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httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.


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httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library. It is designed to maintain result reliability with an increased number of threads.



  • Simple and modular code base making it easy to contribute.
  • Fast And fully configurable flags to probe multiple elements.
  • Supports multiple HTTP based probings.
  • Smart auto fallback from https to http as default.
  • Supports hosts, URLs and CIDR as input.
  • Handles edge cases doing retries, backoffs etc for handling WAFs.

Supported probes

Probes Default check Probes Default check
URL true IP true
Title true CNAME true
Status Code true Raw HTTP false
Content Length true HTTP2 false
TLS Certificate true HTTP Pipeline false
CSP Header true Virtual host false
Line Count true Word Count true
Location Header true CDN false
Web Server true Paths false
Web Socket true Ports false
Response Time true Request Method true
Favicon Hash false Probe Status false
Body Hash true Header Hash true
Redirect chain false URL Scheme true
JARM Hash false ASN false

Installation Instructions

httpx requires go1.21 to install successfully. Run the following command to get the repo:

go install -v

To learn more about installing httpx, see

This project is in active development. Expect breaking changes with releases. Review the changelog before updating.
This project was primarily built to be used as a standalone CLI tool. Running it as a service may pose security risks. It's recommended to use with caution and additional security measures.


httpx -h

This will display help for the tool. Here are all the switches it supports.

  ./httpx [flags]

httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit that allows running multiple probes using the retryablehttp library.

  ./httpx [flags]

   -l, -list string      input file containing list of hosts to process
   -rr, -request string  file containing raw request
   -u, -target string[]  input target host(s) to probe

   -sc, -status-code      display response status-code
   -cl, -content-length   display response content-length
   -ct, -content-type     display response content-type
   -location              display response redirect location
   -favicon               display mmh3 hash for '/favicon.ico' file
   -hash string           display response body hash (supported: md5,mmh3,simhash,sha1,sha256,sha512)
   -jarm                  display jarm fingerprint hash
   -rt, -response-time    display response time
   -lc, -line-count       display response body line count
   -wc, -word-count       display response body word count
   -title                 display page title
   -bp, -body-preview     display first N characters of response body (default 100)
   -server, -web-server   display server name
   -td, -tech-detect      display technology in use based on wappalyzer dataset
   -method                display http request method
   -websocket             display server using websocket
   -ip                    display host ip
   -cname                 display host cname
   -extract-fqdn, -efqdn  get domain and subdomains from response body and header in jsonl/csv output
   -asn                   display host asn information
   -cdn                   display cdn/waf in use (default true)
   -probe                 display probe status

   -ss, -screenshot                 enable saving screenshot of the page using headless browser
   -system-chrome                   enable using local installed chrome for screenshot
   -ho, -headless-options string[]  start headless chrome with additional options
   -esb, -exclude-screenshot-bytes  enable excluding screenshot bytes from json output
   -ehb, -exclude-headless-body     enable excluding headless header from json output
   -st, -screenshot-timeout value   set timeout for screenshot in seconds (default 10s)
   -sid, -screenshot-idle value     set idle time before taking screenshot in seconds (default 1s)

   -mc, -match-code string            match response with specified status code (-mc 200,302)
   -ml, -match-length string          match response with specified content length (-ml 100,102)
   -mlc, -match-line-count string     match response body with specified line count (-mlc 423,532)
   -mwc, -match-word-count string     match response body with specified word count (-mwc 43,55)
   -mfc, -match-favicon string[]      match response with specified favicon hash (-mfc 1494302000)
   -ms, -match-string string[]        match response with specified string (-ms admin)
   -mr, -match-regex string[]         match response with specified regex (-mr admin)
   -mcdn, -match-cdn string[]         match host with specified cdn provider (cloudfront, fastly, google)
   -mrt, -match-response-time string  match response with specified response time in seconds (-mrt '< 1')
   -mdc, -match-condition string      match response with dsl expression condition

