scorch is a tool to catalog files and their hashes to help in discovering file corruption, missing files, duplicate files, etc.
usage: scorch [<options>] <instruction> [<directory>]
scorch (Silent CORruption CHecker) is a tool to catalog files, hash
digests, and other metadata to help in discovering file corruption,
missing files, duplicates, etc.
positional arguments:
instruction: * add: compute & store digests for found files
* append: compute & store digests for unhashed files
* backup: backs up selected database
* restore: restore backed up database
* list-backups: list database backups
* diff-backup: show diff between current & backup DB
* hashes: print available hash functions
* check: check stored info against files
* update: update metadata of changed files
* check+update: check and update if new
* cleanup: remove info of missing files
* delete: remove info for found files
* list: md5sum'ish compatible listing
* list-unhashed: list files not yet hashed
* list-missing: list files no longer on filesystem
* list-dups: list files w/ dup digests
* list-solo: list files w/ no dup digests
* list-failed: list files marked failed
* list-changed: list files marked changed
* in-db: show if files exist in DB
* found-in-db: print files found in DB
* notfound-in-db: print files not found in DB
directory: Directory or file to scan.
optional arguments:
-d, --db=: File to store digests and other metadata in. See
docs for info. (default: /var/tmp/scorch/scorch.db)
-v, --verbose: Make `instruction` more verbose. Actual behavior
depends on the instruction. Can be used multiple
-q, --quote: Shell quote/escape filenames when printed.
-r, --restrict=: * sticky: restrict scan to files with sticky bit
* readonly: restrict scan to readonly files
-f, --fnfilter=: Restrict actions to files which match regex.
-F, --negate-fnfilter Negate the fnfilter regex match.
-s, --sort=: Sorting routine on input & output. (default: natural)
* random: shuffled / random
* natural: human-friendly sort, ascending
* natural-desc: human-friendly sort, descending
* radix: RADIX sort, ascending
* radix-desc: RADIX sort, descending
* mtime: sort by file mtime, ascending
* mtime-desc: sort by file mtime, descending
* checked: sort by last time checked, ascending
* checked-desc: sort by last time checked, descending
-m, --maxactions=: Max actions before exiting. (default: maxint)
-M, --maxdata=: Max bytes to process before exiting. (default: maxint)
Can use 'K', 'M', 'G', 'T' suffix.
-T, --maxtime=: Max time to process before exiting. (default: maxint)
Can use 's', 'm', 'h', 'd' suffix.
-b, --break-on-error: Any error or digest mismatch will cause an exit.
-D, --diff-fields=: Fields to use to indicate a file has 'changed' (vs.
bitrot / modified) and should be rehashed.
Combine with ','. (default: size)
* size
* inode
* mtime
* mode
-H, --hash=: Hash algo. Use 'scorch hashes' get available algos.
(default: md5)
-h, --help: Print this message.
exit codes:
* 0 : success, behavior executed, something found
* 1 : processing error
* 2 : error with command line arguments
* 4 : hash mismatch
* 8 : found
* 16 : not found, nothing processed
* 32 : interrupted
The file is simply CSV compressed with gzip.
$ # file, hash:digest, size, mode, mtime, inode, state, checked
$ zcat /var/tmp/scorch/scorch.db
The 'state' value can be 'U' for unknown, 'C' for changed, 'F' for failed, or 'O' for OK.
The 'mtime' and 'checked' values are floating point seconds since epoch.
The --db
argument can take more than a path.
- /tmp/test/myfiles.db : Full path. Used as is.
- /tmp/test : If /tmp/test is a directory -> /tmp/test/scorch.db
- /tmp/test/ : Force interpretation as directory -> /tmp/test/scorch.db
- /tmp/test : /tmp/test is not a directory -> /tmp/test.db
- ./test : Prepend current working directory and same as above. Any relative path with a '/'.
- test : No forward slashes -> /var/tmp/scorch/test.db
If there is no extension then .db
will be added.
To simplify backing up the scorch database there is a backup command. Without a directory defined it will store the database to the same location as the database. If directories are added to the arguments then the database backup will be stored there.
$ scorch -v backup
$ scorch -v backup /tmp
$ scorch list-backups
$ scorch list-backups /tmp
$ scorch restore /tmp/scorch.db.backup_2019-07-29T02:36:12Z
$ ls -lh /tmp/files
total 0
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody nogroup 0 May 3 16:30 a
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody nogroup 0 May 3 16:30 b
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody nogroup 0 May 3 16:30 c
$ scorch -v -d /tmp/hash.db add /tmp/files
1/3 /tmp/files/c: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
2/3 /tmp/files/a: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
3/3 /tmp/files/b: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
$ scorch -v -d /tmp/hash.db check /tmp/files
1/3 /tmp/files/a: OK
2/3 /tmp/files/b: OK
3/3 /tmp/files/c: OK
$ echo asdf > /tmp/files/d
$ scorch -v -d /tmp/hash.db list-unhashed /tmp/files
$ scorch -v -d /tmp/hash.db append /tmp/files
1/1 /tmp/files/d: md5:2b00042f7481c7b056c4b410d28f33cf
$ scorch -d /tmp/hash.db list-dups /tmp/files
md5:d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /tmp/files/a /tmp/files/b /tmp/files/c
$ scorch -v -d /tmp/hash.db list-dups /tmp/files
- /tmp/files/a
- /tmp/files/b
- /tmp/files/c
$ echo foo > /tmp/files/a
$ scorch -v -d /tmp/hash.db check+update /tmp/files
1/4 /tmp/files/b: OK
2/4 /tmp/files/c: OK
3/3 /tmp/files/c: FILE CHANGED
- size: 0B -> 4B
- mtime: Tue Jan 1 16:23:57 2019 -> Tue Jan 1 16:24:09 2019
- hash: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e -> d3b07384d113edec49eaa6238ad5ff00
4/4 /tmp/files/d: OK
$ scorch -v -d /tmp/hash.db list /tmp/files | cut -d: -f2- | md5sum -c
/tmp/files/c: OK
/tmp/files/d: OK
/tmp/files/a: OK
/tmp/files/b: OK
A typical setup would probably be initialized manually by using add or append. After it's finished creating the database a cron job can be created to check, update, append, and cleanup the database. By not placing scorch into verbose mode only differences or failures will be printed and the output from the job running will be emailed to the user (if setup to do so).
scorch -M 128G -T 2h check+update /tmp/files
scorch append /tmp/files
scorch cleanup /tmp/files
- email: [email protected]
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This software is free to use and released under a very liberal license. That said if you like this software and would like to support its development donations are welcome.
- PayPal: [email protected]
- Patreon:
- Bitcoin (BTC): 1DfoUd2m5WCxJAMvcFuvDpT4DR2gWX2PWb
- Bitcoin Cash (BCH): qrf257j0l09yxty4kur8dk2uma8p5vntdcpks72l8z
- Ethereum (ETH): 0xb486C0270fF75872Fc51d85879b9c15C380E66CA
- Litecoin (LTC): LW1rvHRPWtm2NUEMhJpP4DjHZY1FaJ1WYs
- Basic Attention Token (BAT): 0xE651d4900B4C305284Da43E2e182e9abE149A87A
- Zcash (ZEC): t1ZwTgmbQF23DJrzqbAmw8kXWvU2xUkkhTt
- Zcoin (XZC): a8L5Vz35KdCQe7Y7urK2pcCGau7JsqZ5Gw