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Zig build package and bindings for flecs ECS v4.0.4

Getting started


pub fn build(b: *std.Build) void {
    const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ ... });

    const zflecs = b.dependency("zflecs", .{});
    exe.root_module.addImport("zflecs", zflecs.module("root"));

Now in your code you may import and use zflecs:

const std = @import("std");
const ecs = @import("zflecs");

const Position = struct { x: f32, y: f32 };
const Velocity = struct { x: f32, y: f32 };
const Eats = struct {};
const Apples = struct {};

fn move_system(positions: []Position, velocities: []const Velocity) void {
    for (positions, velocities) |*p, v| {
        p.x += v.x;
        p.y += v.y;

//Optionally, systems can receive the components iterator (usually not necessary)
fn move_system_with_it(it: *ecs.iter_t, positions: []Position, velocities: []const Velocity) void {
    const type_str = ecs.table_str(, it.table).?;
    std.debug.print("Move entities with [{s}]\n", .{type_str});

    for (positions, velocities) |*p, v| {
        p.x += v.x;
        p.y += v.y;

pub fn main() !void {
    const world = ecs.init();
    defer _ = ecs.fini(world);

    ecs.COMPONENT(world, Position);
    ecs.COMPONENT(world, Velocity);

    ecs.TAG(world, Eats);
    ecs.TAG(world, Apples);

    ecs.ADD_SYSTEM(world, "move system", ecs.OnUpdate, move_system);
    ecs.ADD_SYSTEM(world, "move system with iterator", ecs.OnUpdate, move_system_with_it);

    const bob = ecs.new_entity(world, "Bob");
    _ = ecs.set(world, bob, Position, .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 });
    _ = ecs.set(world, bob, Velocity, .{ .x = 1, .y = 2 });
    ecs.add_pair(world, bob,,;

    _ = ecs.progress(world, 0);
    _ = ecs.progress(world, 0);

    const p = ecs.get(world, bob, Position).?;
    std.debug.print("Bob's position is ({d}, {d})\n", .{ p.x, p.y });

zig build run should result in:

Move entities with [main.Position, main.Velocity, (Identifier,Name), (main.Eats,main.Apples)]
Move entities with [main.Position, main.Velocity, (Identifier,Name), (main.Eats,main.Apples)]
Bob's position is (4, 8)