- 👯 I’m actively working on:
- 🤔 I’m mentoring or mentored:
- Apache Fury (incubating) (From 2023-12)
- Apache GraphAr (incubating) (From 2024-03)
- Apache HoraeDB (incubating) (From 2023-12)
- Apache Answer: Q&A platform software (Graduated 2024-12, From 2023-10)
- Apache OpenDAL: One Layer, All Storage (Graduated 2024-01, From 2023-02)
- Apache Kvrocks: Better Redis on Flash with RocksDB (Graduated 2023-06, From 2022-04)
- Apache StreamPark: Streaming Application Development Framework & Operation Platform (Graduated 2025-01, From 2022-09)
- Welcome to contact me for Apache Incubator programs.
- 🔧 I'm maintaining or maintained:
- Apache Curator (Committer, PMC Member)
- Apache Flink (Committer)
- Apache Pulsar (Committer, PMC Member)
- Apache ZooKeeper (Committer, PMC Member)
- GreptimeDB (Former Team Member)
- Raku (Perl 6) (Former Team Member)
- TiDB (Former Team Member)
- TiKV (Former Team Member)
- 💬 Ask me about:
- Building an open-source community
- Database (distributed, cloud-native)
- Streaming system
- 📫 Reach me: tison1096
- 😄 Pronouns: tison /tisən/
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm a modern wizard.
Welcome to sponsor my open-source works! [GitHub Sponsor]
- Introducing ScopeDB: Manage Data in Petabytes for An Observability Platform
- From Shared Nothing to Shared Disk: Build a Fully Flexible Data System on Cloud Services