Releases: openztcc/APE.KritaTools
APE.KritaTools v1.1.1
Added Features
- Now supports offset alignments for every frame
- Fixed crash that prevented graphics from loading if they had a background frame
Easy way:
Download the latest release below (Assets).
Open Krita and go to Tools > Scripts > Import Python Plugin...
and select the downloaded zip file. It will install the plugin for you.
Manual way:
Unzip file and:
Drop contents directly into %APPDATA%\krita\pykrita\
Drop contents directly into ~/.local/share/krita/pykrita/
Enable the plugin:
Open Krita and go to Settings > Configure Krita > Python Plugin Manager
- Enable APE.KritaTools.
- Open Krita
- Go to the "Tools" menu
- Click on "Scripts" and then "Load APE Image into Krita"
- Choose the ZT1 image you want to import
- Accept default palette or uncheck "Use Embedded Palette" to select a new one.
- Import
Current Issues
- No save function yet
APE.KritaTools v1.0.0
- Import ZT1 graphics as layers
- Override embedded palette
- Supports background frames (isolate bg frame option available)
- Option to import layers with solid background
- Windows/Linux support
Full Changelog (since pre-release): pr-v0.4.0...v1.0.0
Easy way:
Download the latest release below (Assets).
Open Krita and go to Tools > Scripts > Import Python Plugin...
and select the downloaded zip file. It will install the plugin for you.
Manual way:
Unzip file and:
Drop contents directly into %APPDATA%\krita\pykrita\
Drop contents directly into ~/.local/share/krita/pykrita/
Enable the plugin:
Open Krita and go to Settings > Configure Krita > Python Plugin Manager
- Enable APE.KritaTools.
- Open Krita
- Go to the "Tools" menu
- Click on "Scripts" and then "Load APE Image into Krita"
- Choose the ZT1 image you want to import
- Accept default palette or uncheck "Use Embedded Palette" to select a new one.
- Import
Current Issues
- No save function yet
APE.KritaTools v0.4.0
- No more artifacts on every frame.
Full Changelog:
Drop contents directly into %APPDATA%\krita\pykrita\
Open Krita and go to Settings > Configure Krita > Python Plugin Manager - Enable APE.KritaTools.
Go to Tools > Load APE image into Krita
. It will ask you to find the extensionless graphic first (i.e. SE, NE, N, etc), and then again will ask you to open the pal file associated with it. There won't be a prompt for the second one, it will just open another dialog window to search for the file.
Current Issues
- No save function yet
- Not yet very intuitive to navigate
- Possible issues with memory management. Might need to restart app if new graphic need loaded.