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This is a html5 video player for RTMP/FLV/fMP4/DASH/HLS live streaming.


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playease.js 2.1

Skype: live:670292548
Email: [email protected]

This is a HTML5 Video Player for modern media streaming.


The open-sourced version (v1.2) is no longer being maintained. You can still find the source under branch "v1.2.xx". But it is outdated and not recommended to use in productions.

Instead, we've started a new version (v2) for business usage, which is much more professional, efficient and stable. In this build, an UI framework is developed separately from the core SDK which is named as API, and is much easier to understand and extend. The UI framework is open-sourced since v2.1.49 to help building customized UI, plugins and components.

If you are interested in this player, please contact for details.


Core Modules

  • SRC (original html5 media resources, eg. Ogg, Mpeg4, WebM, etc.)
  • FLV (http[s]/ws[s])
  • FMP4 (http[s]/ws[s])
  • DASH (ll-cmaf)
  • HLS (ll-cmaf)
  • RTC
  • Flash

UI Plugins

  • Poster
  • v2.1.00 - Danmu
  • Display
  • AD
  • Share
  • Logo
  • Controlbar
  • ContextMenu
  • Playlist


  • v2.0.89 - Synchronize video with audio while some frames are missing.
  • v2.1.07 - Carry while dispatching events.
  • v2.1.10 - Remove media segments within a specific time range to release memory usage.
  • v2.1.20 - Capture the current frame, and save as a picture.
    • v2.1.45 - New event for screenshot, and capture() will no longer auto download, but return the image data.
  • v2.1.27 - Reduce latency by simply seeking.
    • Reduce latency smoothly, due to the cumulative ack of tcp.
  • v2.1.33 - Ignore track depending on flv flags, to optimize audio only or video only streaming.
  • v2.1.36 - Optimize track data into interleaved mode.
  • v2.1.37 - Fix audio time issue.
  • v2.1.38 - Fix incorrect ui display when exiting fullscreen by pressing esc.
  • v2.1.43 - Buffer before starting to play.
  • v2.1.50 - New interface[s]: create, destroy.
  • v2.1.54 - New interface[s]: record.
    • v2.1.59 - StreamSaver using ServiceWorker.
    • v2.1.69 - StreamWriter starts while the first keyframe is detected.
  • v2.1.67 - Implemented Logger class. New interface[s]: getProperty.
    • Log feedback.
  • v2.1.73 - New module[s]: FMP4.
  • Breakpoint download for http-flv playback (Send a HEAD request at first).
  • Experience statistics and analysis.



Use the SDK directly

var utils = playease.utils,
    events =,
    Event = events.Event,
    IOEvent = events.IOEvent,
    MediaEvent = events.MediaEvent,
    SaverEvent = events.SaverEvent,
    index = 0;

var api = playease();
api.addEventListener(Event.READY, onReady);
api.addEventListener(Event.PLAY, console.log);
api.addEventListener(IOEvent.LOADSTART, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.WAITING, console.log);
api.addEventListener(IOEvent.STALLED, console.log);
api.addEventListener(IOEvent.ABORT, console.log);
api.addEventListener(IOEvent.TIMEOUT, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.DURATIONCHANGE, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.LOADEDMETADATA, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.LOADEDDATA, console.log);
api.addEventListener(IOEvent.PROGRESS, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.CANPLAY, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.PLAYING, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.CANPLAYTHROUGH, console.log);
api.addEventListener(IOEvent.SUSPEND, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.PAUSE, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.SEEKING, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.SEEKED, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.SWITCHING, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.SWITCHED, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.RATECHANGE, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.TIMEUPDATE, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.VOLUMECHANGE, console.log);
api.addEventListener(IOEvent.LOAD, console.log);
api.addEventListener(MediaEvent.INFOCHANGE, console.log);
api.addEventListener(MediaEvent.STATSUPDATE, console.log);
api.addEventListener(MediaEvent.SEI, console.log);
api.addEventListener(MediaEvent.SCREENSHOT, onScreenshot);
api.addEventListener(SaverEvent.WRITERSTART, console.log);
api.addEventListener(SaverEvent.WRITEREND, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.ENDED, console.log);
api.addEventListener(Event.ERROR, console.error);
api.setup(container, {
    file: '',