   -er, -extract-regex string[]   display response content with matched regex
   -ep, -extract-preset string[]  display response content matched by a pre-defined regex (url,ipv4,mail)

   -fc, -filter-code string            filter response with specified status code (-fc 403,401)
   -fep, -filter-error-page            filter response with ML based error page detection
   -fd, -filter-duplicates             filter out near-duplicate responses (only first response is retained)
   -fl, -filter-length string          filter response with specified content length (-fl 23,33)
   -flc, -filter-line-count string     filter response body with specified line count (-flc 423,532)
   -fwc, -filter-word-count string     filter response body with specified word count (-fwc 423,532)
   -ffc, -filter-favicon string[]      filter response with specified favicon hash (-ffc 1494302000)
   -fs, -filter-string string[]        filter response with specified string (-fs admin)
   -fe, -filter-regex string[]         filter response with specified regex (-fe admin)
   -fcdn, -filter-cdn string[]         filter host with specified cdn provider (cloudfront, fastly, google)
   -frt, -filter-response-time string  filter response with specified response time in seconds (-frt '> 1')
   -fdc, -filter-condition string      filter response with dsl expression condition
   -strip                              strips all tags in response. supported formats: html,xml (default html)

   -t, -threads int              number of threads to use (default 50)
   -rl, -rate-limit int          maximum requests to send per second (default 150)
   -rlm, -rate-limit-minute int  maximum number of requests to send per minute

   -pa, -probe-all-ips        probe all the ips associated with same host
   -p, -ports string[]        ports to probe (nmap syntax: eg http:1,2-10,11,https:80)
   -path string               path or list of paths to probe (comma-separated, file)
   -tls-probe                 send http probes on the extracted TLS domains (dns_name)
   -csp-probe                 send http probes on the extracted CSP domains
   -tls-grab                  perform TLS(SSL) data grabbing
   -pipeline                  probe and display server supporting HTTP1.1 pipeline
   -http2                     probe and display server supporting HTTP2
   -vhost                     probe and display server supporting VHOST
   -ldv, -list-dsl-variables  list json output field keys name that support dsl matcher/filter

   -up, -update                 update httpx to latest version
   -duc, -disable-update-check  disable automatic httpx update check

   -o, -output string                     file to write output results
   -oa, -output-all                       filename to write output results in all formats
   -sr, -store-response                   store http response to output directory
   -srd, -store-response-dir string       store http response to custom directory
   -ob, -omit-body                        omit response body in output
   -csv                                   store output in csv format
   -csvo, -csv-output-encoding string     define output encoding
   -j, -json                              store output in JSONL(ines) format
   -irh, -include-response-header         include http response (headers) in JSON output (-json only)
   -irr, -include-response                include http request/response (headers + body) in JSON output (-json only)
   -irrb, -include-response-base64        include base64 encoded http request/response in JSON output (-json only)
   -include-chain                         include redirect http chain in JSON output (-json only)
   -store-chain                           include http redirect chain in responses (-sr only)
   -svrc, -store-vision-recon-cluster     include visual recon clusters (-ss and -sr only)
   -pr, -protocol string                  protocol to use (unknown, http11)
   -fepp, -filter-error-page-path string  path to store filtered error pages (default "filtered_error_page.json")

