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Releases: pylapp/SmoothClicker
Releases · pylapp/SmoothClicker
Version 2.1.3
Release note
Version v2.13
- Deleted languages which were not well translated and keep well-translated ones (fr, en, ru, it)
- Updated the credits view with references to people who have brought some help for translations
v2.1.0 : Juicy Jellyfish
- The click process has been improved if unit time in use is millisecond, but it may be not fully accurate due to thread performances and sleep times
- The arc menu will be closed if the user clicks on the "start" floating button
- A bug with several selected radio buttons on rotation has been fixed
v2.0.0 : Incredible Indri
- Support for italian and catalan
- Improved some components to make them more material
- Refactor main view
- Add new icons to floating arc menu
- Add some references to tutorials about how to root the device
- Fixed some bugs
- Update and optimize the credits view
- Update the intro screens
- Refactor the preferences screen
- Deal with the new system which manage permissions for Android 6.0+
- The intro screen is available from the settings screen as an help
- Import / export the configuration of the app (process and points) from / to JSON files
- Play a sound if a click is made
- Possible to choose its time unit for the click process (ms, s, m or h)
- Standalone mode using only predefined configuration in JSON files
- Standalone mode using predefined configuration in JSON files and a screen-recognition-pattern
- Force the screen to be on if off
- Keep the screen on if needed
- Use a Shell script using ADB commands to unlock the screen if needed
- Possible to define random points when long click on the screen
- Support for landscape mode for handsets and tablets, for 6", 7" and 10" screens devices
- Fixed bug which may produce a force close (NullPointerException on main activity's SwitchButton)
- Fixed bug which may make a white icons bar for full screen views
- Support for languages romanian, polish and finnish
- Fixed bug which may appear on start of the app
- Fixed a display bug in the list of points (a strange x = 0 / y = 0 point)
- Clean some verbatims
- Support for languages russian, german, portuguese and korean
v1.9.0 : Holy Hedgehog
- New feature: possible to restore all the default values
- New feature: possible to delete all the selected points
- New feature: an helping toast is displayed on the clicking screen when the user is inactive
- New feature: a snackbar is displayed to show to the user its defined action, instead of a toast
- New feature: the user can undo its action thanks to a dismiss button in the snackbar
- New feature: now an intro screen is displayed at the very first start of the app
- Refactor the GUI with a new switch button
- Refactor the credits view
- Support for: spanish
- More bug fixes
- More optimization and clean
- More refactor
- Optimization
- More fixed bugs
v1.8.0 : Galactic Gorilla
- A lot of bugs have been fixed
- Improve the GUI
- More debug
v1.7.0 : Freaky Fawn
- Klingon support
- Service reachable from the outside
- Some bugs fixes
- Notifications with countdowns for delayed starts
- Shake to clean, settings view, more debug and more Javadoc HTML doc
- Selection of several points
v1.6.0 : Elastic Elephant
- Selection of a point everywhere on the screen with a transparent view
- Endless repeat, french support
v1.5.0 : Dumb dodo
- Notifications about the clicks and the state of the app, back button
v1.4.0 : Crazy Crane
- Material designed components, exit dialog
v1.3.0 : Blazing Buffalo
- Splash screen
- Vibrations on clicks, credits for third-party contents
v1.0.0 : Astonishing Ant
- First version of the app