A Go wrapper for the Rust library aho-corasick.
A library for finding occurrences of many patterns at once with SIMD acceleration in some cases. This library provides multiple pattern search principally through an implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm, which builds a finite state machine for executing searches in linear time. Features include case insensitive matching, overlapping matches, fast searching via SIMD and optional full DFA construction and search & replace in streams.
Dual-licensed under MIT or the UNLICENSE.
To build this package, you will need to have Rust installed. The minimum supported version of Rust is 1.60.0. You can install Rust by following the instructions at https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install.
Once Rust is installed, you can install this package with:
# Build the FFI bindings
git clone [email protected]:tmikus/aho-corasick-ffi.git
cargo build --release --manifest-path aho-corasick-ffi/Cargo.toml
# Configure env variables for the Go build. This is necessary so that the Go linker can find the Rust library.
export CGO_LDFLAGS="-L$(pwd)/aho-corasick-ffi/target/release"
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(pwd)/aho-corasick-ffi/target/release"
# Install the Go package
go get -t github.com/tmikus/ahocorasick_rs
# Optional: Run the tests
go test github.com/tmikus/ahocorasick_rs
This example shows how to search for occurrences of multiple patterns simultaneously. Each match includes the pattern that matched along with the byte offsets of the match.
package main
import (
func main() {
patterns := []string{"apple", "maple", "Snapple"}
haystack := "Nobody likes maple in their apple flavored Snapple."
ac := ahocorasick_rs.NewAhoCorasick(patterns)
for _, match := range ac.FindAll(haystack) {
fmt.Println(match.PatternIndex, match.Start, match.End)
// Output:
// 1, 13, 18
// 0, 28, 33
// 2, 43, 50
This is like the previous example, but matches Snapple
case insensitively using AhoCorasickBuilder
package main
import (
func main() {
patterns := []string{"apple", "maple", "snapple"}
haystack := "Nobody likes maple in their apple flavored Snapple."
ac := ahocorasick_rs.NewAhoCorasickBuilder().SetAsciiCaseInsensitive(true).Build(patterns)
for _, match := range ac.FindAll(haystack) {
fmt.Println(match.PatternIndex, match.Start, match.End)
// Output:
// 1, 13, 18
// 0, 28, 33
// 2, 43, 50
In the textbook description of Aho-Corasick, its formulation is typically structured such that it reports all possible matches, even when they overlap with another. In many cases, overlapping matches may not be desired, such as the case of finding all successive non-overlapping matches like you might with a standard regular expression.
Unfortunately the "obvious" way to modify the Aho-Corasick algorithm to do
this doesn't always work in the expected way, since it will report matches as
soon as they are seen. For example, consider matching the regex Samwise|Sam
against the text Samwise
. Most regex engines (that are Perl-like, or
non-POSIX) will report Samwise
as a match, but the standard Aho-Corasick
algorithm modified for reporting non-overlapping matches will report Sam
A novel contribution of this library is the ability to change the match
semantics of Aho-Corasick (without additional search time overhead) such that
is reported instead. For example, here's the standard approach:
package main
import (
func main() {
patterns := []string{"Samwise", "Sam"}
haystack := "Samwise"
ac := ahocorasick_rs.NewAhoCorasick(patterns)
match := ac.FindFirst(haystack)
// Output:
// Sam
And now here's the leftmost-first version, which matches how a Perl-like regex will work:
package main
import (
func main() {
patterns := []string{"Samwise", "Sam"}
haystack := "Samwise"
ac := ahocorasick_rs.NewAhoCorasickBuilder().SetMatchKind(matchkind.LeftMostFirst).Build(patterns)
match := ac.FindFirst(haystack)
// Output:
// Samwise
In addition to leftmost-first semantics, this library also supports
leftmost-longest semantics, which match the POSIX behavior of a regular
expression alternation. See MatchKind
in the docs for more details.
