Investir is command-line utility to analyse your account activity on share investing platforms. It can provide the information required to fill out the Capital Gains SA108 form for the Self Assessment tax return. The gain or loss is calculated based on the HMRC share identification rules. Investir also facilitates viewing the cost, allocation weight and unrealised gain/loss for open positions, share buying and selling orders placed, dividends paid out, interest on cash earned, and cash deposits or withdrawals made.
A CSV file with your account activity is required as input. This file can be exported from your investment platform. Presently, only Freetrade and Trading 212 are supported, but the project modularity facilitates adding support for more.
The Yahoo Finance API can be used to find the share sub-division or share consolidation events executed for a given corporation, and that information is considered when calculating the capital gains.
The information provided by Investir might be inaccurate or simply not correct for your specific circumstances. Use the software at your own risk and always seek advice from a professional accountant before submitting your Self-Assessment tax return.
Before installing Investir, it is recommended to create a virtual environment for the installation:
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
Investir can be installed from the Python Package Index (PyPI):
(.venv)$ python -m pip install investir
If you type investir
and press the enter key, Investir's command
help should now be displayed.
This section provides some examples in how to use Investir's command-line interface.
Investir can process more than one CSV file as input, including CSVs from different investment platforms.
View a capital gains report with the information required to fill out the Capital Gains SA108 form for the Self Assessment tax return:
$ investir capital-gains data/freetrade.csv
Capital Gains Tax Report 2021/22
6th April 2021 to 5th April 2022
Disposal Date Identification Security Name ISIN Quantity Cost (GBP) Proceeds (GBP) Gain/loss (GBP)
25/08/2021 Section 104 Microsoft US5949181045 13.00246544 2366.57 2952.48 585.91
01/09/2021 Section 104 Skyworks US83088M1027 1.24584888 167.16 153.21 -13.95
13/09/2021 Same day SMT GB00BLDYK618 34.00000000 443.65 474.83 31.18
13/09/2021 Bed & B. (2021-09-26) SMT GB00BLDYK618 40.00000000 482.67 558.62 75.95
13/09/2021 Section 104 SMT GB00BLDYK618 14.00000000 189.85 195.52 5.67
02/11/2021 Section 104 Apple US0378331005 26.22913238 2647.31 3653.35 1006.04
27/01/2022 Section 104 Skyworks US83088M1027 1.24584888 167.21 178.13 10.92
Number of disposals: 7 Gains in the year, before losses: £1715.67
Disposal proceeds: £8166.14 Losses in the year: £13.95
Allowable costs (incl. purchase price): £6464.42 Net gain or loss: £1701.72
Capital Gains Tax Report 2022/23
6th April 2022 to 5th April 2023
Disposal Date Identification Security Name ISIN Quantity Cost (GBP) Proceeds (GBP) Gain/loss (GBP)
20/09/2022 Section 104 Amazon US0231351067 48.31896981 3493.12 4941.53 1448.41
14/10/2022 Section 104 Microsoft US5949181045 1.32642000 324.79 319.76 -5.03
16/12/2022 Section 104 Skyworks US83088M1027 8.30000000 1094.16 979.69 -114.47
03/03/2023 Section 104 Skyworks US83088M1027 2.10000000 277.20 312.95 35.75
Number of disposals: 4 Gains in the year, before losses: £1484.16
Disposal proceeds: £6553.93 Losses in the year: £119.50
Allowable costs (incl. purchase price): £5189.27 Net gain or loss: £1364.66
View cost, allocation weight, and unrealised gain/loss for open positions:
$ investir holdings --show-gain-loss data/freetrade.csv
Security Name ISIN Cost (GBP) Quantity Current Value (GBP) Gain/Loss (GBP) Weight (%)
