A collection of tools for Obsidian plugin development and validation.
A tool to check an Obsidian plugin manifest against community rules as described in the Validate Plugin Entry workflow of the obsidianmd/obsidian-releases project.
# Build from source
go build -o obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest ./validate-plugin-manifest
# Or use Task (recommended)
task build
# Run from source
go run ./validate-plugin-manifest/main.go
# Simple validation with default manifest.json
# Validate a specific manifest file
./obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest --manifest path/to/manifest.json
# Output in JSON format (useful for CI/CD)
./obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest --manifest path/to/manifest.json --json
# Suppress informational output
./obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest --manifest path/to/manifest.json --quiet
# Show version information
./obsidian-validate-plugin-manifest --version
The validator checks that manifest files comply with the Obsidian community plugin guidelines:
- Plugin ID and name must not contain "obsidian" or end with "plugin"
- Description must not contain "obsidian" or phrases like "this plugin"
- Description should be under 250 characters
- Version and minAppVersion follow proper format (numbers and dots only)
- URLs don't point to the Obsidian website
- Email addresses are discouraged in the author field
Run the unit tests with:
# Using Go directly
go test ./validate-plugin-manifest
# Or using Task (recommended)
task test
For more detailed test output:
# Using Go directly
go test -v ./validate-plugin-manifest
# Or using Task
task test -- -v
For successful validation:
📝 Validating manifest for plugin: Example Plugin
✅ Manifest validation passed!
For validation with errors:
📝 Validating manifest for plugin: Example Plugin
❌ Errors:
• Plugin ID should not contain the word 'obsidian'
• Plugin ID should not end with 'plugin'
• Description should not contain the word 'Obsidian'
• Description should be under 250 characters (currently 274)
⚠️ Warnings:
• Email addresses are discouraged in the author field
❌ Validation failed with 4 error(s) and 1 warning(s)
This project uses Task as a build tool. You can install it with:
go install github.com/go-task/task/v3/cmd/task@latest
Common commands:
# Build the project
task build
# Run all tests
task test
# Format code
task fmt
# Run linters
task lint
# Install required tools
task tools:install
Run task --list-all
to see all available tasks. See CLAUDE.md for more details on development guidelines.