is client interactive command-line interface for CNCF openGemini.
OpenGemini is a cloud-native distributed time series database, find more information here
IMPORTANT: It's highly recommended installing a specific version of ts-cli
available on the releases page.
go install
To run ts-cli
root/Downloads> ./ts-cli -h
CNCF openGemini client interactive command-line interface.
ts-cli [flags]
ts-cli [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version version for openGemini CLI
-c, --cacert string CA certificate to verify peer against when connecting openGemini by https.
-C, --cert string client certificate file when connecting openGemini by https.
-k, --cert-key string client certificate password.
-d, --database string database to connect to openGemini.
-h, --help help for ts-cli
-H, --host string ts-sql host to connect to. (default "localhost")
-I, --insecure-hostname ignore server certificate hostname verification when connecting openGemini by https.
-i, --insecure-tls ignore ssl verification when connecting openGemini by https.
-P, --password string password to connect to openGemini.
-p, --port int ts-sql tcp port to connect to. (default 8086)
-S, --socket string openGemini unix domain socket to connect to.
-s, --ssl use https for connecting to openGemini.
-t, --timeout int request-timeout in mill-seconds. (default 5000)
-u, --username string username to connect to openGemini.
Use "ts-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
- Go 1.22+
openGemini follows the CNCF Code of Conduct.
openGemini is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for more details.
For third-party software usage notice, see Open_Source_Software_Notice