SMT GB00BLDYK618 2196.81 162.00000000 1758.51 -438.30 43.81
Microsoft US5949181045 882.35 3.62439184 1215.85 333.50 30.29
Apple US0378331005 301.70 3.00000000 576.70 275.00 14.37
Skyworks US83088M1027 301.08 2.29594360 165.24 -135.83 4.12
PayPal US70450Y1038 249.59 4.13171759 298.00 48.41 7.42
View share buying and selling orders placed:
$ investir orders data/freetrade.csv
Date Security Name ISIN Ticker Cost (GBP) Proceeds (GBP) Quantity Price (GBP) Fees (GBP)
07/04/2021 Apple US0378331005 AAPL 1940.99 20.13713692 96.15 4.76
05/06/2021 Apple US0378331005 AAPL 998.48 9.09199546 109.33 4.47
11/06/2021 Microsoft US5949181045 MSFT 2715.44 15.00246544 180.19 12.20
12/08/2021 Skyworks US83088M1027 SWKS 1497.76 11.21263989 132.98 6.71
25/08/2021 Microsoft US5949181045 MSFT 2939.35 13.00246544 227.07 13.13
26/08/2021 SMT GB00BLDYK618 SMT 2386.66 176.00000000 13.49 11.90
01/09/2021 Skyworks US83088M1027 SWKS 152.47 1.24584888 122.98 0.74
13/09/2021 SMT GB00BLDYK618 SMT 1228.97 88.00000000 13.97 0.00
13/09/2021 SMT GB00BLDYK618 SMT 443.65 34.00000000 13.03 0.78
26/09/2021 SMT GB00BLDYK618 SMT 482.67 40.00000000 12.05 0.56
02/11/2021 Apple US0378331005 AAPL 3643.81 26.22913238 139.29 9.54
27/01/2022 Skyworks US83088M1027 SWKS 177.34 1.24584888 142.98 0.79
10/04/2022 PayPal US70450Y1038 PYPL 249.59 4.13171759 60.05 1.46
12/05/2022 Microsoft US5949181045 MSFT 843.26 2.95081184 284.09 4.95
09/07/2022 Amazon US0231351067 AMZN 3464.02 48.31896981 71.27 20.36
20/09/2022 Amazon US0231351067 AMZN 4912.43 48.31896981 102.27 29.10
28/09/2022 Skyworks US83088M1027 SWKS 499.95 3.97500146 125.03 2.94
14/10/2022 Microsoft US5949181045 MSFT 317.88 1.32642000 241.07 1.88
16/12/2022 Skyworks US83088M1027 SWKS 973.95 8.30000000 118.03 5.74
03/03/2023 Skyworks US83088M1027 SWKS 311.13 2.10000000 149.02 1.82
15522.47 14657.33 133.83
View dividends paid out:
$ investir dividends data/freetrade.csv
Date Security Name ISIN Ticker Net Amount (GBP) Widthheld Amount (GBP)
12/02/2022 Apple US0378331005 AAPL 1.37 0.24
09/03/2022 Microsoft US5949181045 MSFT 3.44 0.61
15/03/2022 Skyworks US83088M1027 SWKS 2.50 0.44
13/05/2022 Microsoft US5949181045 MSFT 4.12 0.72
08/06/2022 Apple US0378331005 AAPL 1.64 0.28
13.07 2.29
View interest on cash earned:
$ investir interest data/freetrade.csv
Date Amount (GBP)
15/10/2021 1.70
15/01/2022 1.59
15/04/2022 1.61
15/07/2022 1.58
15/01/2023 1.81
View cash deposits and withdrawals made:
$ investir transfers data/freetrade.csv
Date Deposit (GBP) Withdrawal (GBP)
02/03/2021 6000.00
28/07/2021 4000.00
24/02/2022 400.00
08/04/2022 100.00
03/01/2023 2000.00
12000.00 500.00
Each command supports various options that can be used to filter the
output based on several criteria. Use the --help
option for any
command for a description of all the available options.
To modify Investir and evaluate the changes, clone this repository and execute an editable install:
$ git clone
$ cd investir
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
(.venv)$ python -m pip install --editable .[lint,test]
Linters and test packages used by this project will also be installed.
No special handling takes place for the accumulation class of shares for an investment fund, where income from dividends or interest are automatically reinvested back into the fund. This means that in practice you might have to pay more tax on your income and less tax on capital gains when you sell the fund than what is reported.
Multi-currency accounts in Trading 212 are partially supported. It is possible to view orders, dividends, interest and transfers whose total is not in pound sterling, but it is not possible to calculate capital gains tax at the moment.