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Jenkins CI-CD SandBox

(Beware: for a production usage you must set up this project on a Paas such as kubernetes or Openshift).

This Github Repo contains all relevant files for setting up an entirely CI/CD sandbox.

Docker CI Tools

This sandbox is only available on Linux.


You need a server/VM Ubuntu 24.04, 16GB of RAM, 4 cores, and 60 GB of SSD.

How to proceed ?

First install Docker

Go to markdown file and follow the instructions.

Install portainer for managing containers

docker volume create portainer_data
docker run -d -p 32125:8000 -p 32126:9443 --name portainer --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
 -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer-ce:2.27.0-alpine

Quickly (there is a timeout), log on https://<ip_address>:32126
Set a password and activate portainer , you should see one container

git clone<your github_account>/jenkins-pic.git
cd jenkins-pic

I am using bitnami/version, for persistence the jenkins home is mapped to a docker volume
Edit and analyse the docker-compose.yml file and see the usage of volumes, services and network.

Launch all containers

Hit the following commands for starting up all containers

docker-compose build # build all containers 
docker-compose up -d  # launch all containers
docker ps 

Jenkins container sanity tests

Go to portainer
Select the container jenkins-pic-jenkins-1
docker logs jenkins-pic-jenkins-1 Get the initial admin password Open a console on it
type docker ps , you should see all containers running on your vm
type jmeter --version , you should see jmeter prompt characters
type docker-compose --version , you should see version v2.29.1


Troubleshooting Sonarqube container

On the vm for fixing the sonarqube container
Add sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
Type this line
echo vm.max_map_count=262144 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf the variable is inserted in /etc/sysctl.conf
and run
sudo sysctl -p
to reload configuration with this new value go to portainer web site and restart the container jenkins-pic-sonar-1

In some version of bitnami jenkins

You have to use the initial admin password that is available in container log docker logs jenkins-pic-jenkins-1

Sometimes bitnami default credential are

Log in as user and password is password

If you lost your password, jenkins is secure so you must recreate the default user

Go to jenkins
Go to portainer and select jenkins-pic-jenkins-1
edit /bitnami/jenkins/home/config.xml
change the <useSecurity>true</useSecurity>
In portainer Restart the container jenkins-pic_jenkins_1
Open your Chrome Browser
type the URL http://<your_vm_ip_address>:32500
Go to People on the left menu , and delete the current people named user
Go to Dashboard->Manage Jenkins, choose Security , see the image below


Hit save and you go right away the user screen to fill in.
Enter admin as user name
password : 12345678
confirm: 12345678
name : john

Get an API token and set timezone

click on user in right hand side on a top of a screen
Hit configure
select API Token , Add new token , give jetbrains name
and Hit generate copy this token in your notepad for later use.
go to Defined time zone. Select Europe/Paris
Press save


Here is an overview of all tools:

  • Github is the well-known website for archiving all your projects.
  • Jenkins contains build job and is triggered once projects in GitHub are updated.
  • As part of the CI build, Jenkins triggers a static code analysis and the results are stored in SonarQube.
  • The Maven build uses Nexus as a Proxy Repository for all 3rd party libs. The build artifacts are deployed to the Nexus Release Repository.
  • Jmeter contains all requirements for running load testing and check performance regression.
  • The Selenium Grid contains Docker containers running Chrome and Firefox and is used for UI tests.

Access Tools

With docker containers

Tool Link Credentials
Jenkins http://<vm_ip default>:32500/ to be defined
SonarQube http://<vm_ip default>:32520/ admin/admin
Nexus http://<vm_ip default>:32510/nexus admin/use a token and set your own password
Selenium Grid http://<vm_ip default>:30044/grid/console no login required
Jmeter no required no login required
Portainer https://<vm_ip default>:32126 enter a password at first log in
Petclinic http://<vm_ip default>:30190/petclinic no login required

See more MarkDown files with instructions


Tips - some maintenance commands

clean up all

docker system prune --all --volumes
docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)
docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

=== remove docker daemon =======
sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo apt-get purge docker-ce -y
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge docker-ce -y
sudo groupdel docker
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker
sudo rm -rf /etc/docker

===  example of Docker dind === 
docker run -d --name test-dind --privileged -p 31999:2376 docker:dind