MyApi SQL Template | |
⚡️ | Launch your api instantly watching changes with live-reload |
📈 | Highly scalable using Repository design pattern to access the database even easier |
😎 | OpenAPI with Swagger to describe your RESTful APIs |
✨ | KISS principle make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler |
📱 | Mobile friendly supporting Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) with a list of domains for restricted resources |
🔑 | Security using JWT authentication strategy with Passport and other techniques to increase the security of your applications |
👥 | Made for Users. Easily validate permissions for specific routes using Guards with a Role-based access control |
⏱ | Don't repeat yourself, Single responsibility principle. |
🔗 | Validation: provides pipes available right out-of-the-box with class-validator to enforce validation rules for all incoming client payloads |
Logger with Winston using different levels to track exceptions easily | |
🔄 | Migrations using TypeORM to apply incremental updates to the database |
Do you want to see this template in action? Visit yay! 🎉
- API for MercadoPago Checkout:
# install dependencies
$ yarn
# development
$ yarn start
# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev
# production mode
$ yarn start:prod
# run migration
$ yarn migration
# create migration
$ yarn migration:create
# revert migration
$ yarn migration:revert
# unit tests
$ yarn test
# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e
# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov
- Implementing Microservices
- A microservice that handles the queue of sending emails
- Testing with NestJS like a Pro
- typescript-starter: Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.
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Please let us know your contributions! 🙏
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