A curated list of resources or projects related to ox_core.
- ox_banking - Integrates with the ox_core accounts system for managing player banking, shared accounts, logs, invoices, and more.
- ox_doorlock - A flexible solution for in-game door configuration and access control, making it easy to manage locked areas.
- ox_fuel - A simple fuel-sync and refueling system utilising FiveM's native fuel system.
- ox_target - A standalone targeting system with additional features for supported frameworks.
- ox_inventory - A robust inventory solution for FiveM, implementing items, weapons, shops, and much more to support a wide range of gameplay scenarios.
judd_invoice - Developer resource for easy invoice creation between characters.
ceeb_oxgroups - Developer resource for creating, deleting, and visualizing groups for ox_core.
prisma - JavaScript/TypeScript tool containing examples of how to utilize Prisma ORM with ox_core.
vanish_starterpack - A simple starter pack system that allows players to receive items per character, showcasing a sample ox_core bridge.
luxu_garages - A simple garage system built for ox_core. Handles multiple garages and vehicle impounding.
fivem-parking - A realistic garage system created with the intention of transitioning towards a more universal structure.
mps_vehiclepersist - A simple script that respawns vehicles that where left outside after a server restart
sensei_garages - A garage script for ox_core. Public garages, group garages and impounds are supported and pre-configured.
- mps-impound - A easily customizable impound system to impound and retrieve vehicles with custom reasons and retrieval costs.
minimal-hud - A Minimal HUD Built using Preact/Tailwind CSS. Standalone with optional support for many frameworks and allows for easy setup for a custom framework.
- fivem-attributes - A simple player attributes system for setting and viewing details of a character.