All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
3.8.0-alpha.0 (2022-04-20)
- change defaultNextLambda removalPolicy from DESTROY to RETAIN (#2420) (1baa444)
- logging error (#2426) (acfe76e)
3.7.0 (2022-03-31)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.7.0-alpha.12 (2022-03-15)
3.7.0-alpha.11 (2022-03-10)
- fix yarn.lock. (#2395) (ec98072)
- redirect in getStaticProps (#2393) (21283ab)
- wrong replace causing "on" files on S3 (#2392) (f6b7efb)
3.7.0-alpha.10 (2022-02-23)
3.7.0-alpha.9 (2022-02-18)
- nextjs-cdk-construct: allow cache policies to be provided as props (#2350) (68b7717)
- update cdktf and use prebuilt providers (#2328) (47642bf)
3.7.0-alpha.8 (2022-02-02)
3.7.0-alpha.7 (2022-01-27)
3.7.0-alpha.6 (2022-01-25)
3.7.0-alpha.5 (2022-01-20)
3.7.0-alpha.4 (2022-01-05)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.7.0-alpha.3 (2021-12-22)
3.7.0-alpha.2 (2021-11-29)
3.7.0-alpha.1 (2021-11-21)
- core: check for 3rd party packages properly when 'dependencies' is not defined (5006439)
3.7.0-alpha.0 (2021-11-21)
3.6.1-alpha.2 (2021-11-15)
- aws-cloudfront, nextjs-component: specify s3 client's region in aws-cloudfront the same as the bucket region (#2042) (a676d03)
3.6.1-alpha.1 (2021-11-14)
3.6.1-alpha.0 (2021-11-14)
3.6.0 (2021-11-14)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.6.0-alpha.0 (2021-11-14)
3.5.4-alpha.0 (2021-11-10)
3.5.3 (2021-11-09)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.5.3-alpha.6 (2021-11-09)
- core: add url normalization to image optimizer URL (#2015) (5c4f841)
- core: render static pages for all http methods, for options methods return allowed methods (#2024) (9fe3216)
3.5.3-alpha.5 (2021-11-08)
- core: fix lookup for _next/static files (used in lambda only right now) (#2001) (09ea1c0)
- lambda, core: build lambda properly with api/page routes in one single manifest (#2010) (bc3668d)
- lambda: fix apigw compat layer to properly handle binary data (#2002) (e65c023)
- lambda: fix typo in lambda builder manifest for queueRegion (#2008) (fdfa467)
3.5.3-alpha.4 (2021-10-30)
- lambda-at-edge: properly include pages that start with pages/api (but are not api pages) (#1994) (26a756c)
3.5.3-alpha.3 (2021-10-30)
3.5.3-alpha.2 (2021-10-29)
- aws-lambda: wait for lambda to be ready right after creation/updating of code (#1985) (016fee0)
- domain: add missing pieces to 'domainMinimumProtocolVersion' input use (#1983) (dff22ba)
3.5.3-alpha.1 (2021-10-29)
- aws-lambda, nextjs-component: ensure we wait until lambda functions are ready before using them (#1982) (a0a22ab)
3.5.3-alpha.0 (2021-10-29)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.5.2 (2021-10-28)
- lerna: fix publish command for stable versions (ebcabb2)
3.5.1 (2021-10-28)
- core: only ignore publishing sharp_node_modules from root (a33b7d5)
3.5.0 (2021-10-28)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.5.0-alpha.11 (2021-10-27)
3.5.0-alpha.10 (2021-10-25)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.5.0-alpha.9 (2021-10-25)
3.5.0-alpha.8 (2021-10-23)
3.5.0-alpha.7 (2021-10-19)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.5.0-alpha.6 (2021-10-19)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.5.0-alpha.5 (2021-10-18)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.5.0-alpha.4 (2021-10-18)
3.5.0-alpha.3 (2021-10-16)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.5.0-alpha.2 (2021-10-16)
3.5.0-alpha.1 (2021-10-13)
- lambda-at-edge: handle trailing slash index.html page in reconstructOriginalRequestUri (#1832) (1926eb2)
3.5.0-alpha.0 (2021-10-06)
3.4.0 (2021-10-02)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.4.0-alpha.14 (2021-10-02)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.4.0-alpha.13 (2021-09-28)
- nextjs-cdk-construct: disable public read access of s3 bucket and allow all methods in default behavior (#1758) (770641c)
3.4.0-alpha.12 (2021-09-27)
