Easily log API requests and responses to your own security data lake.
Requires go 1.18 or later.
Run this command in the same directory as your project's go.mod
and go.sum
go get github.com/resurfaceio/logger-go/v3
package main
import (
"github.com/resurfaceio/logger-go/v3" //<----- 1
func main() {
router := mux.NewRouter()
options := logger.Options{ //<----- 2
Rules: "include_debug\n",
Url: "http://localhost:7701/message",
Enabled: true,
Queue: nil,
httpLoggerForMux, err := logger.NewHttpLoggerForMuxOptions(options) //<----- 3
if err != nil {
router.Use(httpLoggerForMux.LogData) //<----- 4
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":5000", router))
Loggers always have an active set of rules that control what data is logged
and how sensitive data is masked. All of the examples above apply a predefined set of rules, include_debug
but logging rules are easily customized to meet the needs of any application.
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