A simple vulnerable device finder. Made for penetration testing purposes only!
This is a simple script based on WonderHowTo tutorial for using Shodan to automate the searching for vulnerable devices. Mine version automizes the process a little bit more by giving options for IP only or all data rquests and then options to save them into log and ping them.
- Python 2.7
- Python PIP
- Shodan PIP
- Shodan Account
- Shodan API Key
- Linux Machine (Recommended)
To install the script you need to open a terminal and type in "git clone https://github.com/raysedev/findme", then you should have a folder named "findme" at the root location. After you got the folder get inside and open every file with ".py" extention and change the "Your API Key Here" with your actual Shodan API.
To start the script open a terminal and cd into the folder that contains the script and type in "python findme.py". To see the commands type in "?".
I'm developing a project for the first time so i will appreciate some help!