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Tonder React Native SDK

Tonder React Native SDK helps integrate Tonder's payment services into your React Native application, providing secure and flexible payment processing capabilities.

Table of Contents


npm install
# OR
yarn add


  • react-native >= 0.70
  • react >= 16.8
  • react-native-svg >= 15.0.0
  • react-native-webview >= 13.6.0


The SDK supports three integration types:

  • SDKType.INLINE: Full payment UI with built-in components and features

    • Pre-built UI components
    • Saved cards management
    • Multiple payment methods support
    • Built-in error handling and validation
    • Customizable styling and layout
    • Input field event handling (onChange, onFocus, onBlur)
  • SDKType.LITE: Individual components for custom UI implementations

    • Secure input components for custom payment forms
    • Card enrollment and management
    • Payment method handling
    • Card tokenization and storage
    • Card deletion capabilities
    • Manual payment flow control
    • Flexible UI customization
    • Input field event handling (onChange, onFocus, onBlur)
    • Direct access to all SDK features:
      • Payment processing
      • Card saving
      • Card listing
      • Card deletion
      • Payment methods retrieval
  • SDKType.ENROLLMENT: Card saving functionality

    • Card tokenization
    • Card validation
    • Secure storage
    • Input field event handling (onChange, onFocus, onBlur)

Each type can be specified when initializing the SDK through the TonderProvider:

// Full Payment UI
    type: SDKType.INLINE,
    mode: 'development',
    apiKey: 'your-api-key',
  <YourApp />

// Custom UI with Individual Components
    type: SDKType.LITE,
    mode: 'development',
    apiKey: 'your-api-key',
  <YourApp />

// Card Enrollment
    type: SDKType.ENROLLMENT,
    mode: 'development',
    apiKey: 'your-api-key',
  <YourApp />

Secure token

For card-related operations (save, list, delete), you need a secure token. This should be obtained through your backend for security:

Important Note about SaveCard functionality: To properly implement the SaveCard feature, you must use a SecureToken. For detailed implementation instructions and best practices, please refer to our official documentation on How to use SecureToken for secure card saving.

Important: Never expose your API secret key in frontend code. It is recommended to implement token generation in your backend.

const getSecureToken = async (apiSecretKey: string) => {
  const response = await fetch(
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Authorization': `Token ${'YOUR-SECRET-API-KEY'}`,
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',

  const data = await response.json();
  return data.access;


Provider Setup

First, wrap your application or payment screen with the TonderProvider:

import { TonderProvider, SDKType } from '';

function App() {
  return (
        type: SDKType.INLINE,  // or SDKType.LITE or SDKType.ENROLLMENT
        mode: 'development', // or production
        apiKey: 'your-api-key',
      <YourApp />

Full Payment Integration

The Full Payment integration provides a complete pre-built UI for payment processing Before create the mobile SDK, your checkout page should:

  • Obtain the security token for card functionalities (save, delete, list).
  • Show the products being purchased and the total amount
  • Collect any required customer information
import {
} from '';

export default function FullPaymentScreen() {
  const { create, reset } = useTonder<SDKType.INLINE>();

  const paymentData: IBaseProcessPaymentRequest = {
    customer: {
      email: '[email protected]',
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe',
    cart: {
      total: 399,
      items: [{
        name: 'Product',
        amount_total: 399,
        description: 'Description',
        price_unit: 399,
        quantity: 1,

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const initializePayment = async () => {
    const { error } = await create({
      secureToken: 'your-secure-token',
      callbacks: {
        onFinishPayment: handlePaymentFinish

    if (error) {
      console.error('SDK initialization error:', error);

  const callbackFinish = async (response) => {
    console.log('FINISH PAYMENT ===== ', response);

    // Reset the state and regenerate the SDK to use it again.
    await initializePayment();

  return (
      <TonderPayment />

Lite Payment Integration

The Lite Payment integration provides individual components for a custom payment UI. Before create the mobile SDK, your checkout page should:

