A simple extensible npm
build bot that works on Linux, SmartOS, and Windows.
Given a small script for building a specific module:
var assert = require('assert'),
tmp = require('tmp'),
ModuleSmith = require('module-smith');
var buildbot = ModuleSmith.createModuleSmith();
// Grab a temporary directory to build in
tmp.dir(function (err, tmpdir) {
// Start our build
repository: {
type: 'git',
url: '[email protected]:bmeck/bcrypt-example.git'
directories: {
root: tmpdir
}, function (err, stream) {
// Pipe out the data to stdio
We can dump it to a file via:
node build.js > built.tgz
options.versions: List of the versions supported with absolute version numbers like ie. '0.8.12'BuildDescription
options.defaults: The defaults for a build run using this ModuleSmith.
Runs a build
uid: 'nobody',
gid: 'nobody',
command: 'install',
env: {
'npm_config_registry': 'http://registry.npmjs.org',
'npm_config_nodedir': path.join(process.env.HOME, '.node-gyp')
repository: {
type: 'git',
url: '[email protected]:bmeck/bcrypt-example.git'
directories: {
root: '/path/to/build/output/root'
A build description enumerates a number of values
The npm
command that you wish to execute for the build. Can be:
: Installs all module dependencies.build
: Runsnode-gyp
to build any binary dependencies.
Optional environmental variables to spawn npm
Some interesting fields are:
- npm_config_registry - registry to download from
- npm_config_nodedir - location of node-gyp's include directory
Optional user to spawn npm
Optional group to spawn npm
Optional package.json overrides.
Can be extended easily from the repository during npm.configure
Some interesting fields are:
- engines.node - version to spawn as
A checkout
npm module repository to download before building.
The place to use for creating the build.
Extensibility for complex actions can be done via Understudy based actions, only before
actions are supported.
- build.configure (buildDescription)
- npm.configure (buildDescription)
- npm.package (buildDescription, package)
- build.output (buildDescription, tgzStream)
Notifications of actions that have been completed are available via the EventEmitter APIs.
- npm.spawned (buildDescription, npmProcess)
#### Copyright (C) Charlie Robbins, Bradley Meck and the Contributors #### Authors: [Bradley Meck](https://github.com/bmeck), [Charlie Robbins](https://github.com/indexzero) #### License: MIT
Hammer Icon by Edward Boatman from The Noun Project