Latin for "Super Bloom", this is an extended release manager for ROS.
- Gentoo
- OpenEmbedded
- Nix
- Python 3
- Docker
- Git
To automatically create a pull-request, you need to generate an OAuth token for this application.
After you have created the token, place it in the
environment variable SUPERFLORE_GITHUB_TOKEN
If you're running it with --dry-run
isn't needed.
Then install and run the application.
$ sudo python3 ./ install
$ superflore-gen-ebuilds -h
usage: superflore-gen-ebuilds [-h] [--ros-distro ROS_DISTRO] [--all]
[--dry-run] [--pr-only] [--no-branch]
[--output-repository-path OUTPUT_REPOSITORY_PATH]
[--only ONLY [ONLY ...]]
[--pr-comment PR_COMMENT]
[--upstream-repo UPSTREAM_REPO]
[--upstream-branch UPSTREAM_BRANCH]
[--skip-keys SKIP_KEYS [SKIP_KEYS ...]]
Deploy ROS packages into Gentoo Linux
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ros-distro ROS_DISTRO
regenerate packages for the specified distro
--all regenerate all packages in all distros
--dry-run run without filing a PR to remote
--pr-only ONLY file a PR to remote
--no-branch Do not create a new branch automatically
--output-repository-path OUTPUT_REPOSITORY_PATH
location of the Git repo
--only ONLY [ONLY ...]
generate only the specified packages
--pr-comment PR_COMMENT
comment to add to the PR
--upstream-repo UPSTREAM_REPO
location of the upstream repository as in<owner>/<repository>
--upstream-branch UPSTREAM_BRANCH
branch of the upstream repository
--skip-keys SKIP_KEYS [SKIP_KEYS ...]
packages to skip during regeneration
$ superflore-check-ebuilds -h
usage: superflore-check-ebuilds [-h]
[--ros-distro ROS_DISTRO [ROS_DISTRO ...]]
[--pkgs PKGS [PKGS ...]] [-f F] [-v]
[--log-file LOG_FILE]
Check if ROS packages are building for Gentoo Linux
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ros-distro ROS_DISTRO [ROS_DISTRO ...]
distro(s) to check
--pkgs PKGS [PKGS ...]
packages to build
-f F build packages specified by the input file
-v, --verbose show output from docker
--log-file LOG_FILE location to store the log file
If a file is to be passed as input, it is expected to be in proper yaml format, such as the below.
- catkin
- p2os_msgs
- catkin
- catkin
To update the gentoo ebuilds, run the following:
$ superflore-gen-ebuilds
This command will clone the ros/ros-overlay
repo into
a subfolder within /tmp
. This can be thought of as an
update mode. Note: this mode will file a PR with ros/ros-overlay.
If you don't want to file a PR with ros/ros-overlay, you should add
the --dry-run
flag. You can later decide to file the PR after inspection
by using the --pr-only
To regenerate only the specified packages, use the --only [pkg1] [pkg2] ... [pkgn]
flag (note: you will need to also use the --ros-distro [distro]
If you want to use an existing repo instead of cloning one,
add --output-repository-path [path]
In the case that you wish to regenerate an entire rosdistro, you may do
so by adding the --ros-distro [distro name]
flag. Note: this is very
time consuming.
If you wish to regenerate all installers for all ros distros, you
should pass the --all
flag in place of the --ros-distro
flag. Note:
this takes an extremely long amount of time.
NOTE: The instructions
should be followed to generate the OpenEmbedded recipes for meta-ros
$ superflore-gen-oe-recipes -h
usage: superflore-gen-oe-recipes [-h] --ros-distro ROS_DISTRO --dry-run
[--pr-only] [--no-branch]
[--output-repository-path OUTPUT_REPOSITORY_PATH]
[--only ONLY [ONLY ...]]
[--pr-comment PR_COMMENT]
[--upstream-repo UPSTREAM_REPO]
[--upstream-branch UPSTREAM_BRANCH]
[--skip-keys SKIP_KEYS [SKIP_KEYS ...]]
[--tar-archive-dir TAR_ARCHIVE_DIR]
Generate OpenEmbedded recipes for ROS packages
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ros-distro ROS_DISTRO
regenerate packages for the specified distro
--dry-run run without filing a PR to remote
--pr-only ONLY file a PR to remote
--no-branch Do not create a new branch automatically
--output-repository-path OUTPUT_REPOSITORY_PATH
location of the Git repo
--only ONLY [ONLY ...]
generate only the specified packages
--pr-comment PR_COMMENT
comment to add to the PR
--upstream-repo UPSTREAM_REPO
location of the upstream repository as in<owner>/<repository>
--upstream-branch UPSTREAM_BRANCH
branch of the upstream repository
--skip-keys SKIP_KEYS [SKIP_KEYS ...]
packages to skip during regeneration
--tar-archive-dir TAR_ARCHIVE_DIR
location to store archived packages
To update the OpenEmbedded recipes for a ROS distro, run the following:
$ superflore-gen-oe-recipes --ros-distro ROS_DISTRO
This command will clone the ros/meta-ros
repo into a subfolder under
, generate the recipes and other files for the specified
distro, commit them, and issue a pull request for ros/meta-ros
. The
flag must be supplied. ROS 1 distros prior to "melodic" are
not supported.
Generating bitbake recipes without specifying --dry-run
is not
supported. This is because it is almost inevitable that
changes to the metadata under recipes-bbappend will be required.
Only when these have been made and the images build and pass
the sanity test should a pull request be created.
You can issue the PR later by using the --pr-only
If you want to use an existing repo instead of cloning one, specify
--output-repository-path OUTPUT_REPOSITORY_PATH
Note that the --only
flag currently generates bogus files under conf
Here are some specific use cases for Superflore.
Q: I need to patch this package. What are the steps involved here?
A: It's relatively simple to generate a patch for a package. From a contributor standpoint, superflore does most of the heavy lifting for you.
We'll assume you have already patched your source code, and your patch is
named fix-pkg.patch
. Also, we'll assume you're patching the package foo
and that you have a fork of ros/ros-overlay on its master branch within
you home directory.
$ cd ${HOME}/ros-overlay/ros-[distro]/foo
$ mkdir files
$ cp /path/to/patch/fix-pkg.patch ./files
$ git add files
$ git commit -m "Add patch to fix package [foo] in [distro]."
Next, use Superflore to regenerate the package.
$ superflore-gen-ebuilds --only [foo] --ros-distro [distro] --output-repository-path ~/ros-overlay
After that command runs, a pull request will be filed on your behalf into
the ROS overlay repository. Note: If you don't want a pull request to be
filed, add the --dry-run
flag to the above command, and, after you are ready
to file the pr, run superflore-gen-ebuilds --pr-only