Webcam Capture v0.3.10
288 commits
to master
since this release
This is official release of Webcam Capture API, version 0.3.10. Dependency is available in Maven Central:
The JAR file will all required dependencies can be also downloaded in ZIP file in case if someone does not use Maven:
JavaDoc is available at:
The following capture drivers are available for 0.3.10:
- webcam-capture-driver-vlcj | maven | zip
- webcam-capture-driver-openimaj | maven | zip
- webcam-capture-driver-lti-civil | maven | zip
- webcam-capture-driver-jmf | maven | zip
- webcam-capture-driver-javacv | maven | zip
- webcam-capture-driver-ipcam | maven | zip
- webcam-capture-driver-gstreamer | maven | zip
- webcam-capture-driver-fswebcam | maven | zip
Known issues / caveats:
- This version (0.3.10) does not work on ARM devices, however you can change this by replacing BridJ JAR (use 0.6.3-SNAPSHOT instead of 0.6.2).
Full list of changes between 0.3.9 and 0.3.10 can be found below (the most bottom ones are the oldest).
- c24916c | [maven-release-plugin] prepare release webcam-capture-parent-0.3.10
- 5f689cc | Fix javadocs
- 8a13680 | Fix dependencies, upgrade plugins
- df24bfd | Fix more javadocs, change repos, fix classpaths
- 6b47935 | Fix javadoc comment [ci skip]
- 38b619e | Fix Maven repositories
- f4c4a12 | Add links to JavaFX examples, refs #241
- 70a71b8 | Add link to FXML example
- 35e69a6 | Fix incorrect description in, refs #241 [ci skip]
- 86b5356 | Integrate FXML example from Rakesh Bhatt, refs #241
- 6585acd | Add screenshoots to
- 62471a3 | Integrate JavaFX example from Rakesh Bhatt, refs #241
- 7cc198a | Better code formatting rules
- 6f15ac2 | Add get device ID, name and ref methods, refs #256
- 132996c | Add examples for PULL/PUSH foscam demo, refs #255
- 637b2c4 | Add note about binding to
- c337b53 | GStremaer capture use of video/x-raw-rgb to increase FPS
- 9edbe37 | More motion detection examples, refs #250
- 27c56f3 | Bug in the motion detector cause false positives, fixes #250
- 0b826cf | Under some conditions webcam API completely hangs, fixes #249
- 6e4923b | Remove buffer access from FsWebcamDevice, refs #240
- 5742ff2 | Add possibility to read image to pre-created buffer, fixes #240
- 3c6b66e | Add webcam panel super component paint, refs #234
- b463bd6 | Update
- 84a7352 | Add possibility to use vlcj-driver on Windows, refs #233
- 885bba4 | Do not scan devices if support says it's not possible, refs #233
- 80f9e3c | Add note about how to stream remotely, fixes #230
- 7b7bc68 | Add dummy driver to be later used in tests
- 2c828ab | Update descriptions in README [ci skip]
- 29aad01 | Build only on OpenJDK 6 to avoid network failures with many workers
- b2adeec | Add info about the panel fit option
- 65e395d | Fix performance issue on Widnows when image is mirrored, refs #227
- 73c39b9 | Remove assertions failing unit tests, refs #228
- d9fcae8 | Do not spawn unecessary threads, refs #228
- 4371adb | Schedule update execution only when webcam is open, fixes #228
- 2071822 | Add possibility to mirror webcam panel image, closes #227
- 4434560 | Fix rendering performancem, fixes #223
- 44b5b2b | Progress on the OpenCV capture driver implementation
- 2f1d3ca | Test I forgot to move in 4e5cd76
- 0dd27f3 | Add info about natives from LTI-CIVIL, refs #224
- 4e5cd76 | Move some common files to main project
- e8278d2 | Update LTI-CIVIL binaries by the ones from George Rhoten patch, refs #224
- 3446098 | Create for LTI-CIVIL driver
