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Lukas lukilukeskywalker
It is not a bug, it is a feature

Politechnic university of Madrid

mercedesDiniz mercedesDiniz
Computer Engineer. Currently, in the Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE-UFPA) in the signal processing research line.
KALYANI S kalyani2119
Embedded System Technologies

College of Engineering, Guindy Chennai Chennai

Full-StackEngineer. iOS ,Flutter,Nodejs, Web

Shenzhen China

Xinyang Li xinyanglii

Technical University of Munich Munich

Paweł Kania Tivian
Programmer, gamer and music enthusiast.

Cracow, Poland

Prince kumar 855princekumar
🤖 Mechatronics | 🌍 IoT & AI | ⚡ Edge Computing | 🚀 Building Autonomous Systems

@innovationsfy india

Rustam Uzairov voriazu
@svrvt is my basic account. This is where I put areas that don't overlap with my profession.
Osman ProfCoderCs
I am an embedded software engineer. I regularly upload some codes about stm32 projects in c language. You can find python and c++ codes here.
오유진 OHNEUL1999
YUJIN OH, Junior FW Developer
Aleksey Koshkin polinom2686

Geophysical Survey of Russia Academy of Sciences Arkhangelsk

Chris chris-ruther
Game developer
