Upstream non-Python math software – standard packages |
cddlib, eclib, ecm, fflas_ffpack, FLINT #31408, fplll, GAP, gf2x, gfan, giac, givaro, glpk, GMP, GSL, IML, lcalc, libbraiding, libhomfly, LinBox, lrcalc, m4ri, m4rie, Maxima, mpc, mpfi, mpfr, nauty, NTL, OpenBLAS, palp, PARI, planarity, PPL, primecount, primesieve, rw, Singular, suitesparse, symmetrica, sympow |
– optional packages |
4ti2, bliss, brial, cbc, coxeter3, csdp, dsdp, fricas, frobby, glucose, igraph, kenzo, kissat, libsemigroups, lidia, lrslib, macaulay2, mcqd, meataxe, mpfrcx, msolve, normaliz, papilo, plantri, polymake, qepcad, rubiks, saclib, scip, scip_sdp, sirocco, soplex, tdlib, tides, topcom |
Free software that Sage interfaces to: Octave, R, ...; Non-free software that Sage interfaces to: Magma, Maple, Mathematica, CPLEX, Gurobi, ... |
– unused packages |
barvinok, cocoalib, isl, polylib, SymEngine, ... #33773 | links, Open-source CAS, SoftwareToIntegrate, SoftwareSurveys #33725, Python optimization packages #26511, polyhedral geometry packages,, math databases #30914 |
Upstream Python math software – standard packages |
CVXOPT, fpylll, gmpy2, mpmath, NetworkX, NumPy, pplpy, primecountpy, rpy2, SciPy, SymPy, ... |
– optional packages |
CVXPY, CyLP, pycosat, pycryptosat, PyNormaliz, pyscipopt, python_igraph |
Upstream distributions |
Lists of equivalent system packages in distributions |
Distributions providing system packages: homebrew, conda-forge, archlinux, ... #27330 |
Sage library: – absorbed libraries |
GiNaC/Pynac #33401, giacpy, sage_brial |
– namespace packages |
sage.algebras.*, sage.arith.*, sage.calculus.*, sage.categories.*, sage.coding.*, sage.combinat.*, sage.crypto.*, sage.dynamics.*, sage.functions.*, sage.game_theory.*, sage.geometry.*, sage.graphs.*, sage.groups.*, sage.homology.*, sage.knots.*, sage.lfunctions.*, sage.manifolds.*, sage.matrix.*, sage.matroids.*, sage.modular.*, sage.monoids.*, sage.numerical.*, sage.plot.*, sage.probability.*, sage.quadratic_forms.*, sage.rings.*, sage.sets.*, sage.schemes.*, sage.symbolic.*, sage.tensor.*, sage.topology.*, ... |
– absorbed Sage extensions |
Sage-Combinat, SageManifolds |
passagemath: Modularized pip-installable packages – named after a basic mathematical structure |
– named after a standard third-party non-Python dependency |
– named after an optional third-party non-Python dependency |
– named after a technical functionality |
Downstream software |
SageTeX, In-distribution Sage user packages: admcycles, sage-flatsurf, ... |
External Sage user packages #31164, GAP-homalg |
User interfaces |
Jupyter, JupyterLab #30399 |
Emacs sage-shell-mode, Interfaces, IDEs #30500 |
Downstream distributions |
SageMath distribution #33774, Sage Docker images, wheels #31251 |
Distributions carrying SageMath: conda-forge, archlinux, debian/ubuntu, fedora, sage-on-gentoo, nix, voidlinux, ... #33775; Third-party Docker images |
Downstream deployments |
Gitpod #33113 |
Running SageMath in the cloud: CoCalc, SageCell, Binder |
Downstream of downstream |
Devcontainers #33671, #34363 |