  • Obtain the security token for card functionalities (save, delete, list).
  • Show the products being purchased and the total amount
  • Collect any required customer information
import {
} from '';

export default function LitePaymentScreen() {
  const { create, payment } = useTonder<SDKType.LITE>();

  const paymentData = {
    customer: {
      email: '[email protected]',
      firstName: 'John',
      lastName: 'Doe',
    cart: {
      total: 399,
      items: [{
        name: 'Product',
        amount_total: 399,
        description: 'Description',
        price_unit: 399,
        quantity: 1,

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const initializePayment = async () => {
    const { error } = await create({
      secureToken: 'your-secure-token',
      customization: {
        saveCards: {
          autoSave: false,

    if (error) {
      console.error('SDK initialization error:', error);

  const handlePayment = async () => {
    const { response, error } = await payment();
    if (error) {
      console.error('Payment error:', error);
    console.log('Payment success:', response);

  return (
      <CardHolderInput />
      <CardNumberInput />
      <CardExpirationMonthInput />
      <CardExpirationYearInput />
      <CardCVVInput />
      <TouchableOpacity onPress={handlePayment}>

Card Enrollment Integration

For saving cards without processing payments. Before create the mobile SDK, your checkout page should:

  • Obtain the security token for card functionalities (save, delete, list).
  • Collect any required customer information
import {
} from '';

export default function EnrollmentScreen() {
  const { create, reset } = useTonder<SDKType.ENROLLMENT>();

  const customerData: ICustomer = {
    email: '[email protected]',
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const initializeEnrollment = async () => {
    const { error } = await create({
      secureToken: 'your-secure-token',
      customer: customerData,
      callbacks: {
        onFinishSave: handleSaveFinish

    if (error) {
      console.error('Enrollment initialization error:', error);

  const handleSaveFinish = async (response) => {
    console.log('Card saved successfully:', response);
    // Reset the state and regenerate the SDK to use it again
    await initializeEnrollment();

  return (
      <TonderEnrollment />

Card Enrollment Lite Integration

For saving cards with individual components, before create the mobile SDK, your checkout page should:

  • Obtain the security token for card functionalities (save, delete, list).
  • Collect any required customer information:
import {
} from '';

export default function EnrollmentLiteScreen() {
  const { create, saveCustomerCard, reset } = useTonder<SDKType.ENROLLMENT>();

  const customerData: ICustomer = {
    email: '[email protected]',
    firstName: 'John',
    lastName: 'Doe'

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  const initializeEnrollment = async () => {
    const { error } = await create({
      secureToken: 'your-secure-token',
      customer: customerData,

    if (error) {
      console.error('Enrollment initialization error:', error);

  const handleSaveCard = async () => {
    try {
      const { response, error } = await saveCustomerCard();
      if (error) {
        console.error('Error saving card:', error);
      console.log('Card saved successfully:', response);

      // Reset and reinitialize for next use
      await initializeEnrollment();
    } catch (e) {
      console.error('Unexpected error:', e);

  return (
          <CardHolderInput />
          <CardNumberInput />
          <CardExpirationMonthInput />
          <CardExpirationYearInput />
          <CardCVVInput />
              <Text>Save Card</Text>


Base Configuration

Property Type Required Description
mode 'development' | 'production' | 'sandbox' Yes Environment mode for the SDK
apiKey string Yes Your Tonder Public API key
type SDKType Yes Integration type (INLINE or LITE or ENROLLMENT)
returnURL string No URL for 3DS redirect completion
View Interface Definition
interface ISDKBaseConfig {
  mode: 'development' | 'production' | 'sandbox';
  apiKey: string;
  type: SDKType;
  returnURL?: string;

Inline Options

Provide this information when calling the create function.