function onReady(e) {
    // ui.record('fragmented.mp4');

function onScreenshot(e) {
    var arr =',');
    var ret = arr[0].match(/^data:(image\/(.+));base64$/);
    if (ret === null) {
        console.error('The string did not match the expected pattern.');

    var link = document.createElement('a');
    link.href =; = 'screenshot-' + utils.padStart(index++, 3, '0') + '.' + ret[2];;

Use the built-in extendible UI framework

var events =,
    Event = events.Event,
    UIEvent = events.UIEvent,
    MouseEvent = events.MouseEvent;

var ui = playease.ui(0, { mode: 'file' });
ui.addEventListener(Event.READY, onReady);
ui.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
ui.addEventListener(UIEvent.SHOOTING, console.log);
ui.addEventListener(UIEvent.FULLPAGE, console.log);
ui.addEventListener(UIEvent.FULLSCREEN, console.log);
ui.addEventListener(UIEvent.RESIZE, console.log);
ui.setup(container, {
    service: {
        script: 'js/sw.js',
        scope: 'js/',
        enable: false,

function onReady(e) {
    // ui.record('fragmented.mp4');

function onClick(e) {
    switch ( {
        case 'report':

Add Callback

api.onready = function(e) {
    // do something


api.addEventListener('ready', onReady);

function onReady(e) {
    // do something


Properties for SDK

    airplay: 'allow',
    autoplay: false,
    dynamic: false,          // dynamic streaming
    bufferLength: 0.3,       // sec.
    file: '',
    lowlatency: true,        // ll-dash, ll-hls, ll-flv/fmp4 (auto reduce latency due to cumulative ack of tcp)
    maxBufferLength: 1.2,    // sec.
    maxPlaybackLength: 10,   // sec. for live mode only
    maxRetries: 0,           // maximum number of retries while some types of error occurs. -1 means always
    mode: 'live',            // live, vod
    module: '',              // SRC, FLV, FMP4, DASH, HLS, RTC, Flash
    muted: false,
    objectfit: 'contain',    // fill, contain, cover, none, scale-down
    playsinline: true,
    preload: 'none',         // none, metadata, auto
    retrying: 0,             // ms. retrying interval
    smoothing: false,        // smooth switching
    volume: 0.8,
    loader: {
        name: 'auto',
        mode: 'cors',        // cors, no-cors, same-origin
        credentials: 'omit', // omit, include, same-origin
    service: {
        script: 'js/sw.js',
        scope: 'js/',
        enable: false,
    sources: [{              // ignored if "file" is presented
        file: '',
        module: '',
        label: '',
        default: false,

Extension for UI

    aspectratio: '',         // deprecated! 16:9 etc.
    skin: 'classic',
    plugins: [{
        kind: 'Poster',
        file: 'images/poster.png',
        cors: 'anonymous',   // anonymous, use-credentials
        objectfit: 'fill',   // fill, contain, cover, none, scale-down
        visibility: true,
    }, {
        kind: 'Danmu',
        speed: 100,
        lineHeight: 32,
        enable: true,
        visibility: true,
    }, {
        kind: 'Display',
        layout: '[Button:play=][Button:waiting=][Label:error=][Panel:info=][Panel:stats=]',
        ondoubleclick: 'fullscreen', // fullpage, fullscreen
        visibility: true,
    }, {
        kind: 'AD',
        visibility: true,
    }, {
        kind: 'Share',
        visibility: true,
    }, {
        kind: 'Logo',
        file: 'image/logo.png',
        link: '',
        cors: 'anonymous',   // anonymous, use-credentials
        target: '_blank',
        style: 'margin: 3% 5%; width: 36px; height: 36px; top: 0px; right: 0px;',
        visibility: true,
    }, {
        kind: 'Controlbar',
        layout: '[Slider:timebar=Preview]|[Button:play=Play][Button:pause=Pause][Button:reload=Reload][Button:stop=Stop][Label:quote=Live broadcast][Label:time=00:00/00:00]||[Button:report=Report][Button:capture=Capture][Button:download=Download][Button:mute=Mute][Button:unmute=Unmute][Slider:volumebar=80][Select:definition=Definition][Button:danmuoff=Danmu Off][Button:danmuon=Danmu On][Button:fullpage=Fullpage][Button:exitfullpage=Exit Fullpage][Button:fullscreen=Fullscreen][Button:exitfullscreen=Exit Fullscreen]',
        autohide: false,
        visibility: true,
    }, {
        kind: 'ContextMenu',
        visibility: true,
        items: [{
            mode: '',        // '', featured, disable
            icon: 'image/github.png',
            text: '',
            shortcut: '',
            handler: function () {''); },

Config of Logger

    level: 'log',    // debug, log, warn, error
    mode: 'console', // console, file, feedback
    maxLines: 60,


Statics of SDK

Method Arguments Description
get id = 0, option = undefined Gets the SDK instance by id, create one if it doesn't exist. Option is the config of Logger.
create option = undefined Creates an API instance with an auto-increased id, or return the one already exist. Option is the config of Logger.


playease(id, option) is short for playease.API.get(id, option).
playease.create(option) is short for playease.API.create(option).

API of SDK Instance

Method Arguments Description
setup container, config Setup the SDK with the given configuration.
play url = '', options = null Plays the specified media file or live stream, or the current item of the sources if the url doesn't provided.
pause Pauses playing. Calling this method does nothing if the video is already paused.
seek offset Seeks the keyframe (also called an I-frame in the video industry) closest to the specified location.
stop Stops playing, sets the time property to 0.
reload Releases all the resources, reloads the media file or live stream.
muted status Mutes or unmutes the audio/video elements, if status is a boolean. Otherwise, returns the current status.
volume f Sets volume, which in the range of 0 to 1, if f is a number. Otherwise, returns the current volume.
definition index Switches to the specified definition, if index is a number. Otherwise, returns the current definition.
capture width, height, mime Captures the current frame, dispatches an screenshot event, and returns the image.
record filename Records a stream once the ServiceWorker is activated, and returns a StreamWriter. The current writer will be closed if filename equals false.
element Gets the current rendering element, such as video, flash, canvas, etc.
getProperty key Gets property by key. Currently, key could be "info" and "stats".
duration Gets the media duration.
state Gets the player state.
destroy Destroy this instance, removes dom elements.

Statics of UI

Method Arguments Description
get id = 0, option = undefined Gets the UI instance by id, create one if it doesn't exist. Option is the config of Logger.
create option = undefined Create an UI instance with an auto-increment id, or return the one already exist. Option is the config of Logger.


playease.ui(id, option) is short for playease.UI.get(id, option).
playease.ui.create(option) is short for playease.UI.create(option).

API of UI Instance

Note: All of the SDK methods are also supported by UI.

Method Arguments Description
setup container, config Setup the UI with the given configuration.
danmu enable Enables or disables the danmu plugin, if enable is a boolean. Otherwise, returns the current status.
shoot text, data = null Shoots the text with the data binded to.
displayAD element Displays the AD element.
removeAD Removes the AD element.
fullpage status Requests or exits fullpage, if status is a boolean. Otherwise, returns the current status.
fullscreen status Requests or exits fullscreen, if status is a boolean. Otherwise, returns the current status.
resize Resizes the player to fit to the parent node. However, if aspectratio is set, such as '16:9', the height will be calculated.
destroy Destroy this instance, removes dom elements.