- addb80d | Add discovery support to IP camera driver, closes #214
- 10ddd52 | Get rid of unused methods
- ea7aba5 | Add missing dependency management in root pom
- 4eb1ed8 | Add unit tests for VLCj driver
- dc33350 | Update vlcj capture driver
- e815620 | Make driver field volatile, fixes #218
- ff6295f | 404 when accessing one of the examples
- 9821182 | Make Webcam.getFPS() method public
- d6ec6fd | Basic authenticator does not send auth header, fixes #205
- 1650178 | Add minor null check
- 5d27b09 | Merge pull request #197 from bhamail/master
- 38215c6 | Fix description a little bit
- 47322c6 | Capture driver able to read image by fswebcam cli tool, closes #175
- 7bfe979 | Add stop button in TakeSnaphotFromVideoExample, refs #188
- eff0c3d | Do not ignore OpenIMAJ driver on mvn deploy, fixes #191
- 7743c7a | Merge pull request #190 from bhamail/master
- 061a27a | Merge pull request #183 from tbbach/patch-1
- 3bcd742 | Same image data for multiple images obtained from API, fixes #182
- b05817e | Reorganize drivers project directory structure
- 32ed474 | Use stable OpenIMAJ dependency
- f0da24d | Fix notes in live streaming example readme
- 2671302 | Merge pull request #173 from syliks/master
- 9f60aa2 | Add unit tests coverage stats badge [ci skip]
- 5f35461 | Integrate Coveralls with Travis CI
- 7bdc1a5 | Bring Travis CI build back to normal
- 94859e8 | Shutdown executors, fix applet example, fixes #65
- 696bf68 | Small changes in the examples [ci skip]
- 58036d7 | Fix syntax error in dependency XML inside [ci skip]
- c0a1f72 | Prepare for next development iteration
- d8c3ce6 | Prepare release webcam-capture-parent-0.3.10-RC6
- 05a1fa7 | Add onejar example
- 859273c | Few small enhancements in processor code
- d661158 | Change library paths for armhf and armel binaries, refs #140
- 8a116f4 | Fix method signature and fix detector timing issue, fixes #150
- 6fae157 | Update site to include 0.3.10-RC5, fixes #149
- 54ffbbf | [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
- dbd1dbe | [maven-release-plugin] prepare release webcam-capture-parent-0.3.10-RC5
- 6f48a25 | Fix broken link on web page, fixes #138
- ae310af | Add few examples, change MJPEG streamer
- 089fff8 | Update Webcam Capture API handbook, refs #102
- 58c0c22 | Perform webcam buffer update in background, refs #131
- 3772952 | Black images when saving to JPG using OpenImajDriver, fixes #134
- a2ee2f3 | Do not lock webcam when locking is disabled, closes #131
- 32bc81a | Do not crash application when lock file is broken, refs #131
- d0de4ec | Synchronize lock read method, refs #131
- 884bee4 | Remove debug println
- f9c5012 | Rework applet example, relax discovery sync, fixes #128, refs #65
- 8373146 | GStremaer driver ExceptionInInitializerError when GStreamer not in PATH
- b005bac | Add PHP files for spycam POC example to be refined
- 0acd38d | Application never stops on Windows
- 48f1d66 | Update
- 2b5a567 | Spy camera addon, work in progress, PHP not ready yet
- 86bec76 | Add licenses, change README file
- 668b442 | Fix small code issues from last commit, refs #124
- 19b4b7b | VLCj driver resolution problem and cannot choose camera, fixes #124
- e027631 | WebcamViewerExample image hangs when user change selected camera, fixes #123
- da4fedd | WebcamPanel is not being disposed correctly, fixes #121
- 23653cd | ConcurrentModificationException in Webcam.dispose(), fixes #122
- 8ad295d | Bump up version in documents, upgrade deployment script
- 5bce551 | Add bash script to automate private release deployment
