- free5gmano
- Features
- Dependencies
- Getting started
- Apply a NSSI (Network Slice Subnet Instance)
- Release Note
This is a 5G MANO (Management and Network Orchestration) project developed that refer to 3GPP TS 28.531, TS 28.532 Release 15 (R15). The purpose is to achieve the management and scheduling of 5G network slices. Please refer to Features for the functions of release. This project is collaborating with free5GC.org. Hence, it can provide as a MANO platform for deploying network slice subnet instances (NSSIs) of free5GC VNFs.
Currently, the major contributors of this project are Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (Dept. of CSIE) and Center of Infomormation Technology Innovation Services (CITIS), National Taichung University of Science and Technology (NTCUST)
Note: Thank you very much for your interest in free5gmano. The license of Stage 2 free5gmano follows Apache 2.0. That is, anyone can use free5gmano for commercial purposes for free. We will not charge any license fee.
It's refer to ETSI GS NFV-MAN 001 V1.1.1
- AllocationNssi API is implemented in Network Slice Subnet Management Function that refer to 3GPP TS 28.531 (R15). It can create a Network Slice Subnet Instance (NSSI) by calling os-ma-nfvo interface, which is the basis of network slicing.
- A Service Mapping Plugin framework is designed to deploy the Network Slice Subnet Instance (NSSI) via os-ma-nfvo APIs and provide the selection of the open source NFV Orchestrators, e.g. Kubernetes-based Kube5gnfvo (default), OpenStack-based Tacker etc.
- Network Slice Subnet Template can assist users to provide ETSI MANO NFVO required information, e.g. VNF Package, Network Service Descriptor
The following packages are required:
- git
- python3
- pip3
- mysql
- Kafka
Please refer to kube5gnfvo Installation Guide to install kube5gnfvo.
Please refer to OpenStack Tacker Installation Guide to install OpenStack Tacker.
git clone https://github.com/free5gmano/free5gmano.git
cd free5gmano/deploy
kubectl apply -f .
Please refer to Kafka Installation Guide to install Kafka.
If you have deployed free5gmano by Kubernetes before, you can jump to Apply a NSSI (Network Slice Subnet Instance).
- Install the required packages
sudo apt -y update
sudo apt install -y python3 python3-pip git libmysqlclient-dev mysql-server
sudo service mysql start
- Alias python3 to python
sudo alias python=python3
sudo alias pip=pip3
- Clone nm_manager project
git clone https://github.com/free5gmano/free5gmano.git
cd free5gmano
- Install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Apply environment variable
echo 'export FREE5GMANO_MYSQL_USER=<your mysql user>' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export FREE5GMANO_MYSQL_PASSWORD=<your mysql password>' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export FREE5GMANO_MYSQL_HOST=<your mysql host ip>' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export FREE5GMANO_MYSQL_PORT=<your mysql port>' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export FREE5GMANO_NM=' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export FREE5GMANO_NFVO=<your nfvo ip>:<your nfvo port>' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
- Create a database
- Database migrate
python manage.py makemigrations nssmf moi FaultManagement
python manage.py migrate
- Run the Django server
python manage.py runserver
Please refer to free5gmano-cli Installation Guide to install free5gmano-cli.
- Clone simpleexampleplugin project
git clone https://github.com/free5gmano/simpleexampleplugin.git
- Register a service mapping plugin
nmctl register plugin kube5gnfvo -f simpleexampleplugin/
- Check service mapping plugin is registered
nmctl get plugin
name allocate_nssi deallocate_nssi
kube5gnfvo allocate/main.py deallocate/main.py
- Create a VNF Template
nmctl create template -t VNF -n kube5gnfvo
Do you want to download example? [y/N]: y
Template Id: 00936c28-ba30-4604-a134-4f4302acaea7
- Onboard the VNF Template
nmctl onboard template 00936c28-ba30-4604-a134-4f4302acaea7 -f VNF/
- Create a NSD Template
nmctl create template -t NSD -n kube5gnfvo
Do you want to download example? [y/N]: y
Template Id: 31e7f5ad-9259-4b9b-97b6-d3ff78996aec
- Onboard the NSD Template
nmctl onboard template 31e7f5ad-9259-4b9b-97b6-d3ff78996aec -f NSD/
- Create a NRM Template
nmctl create template -t NRM -n kube5gnfvo
Do you want to download example? [y/N]: y
Template Id: 68e7411e-cf0d-4113-a15f-493ae5cad54f
- Onboard the NRM Template
nmctl onboard template 68e7411e-cf0d-4113-a15f-493ae5cad54f -f NRM/
- Combined the VNF, NSD, NRM Template to Network Slice Subnet Template (NSST)
nmctl create nsst -n kube5gnfvo 00936c28-ba30-4604-a134-4f4302acaea7 31e7f5ad-9259-4b9b-97b6-d3ff78996aec 68e7411e-cf0d-4113-a15f-493ae5cad54f
OperationSucceeded, NSST is combined.
NSST Id:: 66ff6b6f-6c54-4498-bc1e-411382c80bc5
- Commissioning a NSSI(via NSST)
nmctl allocate nssi 66ff6b6f-6c54-4498-bc1e-411382c80bc5
Do you want to Using exist Nssi? [y/N]: N
Create Nssi...
Nssi ID: b4483341-1021-44c0-b30f-bacfbb82eeaa
- Modification a NSSI(via New NSST)
You should choice 'y' and provide Nssi ID
nmctl allocate nssi 6d116653-6785-4d00-91fd-4d3a4603a286
Do you want to Using exist Nssi? [y/N]: y
Nssi ID: : b4483341-1021-44c0-b30f-bacfbb82eeaa
Modify Nssi b4483341-1021-44c0-b30f-bacfbb82eeaa...
- Decommissioning a NSSI
nmctl deallocate nssi b4483341-1021-44c0-b30f-bacfbb82eeaa
Delete Nssi...
- Create Management Object Instance Subscription
nmctl create subscriptions -t moi <<Nssi_ID>>
notification Id: 3ae036cf-b4ea-46e3-b4da-3ef122c96e1e
- Create Fault Management Subscription
nmctl create subscriptions -t fm <<Nssi_ID>>
notification Id: 3ae036cf-b4ea-46e3-b4da-3ef122c96e1e
- Delete Fault Management Subscription
nmctl delete subscriptions <<notification_Id>>
free5gmano free5gc-stage-1 free5gc-stage-2(control plane) free5gc-stage-2(user plane)
National Taichung University of Science and Technology: Cheng-En Wu, Sheng-Tang Hsu, Yi-Chieh Hsu, Wen-Sheng Li, Meng-Ze Li, Yi-Xin Lin, Hung-Ming Chen, Yung-Feng Lu
- Allocate a Network Slice Subnet Instance(NSSI) and deploy free5GC
©Copyright January 2020 All rights reserved.
Contact: [email protected]