The benchmark below was executed on Macbook Pro M1 Max using https://github.com/BobuSumisu/aho-corasick-benchmark. Please note, that the benchmark below sends a rather large input to the library, which might give an unfair advantage to my library. This is because this library uses CGO, which means that the input is copied from Go to Rust and back. This is not the case for the other libraries, and they all run natively in Go without paying the penalty of crossing the FFI boundary.
name patterns build search matches alloc
anknown 1000 0.70ms 2.33ms 407 0.06GiB
bobusumisu 1000 0.69ms 0.52ms 407 0.07GiB
cloudflare 1000 7.91ms 0.23ms 9 0.12GiB
iohub 1000 0.35ms 0.39ms 407 0.12GiB
tmikus 1000 1.30ms 0.24ms 388 0.12GiB
anknown 2000 1.37ms 2.19ms 413 0.12GiB
bobusumisu 2000 1.56ms 0.52ms 413 0.13GiB
cloudflare 2000 14.55ms 0.22ms 13 0.23GiB
iohub 2000 0.70ms 0.40ms 413 0.23GiB
tmikus 2000 1.77ms 0.21ms 388 0.23GiB
anknown 4000 2.73ms 2.25ms 1429 0.24GiB
bobusumisu 4000 2.92ms 0.56ms 1429 0.26GiB
cloudflare 4000 24.54ms 0.26ms 45 0.45GiB
iohub 4000 1.36ms 0.46ms 1429 0.45GiB
tmikus 4000 3.00ms 0.23ms 972 0.45GiB
anknown 8000 5.83ms 2.34ms 3485 0.46GiB
bobusumisu 8000 9.72ms 0.64ms 3485 0.50GiB
cloudflare 8000 44.93ms 0.30ms 86 0.89GiB
iohub 8000 2.95ms 0.59ms 3485 0.89GiB
tmikus 8000 5.57ms 0.27ms 2303 0.89GiB
anknown 16000 14.93ms 3.53ms 7977 0.92GiB
bobusumisu 16000 13.26ms 0.88ms 7977 0.98GiB
cloudflare 16000 87.66ms 0.34ms 173 1.77GiB
iohub 16000 5.78ms 0.93ms 7977 1.78GiB
tmikus 16000 10.88ms 0.34ms 5203 1.78GiB
anknown 32000 26.44ms 2.61ms 10025 1.83GiB
bobusumisu 32000 24.65ms 0.97ms 10025 1.97GiB
cloudflare 32000 167.58ms 0.40ms 262 3.50GiB
iohub 32000 11.84ms 1.29ms 10025 3.52GiB
tmikus 32000 21.43ms 0.40ms 6280 3.52GiB
anknown 64000 59.53ms 3.38ms 12505 3.61GiB
bobusumisu 64000 51.98ms 1.08ms 12505 3.88GiB
cloudflare 64000 337.31ms 0.52ms 526 6.85GiB
iohub 64000 25.74ms 1.29ms 12505 6.89GiB
tmikus 64000 42.25ms 0.49ms 7165 6.89GiB
anknown 128000 153.10ms 5.02ms 39334 7.09GiB
bobusumisu 128000 119.86ms 2.44ms 39334 7.61GiB
cloudflare 128000 742.37ms 1.22ms 1141 13.46GiB
iohub 128000 53.16ms 3.83ms 39300 13.54GiB
tmikus 128000 92.45ms 1.07ms 21913 13.54GiB
anknown 256000 333.36ms 8.87ms 59391 13.94GiB
bobusumisu 256000 211.83ms 3.83ms 59391 14.99GiB
cloudflare 256000 2116.44ms 1.95ms 2243 26.84GiB
iohub 256000 117.91ms 5.95ms 58923 26.98GiB
tmikus 256000 199.62ms 1.45ms 29451 27.00GiB
anknown 512000 891.87ms 9.07ms 94000 27.91GiB
bobusumisu 512000 503.17ms 6.15ms 94000 29.99GiB
cloudflare 512000 3571.78ms 3.12ms 4490 53.68GiB
iohub 512000 253.09ms 10.73ms 91986 53.97GiB
tmikus 512000 467.33ms 2.17ms 38269 54.00GiB
To better showcase the differences between these implementations I prepared a modified version of the benchmark, which compares the performance of the libraries against different length of input string. You can find the source code of the benchmark at https://github.com/tmikus/aho-corasick-benchmark
name patterns input len build search matches alloc
anknown 128985 6 188.30ms 0.01ms 7 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 6 173.07ms 0.00ms 7 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 6 734.51ms 0.01ms 7 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 6 65.75ms 0.01ms 7 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 6 100.24ms 0.00ms 2 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 19 185.35ms 0.01ms 24 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 19 191.83ms 0.01ms 24 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 19 729.61ms 0.01ms 23 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 19 63.90ms 0.01ms 17 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 19 93.11ms 0.01ms 7 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 41 181.05ms 0.02ms 49 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 41 185.44ms 0.01ms 49 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 41 716.34ms 0.02ms 47 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 41 63.01ms 0.02ms 45 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 41 94.33ms 0.01ms 11 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 73 187.96ms 0.02ms 76 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 73 179.61ms 0.02ms 76 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 73 737.76ms 0.03ms 67 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 73 65.48ms 0.03ms 73 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 73 91.60ms 0.10ms 22 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 146 186.37ms 0.03ms 153 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 146 181.59ms 0.03ms 153 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 146 734.40ms 0.03ms 136 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 