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This is a Web-based Client application for the [PubSubQ pub/sub app]( It allows a user to generate realtime tables, charts, lists etc. basing on the data coming from any number of PubSubQ instances.


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This is a Web-based Client application for the PubSubQ pub/sub app. It allows a user to generate realtime tables, charts, lists etc. basing on the data coming from any number of PubSubQ instances.

Do note that it can technically connect to any websocket URL as long as the data returned is Client-style like PubSubQ's Restie and any other data sources will ensure

Quick Start

  • Set up the app following the instructions for 'How to Run in Developer Mode

  • Open the local Eli app in your web browser of choice

  • Download the PubSubQ app for your operating system and architecture (note that most computers have AMD64 architecture. If it does not work, you can always download the ARM version).

    Operating System Architecture Download
    Windows AMD64 Download
    Windows ARM Download
    MacOS AMD64 Download
    MacOS ARM64 Download
    Linux AMD64 Download
    Linux ARM64 Download
  • Start the PubSubQ instance on port 8080 (You can choose whatever port you want)

    For Linux and Mac:

    ./pubsubq run -p 8080

    For Windows:

    pubsubq.exe run -p 8080
  • Download the Restie app for your operating system and computer architecture.

    Operating System Architecture Download
    Windows AMD64 Download
    Windows ARM Download
    MacOS AMD64 Download
    MacOS ARM64 Download
    Linux AMD64 Download
    Linux ARM64 Download
  • Create a file restieConfig.json in the same directory that your Restie app was downloaded to.

    touch restieConfig.json
  • Copy, paste and save the following JSON into the restieConfig.json file

      "pipelines": [
          "name": "cet_time",
          "source": "",
          "sourceType": "JSON",
          "httpMethod": "GET",
          "isMultiple": false,
          "cronPattern": "@every 0h1m",
          "timestampPattern": "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:sszz",
          "datePattern": "YYYY-MM-DD",
          "dataPath": [],
          "timezone": "GMT",
          "primaryFields": ["timezone", "datetime"],
          "separator": "--",
          "pubSubQUrl": "ws://localhost:8080"
  • Run the Restie app

    For Linux and Mac

    ./restie run

    For Windows:

    restie.exe run
  • Go back to the eli app in your web browser

  • Click on the "Control" Menu item in the top bar

  • Click the + button on the right of the window that opens

  • Change the Title by clicking it and typing. Let's change it to "First Analytic"

  • Click the + button on the right of that window. A new Card should pop up with empty details.

  • Fill in the details as follows: ToDo

  • Click the 'refresh' icon at the top of the page.

  • Click the "Tabs" menu item in the top bar. And then click "First Analytic". You should be able to see a ticking clock.

How to Run in Developer Mode

  • Clone the repo and enter its root directory

    git clone
    cd eli
  • Ensure you have node > 10 installed. If not download it from here

  • Run the app

    npm start

How to Deploy on Ubuntu server

  • Clone the repo and enter its root directory

    git clone
    cd eli
  • Ensure you have node > 10 installed. If not download it from here

  • Make the script executable

    sudo chmod +x
  • Ensure you already have the server set up, and you know the user, the ip address and the folder where the app is to go. Make sure you are using ssh certificates. Make sure that folder is already created. You can create a new ubuntu server droplet off my referral link.

  • Run the deploy script

./ -u <server user> -i <the server ip> -f <folder path relative to user\'s root>
  • Ssh into your server and enter the folder where the app is to be located.
ssh user@ip_address
  • Install the unzip package
sudo apt install unzip
  • Unzip the file there and then delete it.
unzip && rm



Here are the screens drawn in Figma.

