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some BCL(.net Base Classes Library) Implementation for C++ list

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📖 C# to cpp(or native)

project evaluate Introduction -------------
Beef - Beef Programming Language(The syntax and many semantics are most directly derived from C#),The most important is: Beef is native-Language.
DotNetAnywhere - Small .NET interpreter
OrangeC - includes a C compiler for .Net, which compiles to MSIL/CIL.
DotNetPELib - A C++11 library used to create a managed program (CIL) and dump to either .IL, .EXE, or .DLL format
cs2cpp - C# to C++ transpiler (Cs2Cpp) (Powered by Roslyn)
IL2C - IL2C - A translator for ECMA-335 CIL/MSIL to C language.
SharpNative - A C# to Native Code (D, C++ etc...) Transpiler based on Microsoft Roslyn
SharpLang - Compiles .NET/C# to native code using LLVM framework. No longer active, consider migrating to
Alter-Native - Source code translator: from high-level language to native language (C++)
il2cpp - A MSIL/C# to C++ converter. Faster than CoreCLR with low memory overhead.(已弃坑.C#是个好语言,然而.NET不是一个干净的平台)
IL2CPU - IL2CPU is a compiler for .NET IL code to compile to assembly language for direct booting.
SugarCpp - SugarCpp is a language which can compile to C++11.
csporter-cpp - csPorter for C++ is a porter application that migrates C# project to C++
QSharp - Q# is a C# to C++ compiler using the Qt library for the classlib
CodeRefractor - MSIL/CIL to Native C++ Compiler
IL2CXX - Yet another .NET IL to C++ transpiler with concurrent GC

📖 .net library to cpp

some BCL(.net Base Classes Library/.net framework) Implementation for C++ Project List:

尽管C++类库项目众多但是几乎所有的C++的类库与.net BCL的质量相距甚远。因此程序员们不遗余力地尝试在C++上实现顺手好用的BCL库,尽管大多非常不完整,但是值得纪念,并将他们罗列于此,以供后续有类似需求和动力的人参考,为他们节约时间。

Despite the large number of C ++ class library projects, almost all C ++ class libraries are far from the quality of .net BCL. Therefore, programmers have spared no effort to try to achieve a handy and easy-to-use BCL library on C ++. Although most of them are very incomplete, they are worthy of commemoration, and they are listed here for future reference by people with similar needs and motivations to save them time.


project evaluate Introduction
poco ⭐x7 powerful cross-platform C++ libraries for building network- and internet-based applications that run on desktop, server, mobile, IoT, and embedded systems.
xtd ⭐x6 Modern C++17/20 framework to create console (CLI), forms (GUI like WinForms) and tunit (unit tests like Microsoft Unit Testing Framework) applications on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS and android
Nano ⭐x5 High-performance C++ for macOS, iOS, tvOS, Android, Linux, and Windows
CppLikeCSharp ⭐x5 Implement a basic class library consistent with the C# structure, including
Lumino ⭐x5 a framework for building real-time graphics applications.
XFXFramework ⭐x4 A replica of Microsoft's XNA Framework, written in C++ to facilitate easy game development on the original XBOX console.
Vlpp ⭐x4 Common C++ construction, including string operation / generic container / linq / etc
dotnetnative ⭐x3 A port of the .NET class library to C++
dotcpp ⭐x3 Port of selected classes from popular C#/.NET libraries including the .NET Standard Library and NodaTime to native C++17.
CrossNetSystem ⭐x3 CrossNetSystem is the default Base Class Library (BCL) for CrossNet.
CrapoLibrary ⭐x3 Unmanaged C++ .Net Style library based on Mono
CppNet2 ⭐x3 .NET Standard Implementation for C++17
CppNet ⭐x2 .Net framework Classes for C++
evm ⭐x2
DateTimePlusPlus ⭐x2 My C++ port of the .NET DateTime struct
MonoNative ⭐x2 Mono C++ Bindings
xunitpp, xunitpp fork ⭐x2 A unit testing library written in C++, inspired by
cpp-net-framework ⭐x2 An experimental .NET Framework for C++
Cpp-.NET-Standard-Library ⭐x2 .NET Standard Library port to C++ (proof of concept)
CppStd ⭐x1 参考 .NET 类库 和 Java 库 为 C++ 添加相对应功能
C--.NET ⭐x1 A port of the .NET/Mono framework to native code
NativeBCL ⭐x1 Native C++ Base Class Library
Book src of pro-dot-net-framework-base-class-library ⭐x1 Source Code for 'Pro .NET Framework with the Base Class Library' by Roger Villela
stl-dotnet ⭐x1 Static classes for cpp STL like them from the C# .NET framework
SteamB23CodeSnippets ⭐x1 SteamB23's Code Snippets
Aspose.Cells-for-C Aspose.PDF-for-C ⭐x1 Aspose.Cells for C++ examples, plugins and showcases
Swathe ⭐x1 Swathe enwraps Unmanaged APIs with the modern C++ interfaces that look like Reflection in the .NET Framework .


some BCL(.net Base Classes Library) Implementation for C++ list






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