Option Type Required Description
paymentData IBaseProcessPaymentRequest Yes Payment information including customer and cart data
customization IInlineCustomizationOptions No UI customization options
callbacks IInlineCallbacks No Payment process callback functions
events IEvents No Event handlers for card form input fields (onChange, onFocus, onBlur)
returnURL string No URL for 3D Secure redirect completion
View IInlineCheckoutOptions Interface
interface IInlineCheckoutOptions extends IBaseCreateOptions {
  paymentData: IBaseProcessPaymentRequest;
  customization?: IInlineCustomizationOptions;
  callbacks?: IInlineCallbacks;
  events?: IEvents;
  returnURL?: string;

Lite Options

Provide this information when calling the create function.

Option Type Required Description
paymentData IProcessPaymentRequest Yes Payment information including customer and cart data
customization ILiteCustomizationOptions No UI customization options
callbacks ILiteCallbacks No Payment process callback functions
returnURL string No URL for 3D Secure redirect completion
View IInlineCheckoutOptions Interface
interface ILiteCheckoutOptions extends IBaseCreateOptions {
  paymentData: IProcessPaymentRequest;
  customization?: ILiteCustomizationOptions;
  callbacks?: ILiteCallbacks;
  returnURL?: string;

Enrollment Options

Provide this information when calling the create function.

Option Type Required Description
customer ICustomer Yes Customer information
customization IEnrollmentCustomizationOptions No UI customization options
events IEvents No Event handlers for card form input fields (onChange, onFocus, onBlur)
callbacks IEnrollmentCallbacks No Enrollment process callback functions
View IInlineCheckoutOptions Interface
export interface IEnrollmentOptions extends IBaseCreateOptions {
  customer?: ICustomer;
  customization?: IEnrollmentCustomizationOptions;
  callbacks?: IEnrollmentCallbacks;
  events?: IEvents;

Inline Callbacks Structure

Callback Parameters Description Return
beforePayment none Called before the payment process begins. You can use this to show a loading state, validate additional data, or perform any pre-payment tasks. Promise
onFinishPayment response: IBaseResponse<ITransaction> Called when the payment process completes (success or error). Provides the transaction result or error details. Promise
beforeDeleteCard none Called before the delete card process begins. You can use this to show a loading state, validate additional data, or perform any pre-delete tasks. Promise
onFinishDeleteCard response: IBaseResponse<string> Called when the delete card process completes (success or error). Promise
View Callback Interface
export interface IInlineCallbacks {
  beforePayment?: () => Promise<void>;
  onFinishPayment?: (response: IBaseResponse<ITransaction>) => Promise<void>;
  beforeDeleteCard?: () => Promise<void>;
  onFinishDeleteCard?: (response: IBaseResponse<string>) => Promise<void>;

Lite Callbacks Structure

Callback Parameters Description Return
beforePayment none Called before the payment process begins. You can use this to show a loading state, validate additional data, or perform any pre-payment tasks. Promise
onFinishPayment response: IBaseResponse<ITransaction> Called when the payment process completes (success or error). Provides the transaction result or error details. Promise
View Callback Interface
export interface ILiteCallbacks {
  beforePayment?: () => Promise<void>;
  onFinishPayment?: (response: IBaseResponse<ITransaction>) => Promise<void>;

Enrollment Callbacks Structure

Callback Parameters Description Return
beforeSave none Called before the save card process begins. You can use this to show a loading state, validate additional data, or perform any pre-save-card tasks. Promise
onFinishSave response: IBaseResponse<ISaveCardResponse> Called when the save card process completes (success or error). Provides the transaction result or error details. Promise
View Callback Interface
export interface IEnrollmentCallbacks {
  beforeSave?: () => Promise<void>;
  onFinishSave?: (response: IBaseResponse<ISaveCardResponse>) => Promise<void>;

Payment Data Structure

Customer Information

Field Type Required Description
email string Yes Customer's email address
firstName string Yes Customer's first name
lastName string Yes Customer's last name
phone string No Customer's contact phone number
address string No Customer's street address
city string No Customer's city
state string No Customer's state/province
country string No Customer's country
postCode string No Customer's postal/ZIP code

