Explore the Electron.NET APIs
May 6, 2024 - HTML
ASP.NET is an open source web framework for building modern web apps and services with .NET. ASP.NET creates websites based on HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript that are simple, fast, and can scale to millions of users.
Explore the Electron.NET APIs
Auth0 Integration Samples for ASP.NET Core MVC Web Applications
This repository is obsolete. See README for details.
PKMDS: Pokémon Save Editor for Web
Most Powerful & Comprehensive Free Bootstrap 5 HTML ASPNET CORE MVC Admin Dashboard Template built for developers! 🚀
The world’s first ASP.NET Core CMS
Most Powerful & Comprehensive Free Bootstrap 5 HTML ASPNET CORE MVC Admin Dashboard Template built for developers! 🚀
Personal blog about web development based on .NET and .NET Core
Twilio Voice for .NET demos for JetBrains Webinar
This application demonstrates how to create a Dialer Blazor WASM component to make phone calls from the browser using Twilio's Programmable Voice service.
Um portfólio com dashboard administrativa
Murat Yücedag`ın udemy egitimi olan cv projesini izleyerek ve ekleme yaparak geliştiriyorum . Proje kapsamında Entity Framework Core | Repository Design Pattern | Unit of Work | Deploy | Fluent Validation | Api | Ve Daha Fazlasını ögreniyor ve uyguluyorum.
💧 IIS CGI Environment Variable Leakage Proof-of-Concept
Pushing UI changes from Blazor Server to browser on server raised events
This repo contains the codes of the web application of a personnel and internship tracking system.