146 66.32ms 0.03ms 146 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 146 92.33ms 0.01ms 43 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 279 198.18ms 0.05ms 287 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 279 179.76ms 0.05ms 287 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 279 729.76ms 0.04ms 234 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 279 72.50ms 0.06ms 261 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 279 90.33ms 0.06ms 78 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 534 188.12ms 0.08ms 495 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 534 178.65ms 0.08ms 495 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 534 713.20ms 0.07ms 357 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 534 63.94ms 0.07ms 445 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 534 88.42ms 0.10ms 137 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 1118 189.47ms 0.14ms 1066 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 1118 181.79ms 0.15ms 1066 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 1118 763.51ms 0.11ms 665 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 1118 68.88ms 0.17ms 941 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 1118 91.90ms 0.09ms 299 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 2233 177.17ms 0.27ms 2169 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 2233 180.50ms 0.28ms 2169 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 2233 725.63ms 0.19ms 1225 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 2233 64.07ms 0.24ms 1949 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 2233 98.35ms 0.24ms 617 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 4428 180.39ms 0.51ms 4301 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 4428 181.76ms 0.48ms 4301 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 4428 745.05ms 0.37ms 2055 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 4428 64.06ms 0.44ms 3861 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 4428 94.88ms 0.22ms 1242 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 8975 188.04ms 1.15ms 8718 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 8975 181.72ms 0.89ms 8718 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 8975 758.63ms 0.69ms 3556 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 8975 68.82ms 1.04ms 7784 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 8975 89.70ms 0.31ms 2518 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 17837 181.85ms 1.88ms 17214 0.21GiB
bobusumisu 128985 17837 180.63ms 1.73ms 17214 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 17837 710.73ms 1.23ms 6141 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 17837 70.92ms 2.11ms 15430 0.07GiB
tmikus 128985 17837 89.48ms 0.33ms 4937 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 35720 180.62ms 3.91ms 34232 0.22GiB
bobusumisu 128985 35720 181.36ms 3.28ms 34232 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 35720 752.59ms 2.45ms 10486 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 35720 64.43ms 3.50ms 30701 0.08GiB
tmikus 128985 35720 90.05ms 0.52ms 9877 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 71332 185.42ms 7.15ms 68256 0.22GiB
bobusumisu 128985 71332 189.95ms 6.84ms 68256 0.58GiB
cloudflare 128985 71332 685.10ms 4.54ms 17431 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 71332 61.38ms 6.37ms 61258 0.08GiB
tmikus 128985 71332 95.16ms 0.92ms 19673 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 142563 178.64ms 13.81ms 136922 0.22GiB
bobusumisu 128985 142563 182.05ms 12.97ms 136922 0.59GiB
cloudflare 128985 142563 712.75ms 8.64ms 28924 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 142563 65.50ms 11.67ms 122868 0.09GiB
tmikus 128985 142563 96.77ms 1.77ms 39564 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 285779 178.54ms 24.49ms 274116 0.23GiB
bobusumisu 128985 285779 177.26ms 26.34ms 274116 0.60GiB
cloudflare 128985 285779 711.18ms 15.52ms 46529 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 285779 66.47ms 24.92ms 246073 0.10GiB
tmikus 128985 285779 93.05ms 2.95ms 79029 0.01GiB
anknown 128985 571011 178.51ms 52.57ms 545790 0.26GiB
bobusumisu 128985 571011 179.90ms 51.04ms 545790 0.63GiB
cloudflare 128985 571011 735.84ms 28.38ms 70251 3.90GiB
iohub 128985 571011 60.61ms 50.41ms 490157 0.13GiB
tmikus 128985 571011 90.21ms 6.37ms 157663 0.02GiB
Based on the results above, the answer to the question "Which library is the fastest?" is "It depends on the input length".
For short inputs (up to around 3000 characters) it doesn't really matter which library you use as they all perform similarly.
For longer inputs you're best off using my library, as it is the fastest.