- nextjs-component, core, lambda-at-edge: experimental - add build.useV2Handler option to enable using genericized default/regeneration handlers (#1747) (afd8a79)
3.4.0-alpha.11 (2021-09-25)
3.4.0-alpha.10 (2021-09-24)
3.4.0-alpha.9 (2021-09-17)
- core, lambda-at-edge, nextjs-component: experimental - allow serving static pages/data from origin request handler only (and disable origin response handler) (#1696) (7fcdc7f)
3.4.0-alpha.8 (2021-09-15)
- core, nextjs-component: improve routing and support cross rewrites for consolidated API pages in default lambda (#1693) (f058d51)
3.4.0-alpha.7 (2021-09-15)
3.4.0-alpha.6 (2021-09-13)
3.4.0-alpha.5 (2021-09-09)
- nextjs-component: serverless-patched binary should include @serverless/cli and find serverless binary in closest node_modules (#1661) (d7057ba)
3.4.0-alpha.4 (2021-09-09)
- nextjs-component: forward common headers such as authorization and host by default (#1660) (793f0a2)
3.4.0-alpha.3 (2021-09-09)
- nextjs-component: fix broken install since patch-package is required as dependency, not dev-dependency (79af0e8)
3.4.0-alpha.2 (2021-09-09)
3.4.0-alpha.1 (2021-09-08)
3.4.0-alpha.0 (2021-09-03)
3.3.1-alpha.1 (2021-09-02)
- lambda-at-edge, e2e-tests: fix and add e2e tests for ISR pages when locales are used (#1622) (6acc057)
3.3.1-alpha.0 (2021-09-02)
3.3.0 (2021-09-01)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.3.0-alpha.6 (2021-08-31)
3.3.0-alpha.5 (2021-08-27)
3.3.0-alpha.4 (2021-08-26)
- lambda-at-edge, nextjs-component: fix triggering regeneration when sqs queue has custom name (#1595) (396b8dc)
3.3.0-alpha.3 (2021-08-25)
- core: fix preview mode with a dynamic route is used (#1585) (316bd2a), closes #1527
- lambda-at-edge: fix ISR issue with index.ts (#1563) (d327ddf)
- nextjs-component: add webpack dependency (3aa0b6d)
3.3.0-alpha.2 (2021-08-21)
3.3.0-alpha.1 (2021-08-21)
3.3.0-alpha.0 (2021-08-19)
3.2.1-alpha.0 (2021-08-04)
- core: allow lowercase locale prefixes by standardizing locale casing on server-side, update locale redirect casing (#1496) (a8765d1)
3.2.0 (2021-08-03)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.29 (2021-08-03)
3.2.0-alpha.28 (2021-08-03)
- nextjs-component, nextjs-cdk-construct: create AWS resources for dynamic SSG (#1476) (#1477) (7e9c923)
3.2.0-alpha.27 (2021-08-02)
3.2.0-alpha.26 (2021-08-02)
3.2.0-alpha.25 (2021-08-02)
3.2.0-alpha.24 (2021-07-31)
3.2.0-alpha.23 (2021-07-31)
3.2.0-alpha.22 (2021-07-31)
3.2.0-alpha.21 (2021-07-27)
- aws-lambda: fix test failure due to init() (cde5af9)
3.2.0-alpha.20 (2021-07-09)
3.2.0-alpha.19 (2021-07-09)
3.2.0-alpha.18 (2021-07-08)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.17 (2021-07-07)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.16 (2021-07-03)
- aws-cloudfront: fix cloudfront origin merging (623c168)
3.2.0-alpha.15 (2021-07-02)
3.2.0-alpha.14 (2021-07-02)
3.2.0-alpha.13 (2021-07-02)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.12 (2021-07-01)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.11 (2021-06-30)
3.2.0-alpha.10 (2021-06-29)
3.2.0-alpha.9 (2021-06-29)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.8 (2021-06-28)
- lambda-at-edge: properly copy node_modules in serverless-trace mode for regeneration lambda (#1319) (0eee571)
3.2.0-alpha.7 (2021-06-28)
3.2.0-alpha.6 (2021-06-27)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.5 (2021-06-27)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.4 (2021-06-27)
3.2.0-alpha.3 (2021-06-27)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.2 (2021-06-26)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.2.0-alpha.1 (2021-06-26)
3.2.0-alpha.0 (2021-06-26)
3.1.1-alpha.0 (2021-06-26)
3.1.0 (2021-06-25)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.1.0-alpha.16 (2021-06-25)
3.1.0-alpha.15 (2021-06-25)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.1.0-alpha.14 (2021-06-24)
3.1.0-alpha.13 (2021-06-24)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.1.0-alpha.12 (2021-06-23)
