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Peter Foley edited this page Aug 29, 2015 · 2 revisions

System pre-requisites for Drive:

  • An installation of Go with version >= 1.2

    To check your go version:

    $> go version

  • Your gopath should have been set in your e.g

    Sample set up:

    vi ~/.bashrc or vi ~/.bash_profile

    export GOPATH=~/gopath

    export PATH=$GOPATH:$GOPATH/bin:${PATH}

Installing drive, the program:

$> go get

Note: Running go install or go get will not create an executable.

Initializing a drive:

To setup/mount your Google Drive directory to path ~/GDRIVE

drive init


  • How is a pull operation performed?

  • What does a pull operation do?

A pull operation gets the manifest of content from your Google drive and tries to mirror its

content to your drive. This will entail deleting content that is present on your local drive folder

but not on your Google Drive.


  • What does "push" do?

    push uploads/updates content to your Google Drive mirroring its directory structure locally.

  • How is a push operation performed?

    drive push

Publish "pub":

  • What does pub do?

"pub" publishes a file globally so that anyone with a link to it can read the file.

  • How do I publish a file?

drive pub

  • What happens if I publish a file that doesn't yet exist on the my Google Drive?

drive pub non-existant

Unpublish "unpub":

  • What does unpub do?

    "unpub" revokes public read access to a file.

  • How do I unpublish a file?

drive unpub

Deleting files

  • How do I delete a file on the cloud?

    The options here are:

    1. Using your browser login to Google Drive and delete that file.

      • The next pull that you do should clean up that file off your disk.
    2. Using your terminal, take that file out of its position and then perform a push on only that file.

      • The moving can be performed with a rename, move or delete (rm)

      drive unpub