A linter that detect the possibility to use variables/constants from the Go standard library.
go install github.com/sashamelentyev/usestdlibvars@latest
is already integrated with
$ usestdlibvars -h
usestdlibvars: A linter that detect the possibility to use variables/constants from the Go standard library.
Usage: usestdlibvars [-flag] [package]
-V print version and exit
no effect (deprecated)
-c int
display offending line with this many lines of context (default -1)
suggest the use of constant.Kind.String()
-cpuprofile string
write CPU profile to this file
suggest the use of crypto.Hash.String()
-debug string
debug flags, any subset of "fpstv"
apply all suggested fixes
print analyzer flags in JSON
suggest the use of http.MethodXX (default true)
suggest the use of http.StatusXX (default true)
emit JSON output
-memprofile string
write memory profile to this file
suggest the use of os.DevNull
suggest the use of rpc.DefaultXXPath
no effect (deprecated)
suggest the use of sql.LevelXX.String()
-tags string
no effect (deprecated)
indicates whether test files should be analyzed, too (default true)
suggest the use of time.Layout
suggest the use of time.Month.String()
suggest the use of time.Weekday.String()
suggest the use of tls.SignatureScheme.String()
-trace string
write trace log to this file
-v no effect (deprecated)
golangci-lint run --disable-all --enable usestdlibvars
package response
import (
// JSON marshals v to JSON, automatically escaping HTML,
// setting the Content-Type header as "application/json; charset=utf-8",
// sends an HTTP response header with the provided statusCode and
// writes the marshaled v as bytes to the connection as part of an HTTP reply.
func JSON(w http.ResponseWriter, statusCode int, v any) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc := json.NewEncoder(&buf)
if err := enc.Encode(v); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
if _, err := w.Write(buf.Bytes()); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), 500)
usestdlibvars ./...
response.go:18:30: "500" can be replaced by http.StatusInternalServerError
response.go:24:30: "500" can be replaced by http.StatusInternalServerError