A helm plugin for working with helm deployment values.
When working with multiple Kubernetes clusters, but using the same helm charts, you might have slightly different values files that need to be stored somewhere.
This project is an attempt to manage working with multiple values.yaml
files for
nearly identitcal deployments.
Currently supported backing stores are AWS DynamoDB and GCP Datastore, but other backends such as etcd, consul, or Vault could easily be implemented.
List values from your backend
$ helm value-store list
UniqueId Name Namespace Chart Version Labels Values
6fad4903-58ec-446f-bda4-bd39c4ff96aa alertmanager default skuid/alertmanager 0.1.0 map[region:us-west-2 environment:prod] 1.1K
8795d237-adac-4b91-b55b-bb0f1e258a32 exporter default skuid/prom-node-exporter 0.1.0 map[region:us-west-2 environment:prod] 279B
22c8f1e8-82fc-4eb0-b1f9-2c8d50b2df3b prom1 default skuid/prometheus 0.1.2 map[region:us-west-2 environment:prod] 1.1K
ad01e6d4-05ec-4f18-ba6a-87cd49e6be25 alertmanager default skuid/alertmanager 0.1.0 map[environment:test region:us-west-2] 0
84c28f16-0bc2-4384-9e21-8077e3320aad exporter default skuid/prom-node-exporter 0.1.0 map[environment:test region:us-west-2] 274B
fa718433-d76e-4edd-b263-9c50246c2f80 prom1 default skuid/prometheus 0.1.2 map[environment:test region:us-west-2] 0
080f9a8a-10dd-4c2f-8588-8c3c4980553f alertmanager default skuid/alertmanager 0.1.0 map[region:eu-central-1 environment:prod] 1.3K
49582465-85fd-49ce-9778-4bf9d1162a2e exporter default skuid/prom-node-exporter 0.1.0 map[environment:prod region:eu-central-1] 272B
34754bde-3114-43ca-bb23-1d4e16f12f95 prom1 default skuid/prometheus 0.1.2 map[environment:prod region:eu-central-1] 0
$ helm value-store list -s environment=test
UniqueId Name Namespace Chart Version Labels
ad01e6d4-05ec-4f18-ba6a-87cd49e6be25 alertmanager default skuid/alertmanager 0.1.0 map[environment:test region:us-west-2] 0
84c28f16-0bc2-4384-9e21-8077e3320aad exporter default skuid/prom-node-exporter 0.1.0 map[environment:test region:us-west-2] 274B
fa718433-d76e-4edd-b263-9c50246c2f80 prom1 default skuid/prometheus 0.1.2 map[environment:test region:us-west-2] 0
Install a release, automatically fetching values from the value store:
$ helm value-store install --name alertmanager --selector region=us-west-2 --selector environment=prod
Fetched chart skuid/alertmanager to /var/folders/pr/79r611f576jczk_79lfndzgc0000gn/T/370122778/alertmanager-0.1.0.tgz
Installing Release 6fad4903-58ec-446f-bda4-bd39c4ff96aa alertmanager skuid/alertmanager 0.1.0
Successfully installed release alertmanager!
Get values out of the value store
$ helm value-store get-values --uuid 6fad4903-58ec-446f-bda4-bd39c4ff96aa
aws_region: us-west-2
pagerduty_key: somekey
name: alertmanager.config
slack_api_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/
repository: prom/alertmanager
tag: v0.4.2
configPath: /etc/alertmanager
replicaCount: 1
cpu: 100.0m
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 50.0m
memory: 64Mi
name: alertmanager
port: 9098
servicePort: 80
Update a release definition:
$ helm value-store update --uuid 6fad4903-58ec-446f-bda4-bd39c4ff96aa -f alertmanager-values.yaml
Update release in release store!
You must have go installed
brew install go
mkdir -p ~/go/{src,bin,pkg}
export GOPATH=~/go
export PATH="$PATH:~/go/bin"
# Append GOPATH to profile
echo 'export GOPATH=~/go' | tee -a ~/.profile
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:~/go/bin"' | tee -a ~/.profile
go get github.com/skuid/helm-value-store
HELM_HOME=$(helm home)
mkdir -p "$HELM_HOME/plugins/value-store"
cat <<EOF > "$HELM_HOME/plugins/value-store/plugin.yaml"
name: "value-store"
version: "v0.2.0"
usage: "Store values in a database"
ignoreFlags: false
useTunnel: true
command: "helm-value-store"
- Go to the GCP dashboard and create a new project
- Go to the credentials page and create a new Service Account
- Give the service account a name, and add it to the role: Datastore > Cloud Datastore Owner
- Be sure to select the "JSON" Key type, and click "Create"
- Set the following environment variables
export HELM_VALUE_STORE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT="/path/to/sa.json"
You must have the ability to create, read, and write to a DynamoDB table.
Set the proper access key environment variables, or use the
and set the appropriate
environment variable.
If this is your first time using helm-value-store, you will need to create a DynamoDB table for storing values:
helm-value-store load --setup --file <(echo "[]")
Helm value store ships with a server
subcommand that runs an HTTP server for
applying charts into a cluster.
The server only has one endpoint, /apply
that accepts the following input:
HTTP1.1 POST /apply
"uuid": "6fad4903-58ec-446f-bda4-bd39c4ff96aa"
The response structure is:
"status": "success",
"message": "Successfully installed alertmanager"
By default, the server accepts a Google Oauth2 ID token in the Authorization header for verifying a user against Google and ensuring their email is in a given domain.
The server also listens on an alternate port (default 3001
) for the following
/metrics - Prometheus metrics
/live - for liveness checks
/ready - for readiness checks
A helm plugin for working with Helm Release data
helm-value-store [command]
Available Commands:
completion print the shell completion
create create a release in the release store
delete delete a release in the release store
dump dump the JSON representation of releases
get-values get the values of a release
help Help about any command
install install or upgrade a release
list list the releases
load load a json file of releases
update update a release in the release store
version print the version number
--backend string The backend for the value store. Must be one of [dynamodb datastore] (default "dynamodb")
--dynamodb-table string Name of the dynamodb table (default "helm-charts")
-h, --help help for helm-value-store
--service-account string The Google Service Account JSON file (default "sa.json")
--timeout duration The timeout for a given command (default 30s)
Use "helm-value-store [command] --help" for more information about a command.
MIT License (see LICENSE)