Cart Information

Field Type Required Description
total number Yes Total amount of the transaction
items Array<IItem> Yes Array of items in the cart
metadata Record<string, any> No Additional custom data for the transaction
currency string No Currency code (default: MXN)

Cart Item Structure

Field Type Required Description
name string Yes Product name
amount_total number Yes Total amount for this item (quantity Ă— price)
description string Yes Product description
price_unit number Yes Unit price of the product
product_reference string Yes Unique identifier for the product
quantity number Yes Number of units
discount number No Discount amount applied
taxes number No Tax amount applied

Additional fields for LITE VERSION

Field Type Required Description
card string no The ID of the card selected by the user.
payment_method string no The payment method selected by the user.
View Complete Payment Data Interface
interface IBaseProcessPaymentRequest {
  customer: {
    email: string;
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    phone?: string;
    address?: string;
    city?: string;
    state?: string;
    country?: string;
    postCode?: string;
  cart: {
    total: number;
    items: Array<{
      name: string;
      amount_total: number;
      description: string;
      price_unit: number;
      product_reference: string;
      quantity: number;
      discount?: number;
      taxes?: number;
  metadata?: Record<string, any>;
  currency?: string;

interface IProcessPaymentRequest {
  customer: {
    email: string;
    firstName: string;
    lastName: string;
    phone?: string;
    address?: string;
    city?: string;
    state?: string;
    country?: string;
    postCode?: string;
  cart: {
    total: number;
    items: Array<{
      name: string;
      amount_total: number;
      description: string;
      price_unit: number;
      product_reference: string;
      quantity: number;
      discount?: number;
      taxes?: number;
  metadata?: Record<string, any>;
  currency?: string;
  card?: string;
  payment_method?: string;

Customization Options for Inline Version

Option Type Default Description
saveCards.showSaveCardOption boolean true Shows a checkbox allowing users to choose whether to save their card for future purchases
saveCards.showSaved boolean true Displays a list of previously saved cards for the customer
saveCards.autoSave boolean false Automatically saves the card without showing the save option to the user
saveCards.showDeleteOption boolean true Shows a delete button for each saved card in the list
paymentButton boolean true Controls the visibility of the payment button
paymentButton.text string 'Pagar' Custom text to display on the payment button
paymentButton.showAmount boolean true Shows the payment amount on the button (e.g., "Pay $100")
paymentMethods boolean true Controls the visibility of alternative payment methods section
cardForm boolean true Controls the visibility of the card input form
showMessages boolean true Controls the visibility of error and success messages
labels object - Custom labels for form fields (see Form Labels)
placeholders object - Custom placeholder text for form inputs (see Form Placeholders)
styles object - Custom styles for UI components (see Styling section)
View Interface Definition
interface IInlineCustomizationOptions {
  saveCards?: {
    showSaveCardOption?: boolean;
    showSaved?: boolean;
    autoSave?: boolean;
    showDeleteOption?: boolean;
  paymentButton?: {
    show?: boolean;
    text?: string;
    showAmount?: boolean;
  paymentMethods?: {
    show?: boolean;
  cardForm?: {
    show?: boolean;
  showMessages?: boolean;
  labels?: IFormLabels;
  placeholders?: IFormPlaceholder;
  styles?: IStyles;

Customization Options for Lite Version

Option Type Default Description
saveCards.autoSave boolean false Automatically saves the card without showing the save option to the user
View Interface Definition
interface ILiteCustomizationOptions {
  saveCards?: {
    autoSave?: boolean;

Customization Options for Enrollment Version

Option Type Default Description
saveButton boolean true Controls the visibility of the save button
saveButton.text string 'Guardar' Custom text to display on the save button
showMessages boolean true Controls the visibility of error and success messages
labels object - Custom labels for form fields (see Form Labels)
placeholders object - Custom placeholder text for form inputs (see Form Placeholders)
styles object - Custom styles for UI components (see Styling section)
View Interface Definition
interface IEnrollmentCustomizationOptions {
  paymentButton?: {
    show?: boolean;
    text?: string;
  showMessages?: boolean;
  labels?: IFormLabels;
  placeholders?: IFormPlaceholder;
  styles?: IStyles;

Form Labels & Placeholders

These options allow you to customize the text of the labels and placeholders for the form fields.