- lambda-at-edge: handle /_next/static image requests and minor improvements to image error logging (#1288) (b64effe)
- lambda-at-edge: improve error logging when s3 fails in image optimizer (#1287) (9af3a37)
3.1.0-alpha.11 (2021-06-23)
- nextjs-component, cloudfront: wait for distribution to be ready before creating invalidations (#1281) (3091c7c)
3.1.0-alpha.10 (2021-06-22)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.1.0-alpha.9 (2021-06-22)
3.1.0-alpha.8 (2021-06-22)
- lambda-at-edge: fix reconstruction of uri for "index.html" -> "/" instead of "/index" in origin response handler (#1278) (48d6735)
3.1.0-alpha.7 (2021-06-22)
- lambda-at-edge, nextjs-component: add option to disable cleaning up .next directory before builds (#1273) (51bffdd)
3.1.0-alpha.6 (2021-06-21)
3.1.0-alpha.5 (2021-06-19)
3.1.0-alpha.4 (2021-06-18)
- s3-static-assets: when initializing s3 client, pass in bucket region to ensure correct s3 endpoints (#1262) (83805bb)
3.1.0-alpha.3 (2021-06-18)
Note: Version bump only for package serverless-nextjs-monorepo
3.1.0-alpha.2 (2021-06-18)
3.1.0-alpha.1 (2021-06-17)
3.1.0-alpha.0 (2021-06-17)
- aws-cloudfront: add 200 status code to custom error pages (#774) (bc17565)
- cdk: resources should not be assigned names (#912) (81d9d18)
- cdk-construct: #943 give access to underlying resources and enable custom s3 props (#955) (026901b)
- cdk-construct: fix build error in cdk-construct (d708265)
- cdk-construct: unique construct id for each domain name (#1013) (19ec092)
- core: add logging of path when pathToRegexStr fails (#1082) (31cc4b1)
- core: check for explicitly disabled locale detection (#1129) (0a39211)
- core: data request page JS path should use the one from the manifest (#1241) (f774a30)
- core: extend locale matching to secondary languages (#1040) (a2c476c)
- core: fix accept language redirect condition (#1110) (f05ccbc)
- core: fix infinite redirects on NEXT_LOCALE cookie (#1128) (01d4d88)
- core: redirect based on NEXT_LOCALE cookie and add e2e test for … (#1116) (48773f4)
- core: use JS page path from manifest instead of manually constru… (#1238) (cac8918)
- core, lambda-at-edge: fix page inclusion logic in default-handler build (#1126) (5fdf3fe)
- core, lambda-at-edge: set error status codes in core, refactor error handling (#1153) (6d4ae93)
- core, lambda-at-edge: support static 500 page and localized stat… (#1135) (c0573c1)
- core, lambda-at-edge, e2e-tests: fix locale rewrites to dynamic ssr (#1132) (91c1ddf)
- domain: pass certificateArn to domain component (#826) (b7cf083)
- e2e-tests: fix small issue causing running e2e tests only on windows (448d663)
- lambda-at-edge: add new defaults trailingSlash=true redirect regex formats to remove to prevent redirect loop (#868) (5dd836e)
- lambda-at-edge: also copy chunks for the revalidate lambda (#1099) (704b866)
- lambda-at-edge: await external API rewrite (#1232) (9f777d7)
- lambda-at-edge: copy js chunks from .next/serverless/chunks to api/default lambdas if present (#1095) (f04fe34)
- lambda-at-edge: do not follow redirect in fetch during rewrite (#942) (0383cf2)
- lambda-at-edge: downgrade @rollup/plugin-commonjs to 18.1.0 to fix bundling issue of decodeHTML functions in SQS client (#1227) (5dc04e1)
- lambda-at-edge: ensure dist/sharp_node_modules empty before copying (#980) (c43b2f8)
- lambda-at-edge: external rewrites should use method, header, body from cloudfront request (#864) (f7dd42a)
- lambda-at-edge: fix dynamic vs. catch-all route precedence (#974) (2a3140a)
- lambda-at-edge: fix fallback (non-prerendered) SSG requests not … (#800) (29719f5)
- lambda-at-edge: fix language detection (#963) (72d14e8)
- lambda-at-edge: fix locale rewrites, enable rewrite tests for lo… (#916) (6c34aa4)
- lambda-at-edge: fix not found for public files with encoded characters in path (#825) (b63f199)
- lambda-at-edge: fix redirect loop in Next 10.0.4 and up due to new internal redirect regexes (#879) (36e5716)