   -config string                   path to the httpx configuration file (default $HOME/.config/httpx/config.yaml)
   -r, -resolvers string[]          list of custom resolver (file or comma separated)
   -allow string[]                  allowed list of IP/CIDR's to process (file or comma separated)
   -deny string[]                   denied list of IP/CIDR's to process (file or comma separated)
   -sni, -sni-name string           custom TLS SNI name
   -random-agent                    enable Random User-Agent to use (default true)
   -H, -header string[]             custom http headers to send with request
   -http-proxy, -proxy string       http proxy to use (eg
   -unsafe                          send raw requests skipping golang normalization
   -resume                          resume scan using resume.cfg
   -fr, -follow-redirects           follow http redirects
   -maxr, -max-redirects int        max number of redirects to follow per host (default 10)
   -fhr, -follow-host-redirects     follow redirects on the same host
   -rhsts, -respect-hsts            respect HSTS response headers for redirect requests
   -vhost-input                     get a list of vhosts as input
   -x string                        request methods to probe, use 'all' to probe all HTTP methods
   -body string                     post body to include in http request
   -s, -stream                      stream mode - start elaborating input targets without sorting
   -sd, -skip-dedupe                disable dedupe input items (only used with stream mode)
   -ldp, -leave-default-ports       leave default http/https ports in host header (eg. http://host:80 - https://host:443
   -ztls                            use ztls library with autofallback to standard one for tls13
   -no-decode                       avoid decoding body
   -tlsi, -tls-impersonate          enable experimental client hello (ja3) tls randomization
   -no-stdin                        Disable Stdin processing
   -hae, -http-api-endpoint string  experimental http api endpoint

   -health-check, -hc        run diagnostic check up
   -debug                    display request/response content in cli
   -debug-req                display request content in cli
   -debug-resp               display response content in cli
   -version                  display httpx version
   -stats                    display scan statistic
   -profile-mem string       optional httpx memory profile dump file
   -silent                   silent mode
   -v, -verbose              verbose mode
   -si, -stats-interval int  number of seconds to wait between showing a statistics update (default: 5)
   -nc, -no-color            disable colors in cli output
   -tr, -trace               trace

   -nf, -no-fallback                  display both probed protocol (HTTPS and HTTP)
   -nfs, -no-fallback-scheme          probe with protocol scheme specified in input 
   -maxhr, -max-host-error int        max error count per host before skipping remaining path/s (default 30)
   -e, -exclude string[]              exclude host matching specified filter ('cdn', 'private-ips', cidr, ip, regex)
   -retries int                       number of retries
   -timeout int                       timeout in seconds (default 10)
   -delay value                       duration between each http request (eg: 200ms, 1s) (default -1ns)
   -rsts, -response-size-to-save int  max response size to save in bytes (default 2147483647)
   -rstr, -response-size-to-read int  max response size to read in bytes (default 2147483647)

   -auth                           configure projectdiscovery cloud (pdcp) api key (default true)
   -ac, -auth-config string        configure projectdiscovery cloud (pdcp) api key credential file
   -pd, -dashboard                 upload / view output in projectdiscovery cloud (pdcp) UI dashboard
   -tid, -team-id string           upload asset results to given team id (optional)
   -aid, -asset-id string          upload new assets to existing asset id (optional)
   -aname, -asset-name string      assets group name to set (optional)
   -pdu, -dashboard-upload string  upload httpx output file (jsonl) in projectdiscovery cloud (pdcp) UI dashboard

Running httpx

For details about running httpx, see

Using httpx as a library

httpx can be used as a library by creating an instance of the Option struct and populating it with the same options that would be specified via CLI. Once validated, the struct should be passed to a runner instance (to be closed at the end of the program) and the RunEnumeration method should be called. A minimal example of how to do it is in the examples folder


  • As default, httpx probe with HTTPS scheme and fall-back to HTTP only if HTTPS is not reachable.
  • The -no-fallback flag can be used to probe and display both HTTP and HTTPS result.
  • Custom scheme for ports can be defined, for example -ports http:443,http:80,https:8443
  • Custom resolver supports multiple protocol (doh|tcp|udp) in form of protocol:resolver:port (e.g. udp:
  • The following flags should be used for specific use cases instead of running them as default with other probes:
    • -ports
    • -path
    • -vhost
    • -screenshot
    • -csp-probe
    • -tls-probe
    • -favicon
    • -http2
    • -pipeline
    • -tls-impersonate


Probing feature is inspired by @tomnomnom/httprobe work ❤️

httpx is made with 💙 by the projectdiscovery team and distributed under MIT License.

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