Note: For the Lite version, you can pass the respective values directly when using Tonder's inputs.

Form Labels

Customization of field labels:

Property Type Default Description
name string "Titular de la tarjeta" Label for the cardholder's name field.
cardNumber string "NĂşmero de tarjeta" Label for the card number field.
cvv string "CVV" Label for the security code field.
expiryDate string "Fecha de expiraciĂłn" Label for the expiration date fields.
saveCardFuturePayment string "Guardar tarjeta para futuros pagos" Label for the save card for future payments.
saveCardCheckedIcon string "âś“" Label for checked icon of the save card for future payments checkbox.
expirationCard string "Exp." Label for the expiration card text.
payWithCard string "Pagar con tarjeta" Label for pay with card option.
View Form Labels Interface
interface IFormLabels {
 name?: string;
 cardNumber?: string;
 cvv?: string;
 expiryDate?: string;
 saveCardFuturePayment?: string;
 saveCardCheckedIcon?: string;
 expirationCard?: string;
 payWithCard?: string;

Form Placeholders

Customization of field placeholder:

Property Type Default Description
name string "Nombre como aparece en la tarjeta" Placeholder for the cardholder's name field.
cardNumber string "1234 1234 1234 1234" Placeholder for the card number field.
cvv string "3-4 dĂ­gitos" Placeholder for the security code field.
expiryMonth string "MM" Placeholder for the expiration month field.
expiryYear string "AA" Placeholder for the expiration year field.
View Form Placeholders Interface
interface IFormPlaceholder {
 name?: string;
 cardNumber?: string;
 cvv?: string;
 expiryMonth?: string;
 expiryYear?: string;



Pre-built Components

The SDK provides two main pre-built components for full integrations:

  • TonderPayment: Complete payment form with built-in card management, payment methods, and validations (INLINE)
  • TonderEnrollment: Complete card enrollment form for saving cards (ENROLLMENT)

Individual Components

All individual components are available for LITE integrations. Each component includes built-in validations and secure data handling:

  • CardCVVInput
  • CardHolderInput
  • CardNumberInput
  • CardExpirationDateInput
  • CardExpirationMonthInput
  • CardExpirationYearInput

API Reference

Hook: useTonder

The SDK provides a custom hook for accessing SDK functionality based on the integration type.

const sdk = useTonder<SDKType>();

Common Methods

All SDK integrations (INLINE, LITE, ENROLLMENT) share these base methods:

  • create: Initializes the SDK with configuration.
  • reset: Resets the SDK state to its initial values and cleans up resources.
const {create, reset} = useTonder<SDKType>();


The INLINE integration provides methods for handling full payment processing with built-in UI components.

  • payment: Processes a payment using the configured payment data.
const {create, payment, reset } = useTonder<SDKType.INLINE>();

Note: The payment function It is only necessary when you want to control the payment button on your own. Additionally, if there are any changes to the payment or customer data, you can pass the updated data again when calling the function.

Note: For card methods, it is necessary to obtain and use your secure token when calling the create function.

Example with custom payment button

export default function FullPaymentButtonScreen() {
  const { create, payment } = useTonder<SDKType.INLINE>();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  const createSDK = async () => {
    const { error } = await create({
      secureToken: 'your-secure-token',
      paymentData: { ...paymentData },
      customization: {
        paymentButton: {
          show: false, // hide default button

    if (error) {
      // Manage error
      console.error('Error creating SDK', error);

  const handlePayment = async () => {
    const { response, error } = await payment();

    if (error) {
      console.error('Error payment: ', error);
    console.log('Response payment: ', response);

  return (
        <TonderPayment />
        {/*Custom button*/}
        <TouchableOpacity onPress={handlePayment}>

LITE SDK Methods

The LITE integration provides full control over the payment flow with individual components and direct access to all SDK functionalities.