- lambda-at-edge: fix router path in fallback SSG (#1026) (9772397)
- lambda-at-edge: fix SSG fallback with basepath (#992) (dff598b)
- lambda-at-edge: fix vulnerability in trailing slash redirect (#1018) (f31931c)
- lambda-at-edge: handle prerender-manifest v3 locales properly (#910) (5200d74)
- lambda-at-edge: handle preview request gracefully (#780) (93b36a7)
- lambda-at-edge: handle/merge query params in redirect/rewrite destinat… (#816) (cd03658)
- lambda-at-edge: include all build files in sharp package.json (7256ab9)
- lambda-at-edge: include all vendor files in sharp package.json so npm publish will copy all vendor libs correctly (#842) (0f3c417)
- lambda-at-edge: locale subpath bug fixes (#888) (f9a6787)
- lambda-at-edge: minor fix to optional catch-all base route at root level (#820) (60cee0d)
- lambda-at-edge: move uuid to be a dependency of lambda-at-edge to fix bundling issues (b9d1395)
- lambda-at-edge: pass body correctly into external rewrite (#867) (5fb175f)
- lambda-at-edge: remove blacklisted CloudFront headers before returning api/default/image handler response (#923) (3fcb59d)
- lambda-at-edge: remove uuid and use datetime milliseconds to fix bundling issue (8e003ae)
- lambda-at-edge: render 404 SSR page when there is no static 404 page during fallback response (9f430dc)
- lambda-at-edge: revert @rollup/plugin-node-resolve to v10 to fix bundling issue (#1189) (74f8aef)
- lambda-at-edge: try to copy all files in sharp_node_modules (#841) (9234c1a)
- lambda-at-edge: use 307 redirect for root -> locale URI instead … (#886) (98e963b)
- lambda-at-edge: use posix relative path when determining JS files to exclude/include in default handler (#1201) (3e74ff0)
- lambda-at-edge: various 404 page fixes: (#1001) (719f767)
- lambda-at-edge, e2e-test: fixes for fallback and fallback e2e tests (#997) (aad8536)
- lambda-at-edge, nextjs-cdk-construct: fix several posix path normalizations (313c600)
- nextjs-cdk-construct: match dynamic route segments with square bracket (#1235) (979a633)
- nextjs-cdk-construct: update default memory and timeout to be mo… (#1167) (10a16b6)
- nextjs-cdk-construct: use posix paths for s3 assets and invalidations (#1025) (b8b4393)
- nextjs-component: allow custom cache behavior for _next/image* (#1046) (a6325c2)
- nextjs-component: allow specifying role arn for all lambdas (#1125) (6496f26)
- nextjs-component: don't override _next/image* and _next/static/* origin request lambda with the default lambda (#859) (20e513c)
- nextjs-component: fixes error when removing domain from cloudfront, cannot read property debug of undefined (#793) (aca72d9)
- nextjs-component: image lambda role should also use inputs.roleArn if it exists (#903) (93f2562)
- nextjs-component: sqs region should be same as regeneration lambda region (using s3 bucket region) (#1155) (41b6be1)
- only delete the sqs queue if it already exists in the state (#1147) (c072437)
- aws-cloudfront: do not override aliases when not specified in serverless.yml inputs (#704) (2188d26)
- aws-cloudfront: IncludeBody option only with viewer-request or origin-request (#533) (5c4b2c4)
- aws-cloudfront, nextjs-component: fix aliases updating when domain is used (#731) (d41a6a9)
- aws-cloudfront, nextjs-component: fix inability to set cloudfront comment input (#695) (6803378)
- domain, nextjs-component: set aliases correctly with domainType of apex and domain starting with www (#723) (c68a4fc)
- lambda-at-edge: add retries for s3 calls (#720) (72252fc)
- lambda-at-edge: don't rewrite data requests (#719) (5b6f848)
- lambda-at-edge: dont throw when no prev .next dir (8dfd19d)
- lambda-at-edge: exclude prerender js files from default handler if no API routes are used (#600) (73d0f48)
- lambda-at-edge: explicitly set host header for s3 origin (#412) (2f44795)
- lambda-at-edge: fail build when "public/static" folder exists as this conflicts with static/* cache behavior (#709) (187bbc8)