- 4bf63c4 | Update
- 2cd6daa | Webcam Capture Handbook continuation, refs #102
- 26165f2 | Update
- 4c6adbd | Add detect faces example showing how to use painter interface
- 7b70637 | Warning when trying to lock webcam, fixes #120
- 6d77ba9 | Stack trace not available when no SLF4J binding in classpath, fixes #118
- 65f7873 | Incorrect FPS value when WebcamPanel used with non-blocking mode, fixes #117
- 2e2c6d1 | Remove Android JARs while it's not supported, bump up BridJ version
- 69401f0 | Update *.so objects with lowered glibc version
- 340b805 | OS X 10.5.8 OpenIMAJ not loaded in 3.10-RC3, fixes #109
- 2153e6d | Reimplement lock (move from preferences to regular file)
- 82d8ce7 | Latest build is failing on Travis, fixes #108
- 4e1734a | Lock webcam so other Java process cannot use it
- 12f6d04 | Start working on global webcam lock
- 46d6293 | Add formatter.xml for Eclipse Save Action
- 8ffc644 | Fix typo in the error message
- f51776a | Update
- afcb12b | Update
- 307b83b | Webcam capture handbook enhancements, refs #102
- 25e2012 | Enhance log configurator to avoid ClassNotFoundException
- e9299eb | Update
- 06bd61c | Fix bug in IP camera registry, fixes #106
- 17cf5fc | Update
- 560c041 | Add V4L4j driver on the capture drivers list, refs #104
- f78a946 | Fix typo in README
- 50f2775 | Default driver used instead of IpCamDriver, fixes #105
- 35c42b7 | Remove webcam log configurator call from examples, fixes #103
- fc59051 | Add to V4L4J capture driver, refs #104
- be431af | Create capture driver for V4L4J framework, closes #104
- a88f031 | Update
- de8a643 | Working on the SWT WebcamComposite, refs #91
- b210924 | Fix InvalidThreadAccess exception on redraw composite, refs #91
- 80f246a | SWT equivalent for WebcamPanel, refs #91
- faeee43 | Update Webcam Capture API Handbook, refs #102
- ecd6575 | Few enhancements in GStreamer driver
- e4f0080 | Add Linux support to GStreamer capture driver, refs #100
- e407785 | Remove CIF, HVGA and XGA from default list of supported resolutions, closes #99
- d0da029 | Update README with 0.3.10-RC3 version
- 3a34bf9 | Fix illegal state exception when closing application, fixes #97
- fe92b50 | Update examples
- ac4d46e | Too many debug prints in the log when using non-blocking mode, fixes #96
- d2247cd | Update OpenIMAJGrabber.dll for both 32- and 64-bit windows, refs #81
- 045c5bc | Add logs to GStreamer driver, add FPS source support
- 259e602 | Continous GStreamer driver enhancement
- 2915081 | Start working on SWT composite, refs #91
- 73e6ad8 | Fix caps in GStreamerDevice, refs #57
- dbed631 | GStreamer driver for Webcam-Capture, closes #57
- 9f001b8 | IP camera device registry doesn't work with discovery service, fixes #93
- 8c9ac66 | Update
- 44e8405 | Some usful methods in IpCamDeviceRegistry
- 345ec88 | Add unregister method to IpCamDriver, fixes #92
- 1dc9011 | Example of how to use WebcamPanel in SWT application, refs #92
- 9048dbd | Update IP camera driver README to cover newest version
- 0fd4226 | Update README and include some IP camera examples, refs #92
- 7d552a0 | Add better IP camera examples, refs #92
- eae33dc | Broken ConcurrentThreadsExample link, refs #92
- 598bdc3 | Update README and site to cover new RC version
- bd53aba | Stop WebcamPanel doesn't stop all required threads, fixes #90
- 82cd706 | Start working on experimental GStreamer driver, refs #57
- a7ba4d4 | Move webcam viewer from examples to core, closes #89
- f2e9db1 | Create