  • payment: Processes a payment using the configured payment data.
  • saveCustomerCard: Tokenizes and saves the current card information.
  • getCustomerCards: Retrieves the list of saved cards for the customer.
  • getPaymentMethods: Retrieves available payment methods.
  • removeCustomerCard: Deletes a saved card.

Note: If there are any changes to the payment or customer data, you can pass the updated data again when calling the payment function**.

Note: For card methods, it is necessary to obtain and use your secure token when calling the create function.

const { create, payment, saveCustomerCard, getCustomerCards,
        removeCustomerCard, getPaymentMethods, reset } = useTonder<SDKType.LITE>();

Enrollment SDK Methods

The ENROLLMENT integration provides methods for handling full enrollment with built-in UI components.

  • saveCustomerCard: Tokenizes and saves the current card information.

Note: The saveCustomerCard It is only necessary when you want to control the enrollment button on your own.

Note: For card methods, it is necessary to obtain and use your secure token when calling the create function.

const { create, saveCustomerCard, reset } = useTonder<SDKType.LITE>();

Example with custom button

export default function EnrollmentButtonScreen() {
  const { create, saveCustomerCard } = useTonder<SDKType.ENROLLMENT>();

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [])

  const createSDK = async (token) => {
    const { error } = await create({
      secureToken: token,
      customer: { ...customerData },
      customization: {
        saveButton: {
          show: false, // hidde default button

    if (error) {
      // Manage error
      console.error('Error creating SDK', error);

  const handleSaveCard = async () => {
    const { response, error } = await saveCustomerCard();
    if (error) {
      //Manage error
      console.error('Error save: ', error);
    console.log('Response save: ', response);

  return (
    <SafeAreaView style={styles.safeArea}>
        <TonderEnrollment />
        {/*Custom button*/}


The SDK provides event handling capabilities for card form input fields, supporting both Full/Enrollment SDK and Lite SDK implementations.

Note: Values of TonderInputs will be returned in element state object only in Develop environment, but in case of CARD_NUMBER type element when the environment is production for all the card types except AMEX, it will return first eight digits, for AMEX it will return first six digits and rest all digits in masked format.

Event Types

Each event object supports:

  • onChange: Called when input value changes
  • onFocus: Called when input receives focus
  • onBlur: Called when input loses focus
View Interface
export interface IEvents {
  onChange?: (event: IEventSecureInput) => void;
  onFocus?: (event: IEventSecureInput) => void;
  onBlur?: (event: IEventSecureInput) => void;

Input event properties

Property Type Description
elementType string Type of input element (e.g. 'CARDHOLDER_NAME', 'CARD_NUMBER', 'EXPIRATION_YEAR', 'EXPIRATION_MONTH', 'CVV')
isEmpty boolean Whether the input field has a value
isFocused boolean Whether the input field currently has focus
isValid boolean Whether the input value passes validation rules
value string Current value of the input field
View Interface
export interface IEventSecureInput {
  elementType: string;
  isEmpty: boolean;
  isFocused: boolean;
  isValid: boolean;
  value: string;

Full/Enrollment SDK Events

Events are configured during SDK initialization.

Available Events

Event Object Description
cardHolderEvents Events for cardholder name input
cardNumberEvents Events for card number input
cvvEvents Events for CVV input
monthEvents Events for expiration month input
yearEvents Events for expiration year input
View Interface
export interface IEvents {
  cardHolderEvents?: IEvents;
  cardNumberEvents?: IEvents;
  cvvEvents?: IEvents;
  monthEvents?: IEvents;
  yearEvents?: IEvents;


const { create } = useTonder<SDKType.INLINE>();

const { error } = await create({
  secureToken: 'your-secure-token',
  paymentData: { ...paymentData },
  events: {
    cardHolderEvents: {
      onChange: (event) => console.log('Card holder changed:', event),
      onFocus: (event) => console.log('Card holder focused:', event),
      onBlur: (event) => console.log('Card holder blurred:', event)
    cardNumberEvents: {
      onChange: (event) => console.log('Card number changed:', event)
    // ... other input events

Lite SDK Events

For Lite SDK implementations, events are passed directly to individual input components.