- lambda-at-edge: fix broken npm install by changing src/command.js -> dist/command.js (fde41ee)
- lambda-at-edge: fix broken redirects with full URLs as destinations (#638) (ee95e54)
- lambda-at-edge: fix compilation of query strings in redirect des… (#647) (9ed7159)
- lambda-at-edge: fix data request routing / client-side navigation for SSR index page (#574) (f580786)
- lambda-at-edge: fix dynamic route precedence conflicting with fallback pages (#714) (e667e76)
- lambda-at-edge: fix dynamic routes with getStaticPaths interfering with public files (#679) (17beb1f)
- lambda-at-edge: fix for 404s on public files (#577) (a854139)
- lambda-at-edge: fix next 9.5 root uri problem (#528) (ceb9218)
- lambda-at-edge: fix possible redirect loop in API handler (#671) (ed92ebc)
- lambda-at-edge: fix reading next.config.js in build step when it exports a function (#569) (16272b4)
- lambda-at-edge: fix routing for pages with basePath (#572) (b185a7a)
- lambda-at-edge: fix routing issue when looking up root / path in prerender-manifest (7eedd69)
- lambda-at-edge: fix s3 bucket not being normalized for public assets (#497) (7e39902)
- lambda-at-edge: for serverless-trace target, exclude files that are not in node-modules folder (#758) (2d72f4f)
- lambda-at-edge: for serverless-trace, don't copy when source and destination are the same (#760) (29ef6a6)
- lambda-at-edge: ignore package.json during serverless-trace (#552) (d21f1d5)
- lambda-at-edge: move path-to-regexp to prod deps (e4d9dbd)
- lambda-at-edge: non-dynamic pages (SSG, SSR) should be prioritized over dynamic fallback pages (#685) (71b61e7)
- lambda-at-edge: non-dynamic routes for rewrite should not include routes in prerender manifest (#700) (06d4edb)
- lambda-at-edge: render Next 500 page when SSR render fails, and ensure 404 pages return 404 status codes (#570) (bdd1e3f)
- lambda-at-edge: resolve dependencies using .next/serverless as base path (#425) (d60982f)
- lambda-at-edge: serve HTML pages with no props (i.e static pages) properly on preview mode enabled (#701) (57cd668)
- lambda-at-edge, e2e-tests: don't rewrite non-dynamic api routes (#698) (27526e7)
- lambda-at-edge, e2e-tests: fix issue where SSR data request should be directly rendered in Lambda, not retrieved from S3 (2fa8910)
- lambda-at-edge, e2e-tests: non-dynamic routes should never be rewritten (#697) (f16c9a0)
- lambda-at-edge, e2e-tests: PUT or DELETE S3 methods should just … (#680) (f9910a0)
- next-aws-cloudfront: ignore calls to res.end() after the first one (#526) (c4c9f6f)
- nextjs-component: allow all CloudFront HTTP methods for default caching behavior (#609) (6066fa1)
- nextjs-component: fix inability to set custom behavior for _next/data/* (#684) (326acc8)
- nextjs-component: make execa point directly at next .bin (3ffbc17)
- nextjs-component: parse cloudfront headers correctly (9a22f5b)
- nextjs-component: remove domain on component removal (e478ffc)
- nextjs-component: route / requests to index.html correctly (ed3cace)
- plugin: move config referencing out of plugin constructor (#248) (16d66a2)
- s3-static-assets: always use posix path join for fast-glob in re… (#940) (d513192)
- s3-static-assets: fix s3 directory read for fast-glob on windows (#986) (7218008)
- s3-static-assets: Fixed missing posix conversion in s3 uploads. (#551) (296d1b0)
- s3-static-assets: prevent client cache of static pages (#421) (647d74a)
- serverless-component: bump aws-lambda with fix for catch all routes (a09b469)
- serverless-component: create the DNS record only when hosted zone exists (#635) (3bbac6b)
- serverless-component: custom cloudfront configuration bug fixes (#407) (093edec)
- serverless-component: don't overwrite the cloudfront default.forward config (#460) (12da1de)
- serverless-component: enforce compression for the default cloudfront behaviour (#462) (7e8f0d4)
- serverless-component: fix "main" package.json property (96d510d)