The SDK supports Event and IOEvent. All of the SDK events will be forward to UI.


Type Properties Meaning
READY The ready event occurs when a module is ready.
PLAY The play event occurs when it has been started or is no longer paused.
WAITING The waiting event occurs when it stops because it needs to buffer the next frame.
DURATIONCHANGE duration The durationchange event occurs when the duration data is changed.
LOADEDMETADATA metadata The loadedmetadata event occurs when metadata has been loaded.
LOADEDDATA The loadeddata event occurs when data for the current frame is loaded, but not enough data to play next frame.
CANPLAY The canplay event occurs when the browser can start playing (when it has buffered enough to begin).
PLAYING The playing event occurs when it is playing after having been paused or stopped for buffering.
CANPLAYTHROUGH The canplaythrough event occurs when the browser estimates it can play through the specified media without having to stop for buffering.
PAUSE timestamp The pause event occurs when it is paused either by the user or programmatically.
SEEKING timestamp The seeking event occurs when the user starts moving/skipping to a new position.
SEEKED timestamp The seeked event occurs when the user is finished moving/skipping to a new position.
SWITCHING index The switching event occurs when the user starts switching to a different definition.
SWITCHED index The switching event occurs when the user is finished switching to a different definition.
RATECHANGE rate The ratechange event occurs when the playing speed is changed, which is invoked by the playbackRate method.
TIMEUPDATE timestamp, buffered The timeupdate event occurs when the playing position has changed.
VOLUMECHANGE volume The volumechange event occurs each time the volume has been changed.
ENDED The ended event occurs when the media has reached the end.
ERROR code, message The error event occurs when an error occurred.


Type Properties Meaning
LOADSTART The loadstart event occurs when the browser starts loading.
STALLED The stalled event occurs when the browser is trying to get media data, but data is not available.
ABORT The abort event occurs when the loading is aborted.
TIMEOUT The timeout event occurs when progression is terminated due to preset time expiring.
PROGRESS loaded, total, buffer The progress event occurs when the browser is downloading.
SUSPEND The suspend event occurs when the browser is intentionally not getting media data.
LOAD The load event occurs when an object has been loaded.
LOADEND The loadend event occurs when a request has completed, whether successfully (after load) or unsuccessfully (after abort or error).


Type Properties Meaning
INFOCHANGE info The infochange event occurs when the meida info is changed.
STATSUPDATE stats The statsupdate event occurs when the media stats is changed.
SEI packet, nalu The sei event occurs when a SEI NalUnit is detected.
SCREENSHOT image The screenshot event occurs when an image is captured.


Type Properties Meaning
SHOOTING text, data The shooting event occurs when a damnu message is shot.
FULLPAGE status The fullpage event occurs when the fullpage status is changed.
FULLSCREEN status The fullscreen event occurs when the fullscreen status is changed.
RESIZE width, height The resize event occurs when the UI is resized.


Type Properties Meaning
CHANGE name, value The change event occurs when the value of the named target is changed.
VISIBILITYCHANGE name, state The visibilitychange event occurs when the visibility of the named target is changed. The state could be "visible" "hidden".


Type Properties Meaning
CLICK name, value The click event occurs when the user clicked the named target.
DOUBLE_CLICK name, state The doubleclick event occurs when the user double clicked the named target.
MOUSE_MOVE name, value The mousemove event occurs when the mouse is moved upon the named target.


Type Properties Meaning
KEY_DOWN code, alt, control, shift, command The keydown event occurs when the key is pressed.
KEY_UP code, alt, control, shift, command The keyup event occurs when the key is released.


Type Properties Meaning
TIMER The timer event occurs when the timer clock.
COMPLETE The complete event occurs when the timer is completed.


BSD 3-Clause License (NOTICE)


This is a html5 video player for RTMP/FLV/fMP4/DASH/HLS live streaming.







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  • JavaScript 66.9%
  • CSS 25.9%
  • HTML 5.3%
  • Other 1.9%