Welcome to my collection of dotfiles! These configurations help personalize and streamline my development environment across various tools and applications.
Note: Only Ubuntu 24.10 is supported, In particular Ubuntu Asahi (arm64).
In a terminal, execute:
sh -c "$(wget -qO- get.chezmoi.io) -- init --apply --exclude scripts tmeijn"
Close the current terminal!
Open a new terminal and execute:
sh -c "$(wget -qO- get.chezmoi.io) -- init --apply tmeijn"
note: this might crash during installation. In that case open a new terminal and keep running
chezmoi apply
. -
After reboot, open a terminal and unlock Bitwarden using our
alias -
Login to
:atuin login -u zero-mass92 -p $(rbw get "Atuin Sync") -k "$(rbw get "Atuin Sync" -f Key)" && atuin sync
Navigate to the chezmoi dir by executing
chezmoi cd
Update the git remote url:
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:el-capitano/dotfiles.git
Run the script that will generate an SSH key and uploads the public key both to gitlab.com and github.com:
bash gen_ssh_key_and_add_to_scms.sh
Run the script that will clone all repositories defined by
ghorg reclone
:bash clone_repositories.sh
In a terminal, get the Firefox Account Password by running:
rbw get "Firefox Account" | pbcopy
Open a new Firefox window and open the top-right menu to enable sync. You will be required to login, use your email and the password you just copied to your clipboard. After logging in, all the Add-ons will be synced to the machine.
When the Bitwarden Add-on is installed, login to your vault.
Login to following sites:
In the left sidebar, down left, login using your GitHub account. Everything should be synced afterwards.
Configure rclone
by creating a configuration for the onedrive
remote. This remote must have onedrive
as the name to automatically mount on startup:
rclone config create onedrive onedrive
Then run the following command to enable the systemd user service:
systemctl --user enable --now rclone
I try and re-install my system about every month while measuring how long it takes to set back up again. I measure this from the point the OS is installed, a new user with my name has been set up and Bluetooth peripherals are connected.
Current record: 20:38:32 (- ~12 minutes), set at 28-01-2024.
See RUN_RECORDS.md for historical runs and more.
Everything is managed by chezmoi
The run_once_
Bash scripts install all the tools we depend upon and actually manage the machine, namely:
- Aqua:
is our entrypoint and actually installs a lot of single binary, zero dependency tools. Seeaqua.yaml
for more. - Mise:
manages our more involved tools like Python, Node, Go, Rust, etc. See theconfig.toml
for all dependencies managed. - Ansible: Ansible manages our installed Applications using Flatpak, APT and sometimes a plain
file. See the Ansible Playbook for more detailed information.
Feel free to explore and modify these dotfiles according to your preferences. Happy coding! 🚀
- paholg/dotfiles: Some of my config files and scripts I find useful.
- GitHub - gvolpe/nix-config: NixOS configuration
- breuerfelix/dotfiles: macOS + nix + home-manager + yabai + zsh + tmux + neovim
- nix-home/home.nix at master · yrashk/nix-home
- nixos-config/default.nix at master · bobvanderlinden/nixos-config
- https://github.com/schickling/dotfiles
- https://sr.ht/~misterio/nix-config/
- https://github.com/Mic92/dotfiles/blob/master/flake.nix
- https://www.bekk.christmas/post/2021/16/dotfiles-with-nix-and-home-manager?utm_source=pocket_mylist
- https://gitlab.light.kow.is/dkowis/dotfiles/-/blob/master/.config/fish/config.fish