- serverless-component: fix for AWS accounts with more than 100 domains (69574c7)
- serverless-component: fixes 307 errors when using bucket region outside us-east-1 (#495) (561e05f)
- serverless-component: upload whole .next/static folder and dont clear cache between builds (4406ebb)
- serverless-component: wait sequentially for resources to be removed, so as to avoid race conditions (#588) (7bcb032)
- serverless-component: when adding primary domain name to CloudFront distribution aliases, don't replace other aliases (#658) (4428d5c)
- serverless-next.js: fix API Lambda description input (b1b6cdf)
- serverless-next.js: fix resolution of next-aws-cloudfront (0c22c85)
- serverless-next.js: Fix the issue with TypeError hasHeader is not a function (#342) (20f42fd), closes / zeit/next.js#11223 #329 #331
- serverless-nextjs-component: fix require of next-aws-cloudfront compat in edge fn handlers (e6a8336)
- sls-next/cdk-construct: defaultBehavior.edgeLambdas only applied to defaultBehavior (#1031) (a5a0ccd)
- cache header for s3 files (#241) (311747a)
- change default TTL to 0 seconds (#264) (0362b2c)
- dont throw when public dir doesnt exist (3580b8c)
- handle empty req url (#315) (ad7bec1)
- recursively read assets inside public folder (#245) (5f93912)
- Throw friendly error if next app target is not set to serverless (#204) (83c31e2)
- aws-cloudfront: adding new input (distributionId) to aws-cloudfront (#508) (8fa5a10)
- nextjs-cdk-construct: support override props for CloudFront distribution (#1236) (783b888)
- use high throughput mode for regeneration SQS (#1148) (f3d033c)
- aws-cloudfront: add ability to persist cache behaviors not set in serverless (#809) (b339bf5)
- aws-cloudfront: allow predefined originAccessIdentityId (#811) (8785727)
- aws-cloudfront: allow setting CloudFront distribution aliases (#654) (ea180e6)
- aws-cloudfront: allow setting configuration for custom origins (#657) (5f97683)
- aws-cloudfront, nextjs-component: support setting certificate input in cloudfront (#727) (6f68bf1)
- aws-cloudfront, nextjs-component: support setting geo restrictions (#726) (964b936)
- aws-cloudfront, nextjs-component: support setting WAF web ACL id (#724) (1a11594)
- aws-cloudfront, s3-static-assets: support setting individual min, max, default CloudFront TTLs, update Cache-Control headers and TTLs for _next/data files (#593) (fb8e61d)
- aws-cloudfront, serverless-component: add cloudfront custom error responses (#590) (f3d2a17)
- cdk-construct: adding support for multiple domainNames (#1009) (c9e87fc)
- cdk-construct: Support for outside hosted domain (#1037) (dcc6bd2), closes #1027
- cloudfront, serverless-component: add optional invalidation paths configuration (#814) (088d0c0)
- component: dynamic routes rendered from static pages (#239) (af17d71)
- experimental: CDK Construct (#878) (d38e2aa)
- lambda-at-edge: add a binary to allow use without copying example (#688) (0c138a2)
- lambda-at-edge: add baseDir and resolve build options to serverless-trace (#779) (8f978bb), closes vercel/nft#153
- lambda-at-edge: add minifyHandlers input to minify handler code using Terser (#659) (1b33e72)
- lambda-at-edge: add opt in lambda execution times logging (#549) (066bd27)
- lambda-at-edge: add serverless trace target support (#405) (d800951)
- lambda-at-edge: autogenerate serverless config (#418) (0f9a176)
- lambda-at-edge: create new package with Lambda@Edge builder and handlers (94f0a29)
- lambda-at-edge: fallback: "blocking" (#1007) (ef3c9ad)
- lambda-at-edge: incremental static regeneration (#1028) (d5bbdc6)
- lambda-at-edge: initial support for routing to locale-specific … (#884) (b4666d3)
- lambda-at-edge: no-op rewrite support (#759) (2107ab1)
- lambda-at-edge: start copying locale-specific page/data files t… (#883) (8bc889c)
- lambda-at-edge: support custom headers (with caveats) (#662) (8b9e822)
- lambda-at-edge: support custom redirects (#627) (d2f9679)