View Interface
export interface InputProps extends IEvents {
  label?: string;
  placeholder?: string;
  style?: IElementStyle;


    onChange={(event) => console.log('Card holder changed:', event)}
    onFocus={(event) => console.log('Card holder focused:', event)}
    onBlur={(event) => console.log('Card holder blurred:', event)}

    onChange={(event) => console.log('Card number changed:', event)}


The SDK provides flexible styling options to customize the appearance of the components.

Note: For the Lite version, you can pass the respective values directly when using Tonder's inputs.

View Interface
export interface IStyles {
  sdkCard?: StylesBaseVariant;
  cardForm?: StylesBaseVariant & IElementStyle;
  paymentMethods?: StylesSelectVariant;
  savedCards?: StylesSavedCardsVariant;
  paymentRadio?: StylesSelectVariant;
  paymentButton?: StylesBaseVariant;
  errorMessage?: StylesBaseVariant;
  successMessage?: StylesBaseVariant;

Inline & Enrollment Styling

The style customization for Full integrations (INLINE and ENROLLMENT) is done through a styles object in the SDK configuration.

Component Description Properties
sdkCard Main container of the SDK base: StylesBaseVariant
cardForm Card form section - base: StylesBaseVariant
- inputStyles: CollectInputStylesVariant
- labelStyles: CollectInputStylesVariant
- errorStyles:StylesBaseVariant
- saveCardOption:StylesCheckboxVariant
savedCards Saved cards list section - base: StylesBaseVariant
- radioBase: StylesBaseVariant
- radioInner: StylesBaseVariant
- radioSelected: StylesBaseVariant
- cardIcon: StylesBaseVariant
- deleteButton: StylesBaseVariant
-deteleIcon: StylesBaseVariant
paymentMethods Payment methods section - base: StylesBaseVariant
- radioBase: StylesBaseVariant
- radioInner: StylesBaseVariant
- radioSelected: StylesBaseVariant
paymentRadio Payment method selector - base: StylesBaseVariant
- radioBase: StylesBaseVariant
- radioInner: StylesBaseVariant
- radioSelected: StylesBaseVariant
paymentButton Payment button base: StylesBaseVariant
errorMessage Error message display base: TextStyle
successMessage Success message display base: TextStyle
skeletonCard Skeleton - base: StylesBaseVariant
- fullField: StylesBaseVariant
- compactField: StylesBaseVariant
- compactRow: StylesBaseVariant
- animatedBGColors: [string, string]

