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General purpose mathematical software system, fork of SageMath supporting modularized installation with pip

passagemath: General purpose mathematical software system in Python, a pip-installable modularized fork of SageMath

passagemath is open source mathematical software released under the GNU General Public Licence GPLv2+.

It is a fork of SageMath, created in October 2024 with the following goals:

passagemath community


passagemath in the mathematical software landscape

The passagemath project is a major integrating force in the mathematical software landscape. There are many ways to contribute: Follow the #issue numbers to see how you can help; for example, by surveying software, building or extending interfaces, or contributing to distribution packaging.

In the passagemath distribution Not in the passagemath distribution
Upstream non-Python math software – standard packages cddlib, eclib, ecm, fflas_ffpack, FLINT #31408, fplll, GAP, gf2x, gfan, giac, givaro, glpk, GMP, GSL, IML, lcalc, libbraiding, libhomfly, LinBox, lrcalc, m4ri, m4rie, Maxima, mpc, mpfi, mpfr, nauty, NTL, OpenBLAS, palp, PARI, planarity, PPL, primecount, primesieve, rw, Singular, suitesparse, symmetrica, sympow
– optional packages 4ti2, bliss, brial, cbc, coxeter3, csdp, dsdp, fricas, frobby, glucose, igraph, kenzo, kissat, libsemigroups, lidia, lrslib, macaulay2, mcqd, meataxe, mpfrcx, msolve, normaliz, papilo, plantri, polymake, qepcad, rubiks, saclib, scip, scip_sdp, sirocco, soplex, tdlib, tides, topcom Free software that Sage interfaces to: Octave, R, ...; Non-free software that Sage interfaces to: Magma, Maple, Mathematica, CPLEX, Gurobi, ...
– unused packages barvinok, cocoalib, isl, polylib, SymEngine, ... #33773 links, Open-source CAS, SoftwareToIntegrate, SoftwareSurveys #33725, Python optimization packages #26511, polyhedral geometry packages,, math databases #30914
Upstream Python math software – standard packages CVXOPT, fpylll, gmpy2, mpmath, NetworkX, NumPy, pplpy, primecountpy, rpy2, SciPy, SymPy, ...
– optional packages CVXPY, CyLP, pycosat, pycryptosat, PyNormaliz, pyscipopt, python_igraph
Upstream distributions Lists of equivalent system packages in distributions Distributions providing system packages: homebrew, conda-forge, archlinux, ... #27330
Sage library: – absorbed libraries GiNaC/Pynac #33401, giacpy, sage_brial
– namespace packages sage.algebras.*, sage.arith.*, sage.calculus.*, sage.categories.*, sage.coding.*, sage.combinat.*, sage.crypto.*, sage.dynamics.*, sage.functions.*, sage.game_theory.*, sage.geometry.*, sage.graphs.*, sage.groups.*, sage.homology.*, sage.knots.*, sage.lfunctions.*, sage.manifolds.*, sage.matrix.*, sage.matroids.*, sage.modular.*, sage.monoids.*, sage.numerical.*, sage.plot.*, sage.probability.*, sage.quadratic_forms.*, sage.rings.*, sage.sets.*, sage.schemes.*, sage.symbolic.*, sage.tensor.*, sage.topology.*, ...
– absorbed Sage extensions Sage-Combinat, SageManifolds
passagemath: Modularized pip-installable packages – named after a basic mathematical structure PyPI: passagemath-combinat PyPI: passagemath-graphs PyPI: passagemath-groups PyPI: passagemath-modules PyPI: passagemath-polyhedra PyPI: passagemath-schemes PyPI: passagemath-symbolics
– named after a standard third-party non-Python dependency PyPI: passagemath-cddlib PyPI: passagemath-cliquer PyPI: passagemath-ecl PyPI: passagemath-eclib PyPI: passagemath-flint PyPI: passagemath-gap PyPI: passagemath-gfan PyPI: passagemath-giac PyPI: passagemath-glpk PyPI: passagemath-homfly PyPI: passagemath-lcalc PyPI: passagemath-libbraiding PyPI: passagemath-libecm PyPI: passagemath-linbox PyPI: passagemath-maxima PyPI: passagemath-nauty PyPI: passagemath-ntl PyPI: passagemath-palp PyPI: passagemath-pari PyPI: passagemath-planarity PyPI: passagemath-rankwidth PyPI: passagemath-singular PyPI: passagemath-sympow
– named after an optional third-party non-Python dependency PyPI: passagemath-benzene PyPI: passagemath-bliss PyPI: passagemath-brial PyPI: passagemath-buckygen PyPI: passagemath-coxeter3 PyPI: passagemath-frobby PyPI: passagemath-glucose PyPI: passagemath-kenzo PyPI: passagemath-kissat PyPI: passagemath-latte-4ti2 PyPI: passagemath-lrslib PyPI: passagemath-macaulay2 PyPI: passagemath-mcqd PyPI: passagemath-meataxe PyPI: passagemath-msolve PyPI: passagemath-plantri PyPI: passagemath-qepcad PyPI: passagemath-rubiks PyPI: passagemath-sirocco PyPI: passagemath-tdlib PyPI: passagemath-topcom
– named after a technical functionality PyPI: passagemath-objects PyPI: passagemath-categories PyPI: passagemath-environment PyPI: passagemath-plot PyPI: passagemath-repl PyPI: passagemath-standard PyPI: passagemath-standard-no-symbolics PyPI: passagemath-conf PyPI: passagemath-setup PyPI: passagemath-docbuild
Downstream software SageTeX, In-distribution Sage user packages: admcycles, sage-flatsurf, ... External Sage user packages #31164, GAP-homalg
User interfaces Jupyter, JupyterLab #30399 Emacs sage-shell-mode, Interfaces, IDEs #30500
Downstream distributions SageMath distribution #33774, Sage Docker images, wheels #31251 Distributions carrying SageMath: conda-forge, archlinux, debian/ubuntu, fedora, sage-on-gentoo, nix, voidlinux, ... #33775; Third-party Docker images
Downstream deployments Gitpod #33113 Running SageMath in the cloud: CoCalc, SageCell, Binder
Downstream of downstream Devcontainers #33671, #34363

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    General purpose mathematical software system, fork of SageMath supporting modularized installation with pip

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