Arduino files for my auto-following camera car!
Add dji remote control and receiver
Add PID encoderAdd a web page for parameters -
Add BLE central for the anchor
Read joystick values for the remote controller
Read mode switch button for remote controller
Add state indicator in the web UI
Add LED state indicators
Add battery state LED (tag, remote)
Add LED logic for tag
Add lock mode (remote)
Combine tag and remote
- Add tag selector (sensor, remote)
Control the BLE data rate
Fix UWB Anchor naming, fix AutocamController naming
Add PCB boards
- Sensor
- Verify LED resistor values
- Verify IO0/IO1 port on the ESP32 UWB is usable
- Tag
- Server
- Remote
Smooth the distance measurement.
Assemble together
Calibrate the UWB tag and anchor
Measure battery voltage.
(optimize) Store settings in external storage (SD card)
(optimize) Refactor the server code with a state machine
(optimize) Refactor the sensor LED control with LED controller
(optimize) Reorganize shared code into libraries, add external dependencies
Nice to have, detect active track failureTurns out there's no API support for that