A simple query string parser for zig.
- zig (
or newer)
Add kewpie as a dependency in your project using Zig's package manager
zig fetch --save git+https://github.com/weskoerber/kewpie.git#0.1.1
Add kewpie module to your
const kewpie = b.dependency("kewpie", .{ .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); exe.root_module.addImport("kewpie", kewpie.module("kewpie"));
Parse entire query string into a hash map
const std = @import("std"); const kewpie = @import("kewpie"); pub fn main() !void { var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){}; defer if (gpa.deinit() != .ok) @panic("leak"); const uri = try std.Uri.parse("https://example.com?hello=world"); const query_params = try kewpie.parse(gpa.allocator(), uri); defer query_params.deinit(); if (query_params.get("hello")) |value| { // `value` holds the value `world` // ... } }
Parse the query string into an iterator
const std = @import("std"); const kewpie = @import("kewpie"); pub fn main() !void { const uri = try std.Uri.parse("https://example.com?hello=world"); var query_params = kewpie.iter(uri); while (query_params.next()) |param| { // `param` holds a QueryParam struct // ... } }