntu 24.04, 16GB of RAM, 4 cores, and 60 GB of SSD.
Go to UBUNTU.md markdown file and follow the instructions.
docker volume create portainer_data
docker run -d -p 32125:8000 -p 32126:9443 --name portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:2.27.0-alpine
Quickly (there is a timeout), log on https://<ip_address>:32126
Set a password and activate portainer , you should see one container
git clone https://github.com/<your github_account>/jenkins-pic.git
cd jenkins-pic
I am using bitnami/version, for persistence the jenkins home is mapped to a docker volume
Edit and analyse the docker-compose.yml file and see the usage of volumes, services and network.
Hit the following commands for starting up all containers
docker-compose build # build all containers
docker-compose up -d # launch all containers
docker ps
Go to portainer
Select the container jenkins-pic-jenkins-1
docker logs jenkins-pic-jenkins-1
Get the initial admin password
Open a console on it
type docker ps
, you should see all containers running on your vm
type jmeter --version
, you should see jmeter prompt characters
type docker-compose --version
, you should see version v2.29.1
On the vm for fixing the sonarqube container
Add sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Type this line
echo vm.max_map_count=262144 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
the variable is inserted in /etc/sysctl.conf
and run
sudo sysctl -p
to reload configuration with this new value
go to portainer web site and restart the container jenkins-pic-sonar-1
You have to use the initial admin password
that is available in container log
docker logs jenkins-pic-jenkins-1
Log in as user and password is password
Go to jenkins
Go to portainer and select jenkins-pic-jenkins-1
edit /bitnami/jenkins/home/config.xml
change the <useSecurity>true</useSecurity>
In portainer Restart the container jenkins-pic_jenkins_1
Open your Chrome Browser
type the URL http://<your_vm_ip_address>:32500
Go to People on the left menu , and delete the current people named user
Go to Dashboard->Manage Jenkins, choose Security , see the image below
Hit save and you go right away the user screen to fill in.
Enter admin as user name
password : 12345678
confirm: 12345678
name : john
click on user in right hand side on a top of a screen
Hit configure
select API Token , Add new token , give jetbrains name
and Hit generate
copy this token in your notepad for later use.
go to Defined time zone. Select Europe/Paris
Press save
Here is an overview of all tools:
- Github is the well-known website for archiving all your projects.
- Jenkins contains build job and is triggered once projects in GitHub are updated.
- As part of the CI build, Jenkins triggers a static code analysis and the results are stored in SonarQube.
- The Maven build uses Nexus as a Proxy Repository for all 3rd party libs. The build artifacts are deployed to the Nexus Release Repository.
- Jmeter contains all requirements for running load testing and check performance regression.
- The Selenium Grid contains Docker containers running Chrome and Firefox and is used for UI tests.
Tool | Link | Credentials |
Jenkins | http://<vm_ip default>:32500/ | to be defined |
SonarQube | http://<vm_ip default>:32520/ | admin/admin |
Nexus | http://<vm_ip default>:32510/nexus | admin/use a token and set your own password |
Selenium Grid | http://<vm_ip default>:30044/grid/console | no login required |
Jmeter | no required | no login required |
Portainer | https://<vm_ip default>:32126 | enter a password at first log in |
Petclinic | http://<vm_ip default>:30190/petclinic | no login required |
- AWX.md
docker system prune --all --volumes
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
=== remove docker daemon =======
sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo apt-get purge docker-ce -y
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge docker-ce -y
sudo groupdel docker
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker
sudo rm -rf /etc/docker
=== example of Docker dind ===
docker run -d --name test-dind --privileged -p 31999:2376 docker:dind