Full customization example

const styles = {
  sdkCard: {
    base: {
      backgroundColor: '#f9f9f9',
      borderRadius: 10,
      padding: 16,
      boxShadow: '0px 4px 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)',
  cardForm: {
    base: {
      backgroundColor: '#ffffff',
      borderRadius: 10,
      padding: 16,
      borderWidth: 1,
      borderColor: '#e3e3e3',
      marginVertical: 8,
    inputStyles: {
      base: {
        borderWidth: 1,
        borderColor: '#cccccc',
        borderRadius: 6,
        padding: 12,
        fontSize: 16,
        marginBottom: 10,
        color: '#333',
    labelStyles: {
      base: {
        fontSize: 14,
        color: '#666',
        marginBottom: 6,
    saveCardOption: {
      base: {
        marginTop: 15,
        color: '#4a4a4a',
      checkboxBase: {
        borderColor: '#4a4a4a',
      checkboxCheckedBase: {
        backgroundColor: '#35c6c1',
      checkedIcon: {
        color: '#2c2929',
  savedCards: {
    base: {
      backgroundColor: '#f9f9f9',
      borderRadius: 8,
      padding: 10,
      marginVertical: 6,
      borderWidth: 1,
      borderColor: '#e3e3e3',
    cardItem: {
      base: {
        borderBottomColor: '#e2e8f0',
  paymentRadio: {
    base: {
      flexDirection: 'row',
      alignItems: 'center',
      padding: 10,
      backgroundColor: '#f9f9f9',
      borderRadius: 8,
      borderWidth: 1,
      borderColor: '#e3e3e3',
  paymentButton: {
    base: {
      backgroundColor: '#007AFF',
      paddingVertical: 15,
      paddingHorizontal: 20,
      borderRadius: 8,
      alignItems: 'center',
      fontSize: 18,
      color: '#fff',
      fontWeight: '600',
  paymentMethods: {
    base: {
      paddingVertical: 10,
      backgroundColor: '#f9f9f9',
    radioBase: {
      width: 20,
      height: 20,
      borderRadius: 10,
      borderWidth: 2,
      borderColor: '#007AFF',
      marginHorizontal: 10,
  successMessage: {
    base: {
      color: '#28a745',
      fontWeight: '600',
      fontSize: 16,
      textAlign: 'center',
      marginTop: 20,
  errorMessage: {
    base: {
      color: '#9a0832',
      fontWeight: '600',
      fontSize: 16,
      textAlign: 'center',
      marginTop: 20,
  skeletonCard: {
    base: {
      backgroundColor: '#F9F9F9',
    fullField: {
      base: {
        borderRadius: 8,
    animatedBGColors: ['#e0e0e0', '#c8c7c7'],

const { create } = useTonder<SDKType.INLINE>();

 const { error } = await create({
      secureToken: 'your-secure-token',
      paymentData: { ...paymentData },
      customization: {
        saveCards: {
          showSaveCardOption: true,
          showSaved: true,
        paymentButton: {
          show: true,
          showAmount: false,
        labels: {
          name: 'Cardholder Name',
          cvv: 'CVV',
          cardNumber: 'Card Number',
          expiryDate: 'Expiration Date',
        placeholders: {
          cvv: '123',
          name: 'John Doe',
          cardNumber: '4242 4242 4242 4242',
          expiryMonth: 'MM',
          expiryYear: 'YY',
        styles: styles,
      callbacks: {
        onFinishPayment: callbackFinish,

Lite Styling

The individual components of the LITE integration accept custom styles through the style prop. Each component can be styled independently

View Interface
export interface InputProps {
  label?: string;
  placeholder?: string;
  style?: IElementStyle;
interface IElementStyle {
  inputStyles: {
    base?: ViewStyle & TextStyle;
    focus?: Record<string, any>;
    complete?: Record<string, any>;
    invalid?: Record<string, any>;
    empty?: Record<string, any>;
    container?: Record<string, any>;
  labelStyles: {
    base?: TextStyle;
    requiredAsterisk?: Record<string, any>;
    focus?: Record<string, any>;
  errorStyles?: {
    base: TextStyle;

Lite customization example

    placeholder="1234 5678 9012 3456"

const inputStyles = {
  base: {
    backgroundColor: 'transparent',
    borderBottomColor: '#cbd5e1',
    borderBottomWidth: 1,
    paddingVertical: 8,
    fontSize: 16,
    color: '#111827',
    marginBottom: 15,
  focus: {
    borderBottomColor: '#0ea5e9',
    boxShadow: '0 0 0 4px rgba(14, 165, 233, 0.2)',

const labelStyles = {
  base: {
    fontSize: 14,
    color: '#6b7280',
    marginBottom: 5,

const errorStyles = {
  base: {
    color: '#ef4444',
    fontSize: 12,
    marginTop: 4,


Check the /example directory in the repository for complete implementation examples:

  • Full Payment Implementation
  • Lite Payment Implementation
  • Card Enrollment Implementation
  • Examples with custom configurations and styles