The design is based on Google Keep

Home Screen

Home screen

Control Panel (Multi Tab Edit Screen)

Control Panel Multi-tab edit screen

Control Panel (Single Tab Edit Screen)

Control Panel single -tab edit screen




  • A user can select any tab from the Tabs bar at the bottom of the tabs screen
  • If no tabs have been created yet, the user should be shown the home screen
  • A user can go to the control panel by clicking the Gear icon in the top bar
  • A user can create any number of tabs, each tab having any number of analytics of any kind. This is done in the Control Panel by clicking the + button at the top right.
  • A user can view all available tabs on the initial page of the control panel (no pagination as the data is local)
  • A user can edit any tab by clicking the pen icon button in that tab's edit card
  • A user can navigate backwards in the Control Panel when viewing the settings of one tab. Backwards would take them to the list of all tabs
  • A user can delete any tab from the initial screen of the control panel. This is done by clicking the x button in the card of that tab.
  • A user can add any analytic of given Data Source URL which must be a websocket URL. If it is a PubSubQ URL, the auth data if any should be put in the query paramters.
  • A user can choose any analytic type for that given analytic, including chart, table, text etc. The appropriate configuration for each given canlytic type will be availed to the user to tweak.
  • A user can rearrange the order of the analytics in a given tab. This is done by clicking the up or down arrow keys in the card for that analytic.
  • A user can set the title of each tab. Each title is unique to avoid ambiguity when navigating.
  • A user can set the title of a given analytic in any tab. These don't have to be unique.
  • A user can delete any analytic from a given tab by clicking the x button in the card of that analytic
  • A user can set the width of a given analytic to be a given percentage of the full width.
  • A user can set the height of a given analytic to be a given percentage of the full height.
  • Analytics on a given tab are all in one flex container with ability to wrap-around
  • Changes made to an analytic are saved automatically on edit
  • Configurations saved by the user are saved in a localstorage.
  • At startup, these configurations are loaded from the the localstorage.
  • *A user can toggle the theme between dark and light by clicking the moon/sun icon in the top bar.
  • Any number of tabs can be open at the same time. The tabs appear just below the top bar. If the tabs are too many, they will have arrow buttons to enable scrolling left and right.

Note: * Is a nice-to-have feature. We will start with the Dark theme

Technical Architecture

  • This is a simple React App with client-side routing, theme changing, saving of configurations in localstorage and the style being inspired by Google-Keep


Note: Each of these steps involves writing some tests of some kind

  • Clip the tabs in the tabbar
  • Add ability to scroll the tabs in the tabbar if they are many
  • Update the Home page
  • Add ability to create tabs in the control panel
  • Add ability to delete tab in the control panel
  • Add ability to add visualization configurations in the control panel
  • Add validation, and showing of errors (this might mean saving erroneous data but with an error prop on Visualization with the keys being the keys in instance)
  • Add ability to save configurations as soon as a change is made.
  • Add ability to update the multiple chart datasets when the addMore buttons are clicked (should I just add more fields to the config, while appending the name of the dataset and type?)
  • Add ability to connect to websocket
  • Add ability to merge any new message to the preexisting client-style JSON for that visualization
  • Add ability to set the maximum range of the x-axis for charts (just set the ttl of each message)
  • Add ability to set the maximum range of the column field for tables (just set the ttl of each message)
  • Add ability to set the maximum number of items in list visualization (just set the ttl of each message)
  • Add ability to display plain text visualization from data from websocket
  • Add ability to display table visualizations from data from websocket
  • Add style to the visualizations
  • Add ability to display charts (piecharts, doughnut, bar, stacked bar, line, scatter, mixed, multiline)
  • *Add ability to delete the entire store via a button/menu click
  • *Add ability to download config from localstorage
  • *Add ability to load config from a file via an HTML file input (to allow sharing of configs)
  • Deploy to firebase, netlify or vercel.
  • List the app on SopherApps
  • Write about the app on SopherApps blog
  • Make it a downloadable electronjs app or nwjs or any given lighter option, or a PWA
  • Remove links to external css or font. Download them and include them in the artefact.
  • *Reduce the interval of the cronjsobs in restie (and in sopherapps_utils to millisecond level)
  • *Ask if the labels of charts should be sorted, in case the data comes unsorted.



Copyright (c) 2021 Martin Ahindura Licensed under the MIT License


This is a Web-based Client application for the [PubSubQ pub/sub app]( It allows a user to generate realtime tables, charts, lists etc. basing on the data coming from any number of PubSubQ instances.







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