A discord music bot you can host yourself!
- Round Robin style queue, you won't have to wait forever for your songs to play.
- Interactive menus
- Translations, get the bot in your preferred language! Works for both commands and replies.
- Noice per server customization options, including per server localization.
- Toit embeds.
- DJ roles. Grants members in the role some more control over the queue.
- Sound-manipulation features, bass boost and nightcore.
- Lyrics command that sometimes gives the correct lyrics
Each user has their own queue and the bot mixes them together for fair time sharing.
- Python 3.10 or greater
- A lavalink server
Change or copy data/config.yaml.example to config.yaml
- If using docker, the config file will be moved into
on the first run.
- If using docker, the config file will be moved into
Configure Lavalink
- When self-hosting:
- Get a
file from your lavalink distribution, to provide lavalink. - Secure the instance by changing the password.
- This bot is written with the Youtube, Soundcloud, Bandcamp and Vimeo source in mind. Others might work
- Get a
- Self-hosted and hosted:
Configure the bot to connect to your nodes.
If you wish to pre-seed the bot with lavalink nodes, you can do so in
lavalink nodes: - host: localhost port: 2333 password: youshallnotpass region: eu name: main
- When self-hosting:
Add your bot token to
. -
Prepare your environment:
- Native install:
- Clone, and enter the repository.
git clone https://github.com/r-Norge/ShiteMusicBot.git && cd ShiteMusicBot
- (Recommended) Create a virtual environment and activate it.
python3 -m pip venv .venv && . .venv/bin/activate
- Install requirements
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Clone, and enter the repository.
- Docker Compose:
- Copy the example that fits your needs
- Change the volume path(s) to store persistent data on your host.
docker compose pull
- Native install:
Run the bot:
- Native install:
python3 bot.py
- Docker Compose:
docker compose run -d
- Native install:
Make sure the bot responds, by invoking the info command.
@ShiteMusicBot info
, substituteShiteMusicBot
with the name of your bot.
version: '3'
driver: bridge
hostname: lavalink
image: ghcr.io/lavalink-devs/lavalink:4
- internal
- ./application.yml:/opt/Lavalink/application.yml
container_name: ShiteMusicBot
image: rnorge/music
- internal
command: python3 bot.py
- ./data:/app/data
version: '3'
container_name: ShiteMusicBot
image: rnorge/music
command: python3 bot.py
- ./data:/app/data