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snake clone

hi mr heathfield

Multiplayer snake game! Inspired by the retro classic and The object is get as big as possible while simultaneously stopping others from growing (kill them by running in front of them). Some features include a live scoreboard and customizable nickname/color. Check it out @ (i am too lazy and broke to get an actual domain). Snakes are controlled with arrow keys.

High level overview

snake class

  • Each snake has their own class with a body, direction, color, nickname, growing variable and queue.
  • When a snake eats an apple growing is incremented
  • Each snake has an update function that shifts all the squares in the current direction. If growing is positive then we decrement it and keep the lastmost square.
  • Obviously we don't want to let the user make a 180 degree turn, so we have to use a queue that stores the user's direction changes. It's not sufficient to directly modify the direction (and check if we are moving in the opposite direction before changing) because the user could change a direction twice really fast before update is called again.

server-side stuff?

  • The state of the game is represented as an object with a list of id:snake pairs and apples
  • Continuously update each snake, eating apples if a snake's head is on top of one
  • After updating, we check how many snakes occupy each square and if a square is occupied by more than 2 snakes we kill all snakes occupying that square
  • We continuously push apples if the number of apples is below a random threshold
  • After we update everything, send the new state of the game to all the clients (repeat every 70 ms)

front end -> literally just render everything

  • Not good to do any calculations client side (something something single source of truth something something out of sync)
  • The board might not fit on some screens but just zoom out and it'll work xd

stuff used

alt text

installation instructions (to run locally)

git clone
npm install
node index.js


snake game but its multiplayer






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