- lambda-at-edge: support custom redirects from API routes (#640) (b68d46a)
- lambda-at-edge: support external rewrites (#839) (d57f75f)
- lambda-at-edge: support fallback: false for getStaticPaths and fix cache-control header (#681) (3ef5c17)
- lambda-at-edge: support image optimization (#829) (f6c5156)
- lambda-at-edge: support optional catch-all (#791) (ba9d409)
- lambda-at-edge: support page and API rewrites (#653) (f187b91)
- lambda-at-edge: support trailing slash / non-trailing slash redirects (#556) (ca63b80)
- lambda-at-edge: use new aws s3 client for faster require time (#583) (f9eef45)
- lambda-at-edge: use S3 regional endpoint when not in us-east-1 (#474) (5ecff1a)
- lambda-at-edge-compat, lambda-at-edge, nextjs-component: let CloudFront do the Gzipping (#692) (05fb0eb)
- lambda-at-edge, next-aws-cloudfront: support Preview Mode (#562) (5e1ea38)
- lambda-at-edge, nextjs-commponent: rewrite from root using accept-language header, other minor bugfixes for locales (#885) (828b9dd)
- lambda-at-edge, nextjs-component: add new input domainRedirects (#639) (a12e31a)
- lambda-at-edge, nextjs-component: allow
input for custom handler code (#649) (cecd327) - lambda-at-edge, nextjs-component, s3-static-assets: support ver… (#803) (015065d)
- lambda-at-edge,serverless-component: basePath support (#510) (b17ce30)
- next-aws-lambda,next-aws-cloudfront: fix status code and body bugs (#437) (7291f83)
- nextjs-component: add baseDir from #779 to component to facilitate usage in monorepos (#953) (86844e6)
- nextjs-component: add build.postBuildCommands input to execute any command or script post-build (#772) (b2cc97f)
- nextjs-component: add deploy input which can be set to false to skip deployment (#691) (5adaf2b)
- nextjs-component: add inputs.roleArn for existing lambda role (#827) (f63bc76)
- nextjs-component: allow disabling s3 transfer acceleration (#926) (9aaeec7)
- nextjs-component: allow setting custom API cache behavior (#623) (ca8094b)
- nextjs-component: change ServerlessComponentInputs.deploy and BuildOptions.enabled to a union type (#999) (#1000) (3896b12)
- nextjs-component: enable custom domain names (d8c3f97)
- nextjs-component, lambda-at-edge: support single username/password basic authen… (#773) (220da4a)
- serverless-component: add manual ACM SSL ARN specification (#655) (6bb1443)
- serverless-component: add support for custom s3 region (#451) (ffef4ad)
- serverless-component: allow CloudFront PriceClass to be set (#515) (943958a)
- serverless-component: allow custom configuration for Cloudfront (#282) (e7bed6a)
- serverless-component: allow passing an inline policy (#575) (05ddcc9)
- serverless-component: allow users to set the node.js runtime for the lambda functions (#422) (a0534ab)
- serverless-component: cache static pages and invalidate distribution after deploy (#435) (5d75936)
- serverless-component: custom input (#376) (69beb5a)
- serverless-component: implement getStaticProps / getStaticPaths [fallback: false] (#390) (5185649)
- serverless-component, lambda-at-edge: add support for static 404.html page (#432) (0ba8931)
- serverless-component, lambda-at-edge, lambda-at-edge-compat, s3-static-assets: add support for getStaticPaths fallback true (#544) (a08217b)
- serverless-component,lambda-at-edge: getServerSideProps support (#429) (7aeb26e)
- sls-next/cdk-construct: edgeLambdas concatenated with default edge lambdas (#1024) (32772c0)
- add custom input for lambda(s) timeout (#275) (236231e)
- add custom inputs for lambda name (#283) (704120b), closes #232
- ignore subdomain if not present (#231) (ac2f819)
- memory input for lambdas (#255) (54dfaa2)
- core, lambda-at-edge: cold start improvements (#1044) (0ee1394)
- lambda-at-edge: do not decompress content from fetch in external rewrite (#871) (f0a9b86)
- lambda-at-edge: fix rollup bundling for dynamic imports perf (#1029) (f8f694c)
- Revert "test: remove flaky test" (86f1ced)