a gokrazy appliance for the raspberry pi running coredns - the ultimate home dns setup.
the average techie's dns journey might look a little something like this (mine did):
- use isp provided dns blissfully unaware
- use google dns
- use cloudflare dns
- add a pihole
- add a pihole with unbound as a resolver
- add a pihole with unbound as a resolver and coredns for homelab zones
- realize this could be all folded into coredns
and so i did! pihole - albeit an incredibly cool project - ended up being a bit too much hassle to maintain and was a bit annoying to deal with. after setting up coredns because i needed it for my homelab, i realized you could just have coredns do all of the things my frankenstein pihole appliance ended up doing. as a big bonus, this can be more lightweight, easily reproducible and defined by code using the awesome gokrazy project!
- lightweight gokrazy appliance that just bundles the linux kernel, go runtime and application code for coredns and it's configuration
- recursive dns resolution via the unbound plugin
- mdns hosting over regular dns via the mdns plugin
- dns-sinkhole-level ad blocking via the hosts plugin, not too dissimilar from how it works with pihole
- centralized metrics to prometheus via the prometheus plugin
- easy development, building and deployment via nix
TODO: this is still in development, lol