- d5321a1 | Fix incorrect video recording example path
- 77e77b6 | Update record video example, refs #88
- a7fa1f2 | Add catch clauses to debug more problems, refs #87
- 7c8c60f | Fix zh_CN and zh_TW i18n translation in WebcamPanel, fixes #76
- 2d660ee | Add Webcam picker component, closes #85
- a7f6ae5 | LTI-CIVIL driver returns null images, fixes #84
- a4caf56 | IllegalStateException when using LTI-CIVIL driver, fixes #83
- bfb8f4e | Update
- da1baaa | Fix broken links in
- ec97400 | Move examples, add mixxing dx license, update link in site
- 4bd6b8e | Add missing uncaught exception handlers
- 06a51f2 | Update README, add release candidate info
- 5720087 | Add image transformation feature, closes #73
- a80b180 | Add few assertions in the code, minor changes
- 1dd0c96 | Remove Maven build warnings, fixes #72
- dcfb905 | Introduce get image timeout in OpenImage-based default driver, fixes #40
- cf0b870 | Fix WebcamPanel, OpenIMAJ driver, etc, fixes #71
- 68c2831 | Update OpenIMAJ driver
- ab020e8 | Move examples to different package, refs #69
- e49e478 | Mavenize hepin1989's example of live webcam video streaming
- 99567ff | I18N support for messages displayed in WebcamPanel, closes #66
- 0ca8419 | Add listener event for image obtained, fixes #64, fixes #46
- 3260243 | Fix in DiscoveryService.stop() method
- abe198b | New Windows binaries
- 3661372 | Don't start discovery runner if driver doesn't support discovery, fixes #63
- b3ca676 | WebcamPanel freezes after displaying one frame
- 00bb30e | Add native timeout, fix method signature, fixes #67
- 27eb6d3 | Merge pull request #68 from hepin1989/master
- d177e7b | Make WebcamPanel resistant to unexpected exceptions, refs #65
- 83e460f | Update
- 1575476 | Update handbook
- feb039e | Add logo, start writing handbook
- 840e615 | Enhance deployment process
- 73c9bc3 | Bump BridJ version to 0.6.3-SNAPSHOT
- efa0584 | Integrate new binaries for Windows, Linux, Mac OS and ARM
- d4dd055 | Update
- 93ec28d | Add for FFmpeg capture driver
- 61e9a52 | Enhance assembly profile
- 27ceb8a | Add snapshot assemblies, fixes #56
- 2eb6ac1 | Add javadoc comments in webcam updater class
- 8d4bef0 | Compressed SVG file
- 8894ec3 | Update
- 269c53a | Upload new QR, small fix in POM
- a3b075d | Implement non-blocking capture API access, refs #46
- a8ab1db | Remove list of predefined driver classes to search, closes #53
- f642b17 | Prevent experimental FFmpeg driver from being deployed
- 76cc92b | Implement FFmpeg driver fetching images from MJPEG stream, fixes #52
- 5151aba | Add possibility to display current FPS in WebcamPanel, fixes #51
- f6c1ef8 | WebcamPanel much slower than native camera display, fixes #50
- d06a696 | Add info regarding SNAPSHOT repository
- 1edd3f9 | Non-blocking image access
- a314254 | Remove unnecessary file
- 208a915 | Update
- 60207e2 | Example for how to record video from webcam
- 155debd | Implement possibility to access direct image buffer
- 5111d85 | Change delay mechanism in WebcamDiscoveryService
- 0ce18b5 | Fix problems reported by PMD
- 1e77788 | Missing licenses in binary distribution, fixes #43
- 4807634 | Update
- ae96d6a | Update
- 60faeb1 | Update
- 131c070 | Add Linux support to LTI-CIVIL driver
- 2390e83 | Remove dependency on unofficial LTI-CIVIL
- 33c9e06 | Update
- 2a67589 | Remove dependency on jhlabs
- f337d61 | Update versions
- 7b4291a | Do not exclude JMF driver from being released
- 9a3b8ee | Update
- b7b6887 | [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration