#How to use hfc with the IBM Bluemix Blockchain beta service
The goal is to run helloblockchain.js sample program, which will deploy example02 chaincode and query/invoke it.
Install npm, instructions are here
Create a directory (Workspace) folder where you will place the helloblockchain.js source code and node modules. For example,
mkdir -p $HOME/Workspace
Go to Workspace folder and Install hfc v0.5.0 with the below command:
cd $HOME/Workspace npm install [email protected]
Download helloblockchain.js and save it your Workspace folder.
It looks something like below: -
Create a Bluemix account, login and using the Catlog and select the Blockchain service. Once in the service select either a
Starter Developer plan
orHigh Security Business Network plan
(if authorized). Now, click onCREATE
and get theService Credentials
for the service. Cut and Paste this json file and save it as ServiceCredentials.json in your local directory where helloblockchain.js- Refer the sample file in repo here
Please ensure you have a /tmp directory and the program can access this directory. Now, open the source code
and search for: setKeyValStore. The helloblockchain.js program sets this to /tmp/KeyValStore. The node sdk will create the keyValStore directory and store cryptography data for each user that registers. Note: The contents in the KeyValStore directory should be deleted when connecting to a different fabric.
To reiterate what has just been stated:- Find your key value store locally and make sure the path to the folder exists
- (in windows default is) C:\tmp\keyValStore
- Also delete anything in this
folder (you should empty this out anytime you connect to a new network or switch users)
- Find your key value store locally and make sure the path to the folder exists
Create chaincode folder under your $GOPATH.
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/
mkdir chaincode_example02
- copy
to this folder,chaincode_example02.go
can be obtained from this repo
Download vendor.zip and copy the same to
folder and unzip- delete
- delete
From Workspace folder run node program:
node helloblockchain.js -c $GOPATH/src/github.com/chaincode_example02
To enable debug logs :
DEBUG=hfc node helloblockchain.js -c $GOPATH/src/github.com/chaincode_example02
To enable grpc traces:
GRPC_TRACE=all DEBUG=hfc node helloblockchain.js -c $GOPATH/src/github.com/chaincode_example02
Once Deploy/Invoke and Query are successful, we should see the below messages:
Successfully deployed chaincode: request={"fcn":"init","args":["a","100","b","200"],"certificatePath":"/certs/blockchain-cert.pem","chaincodePath":"github.com/chaincode_example02/"}, response={"uuid":"2d6ad8d6-1390-4c60-a01b-f4c301175eb7","chaincodeID":"9be0a0ed3f1788e8728c8911c747d2f6d0e205fa63422dc598d498fe709b9b8d","result":"TODO: get actual results; waited 120 seconds and assumed deploy was successful"}
Successfully submitted chaincode invoke transaction: request={"chaincodeID":"9be0a0ed3f1788e8728c8911c747d2f6d0e205fa63422dc598d498fe709b9b8d","fcn":"invoke","args":["a","b","1"]}, response={"uuid":"f9a902d2-44d8-4b68-b43d-419470ba73ae"}
Successfully completed chaincode invoke transaction: request={"chaincodeID":"9be0a0ed3f1788e8728c8911c747d2f6d0e205fa63422dc598d498fe709b9b8d","fcn":"invoke","args":["a","b","1"]}, response={"result":"waited 20 seconds and assumed invoke was successful"}
Successfully queried chaincode function: request={"chaincodeID":"9be0a0ed3f1788e8728c8911c747d2f6d0e205fa63422dc598d498fe709b9b8d","fcn":"query","args":["a"]}, value=99
Make sure you have
[email protected]
with either of the below commands from your workspace dir- npm list | grep hfc
- npm list -g | grep hfc # If installed using -g flag
if you get query failure error as below.
Failed to query chaincode, function: request={"chaincodeID":"9be0a0ed3f1788e8728c8911c747d2f6d0e205fa63422dc598d498fe709b9b8d","fcn":"query","args":["a"]}, error={"error":{"status":"FAILURE","msg":{"type":"Buffer","data":[69,114,114,111,114,58,70,97,105,108,101,100,32,116,111,32,108,97,117,110,99,104,32,99,104,97,105,110,99,111,100,101,32,115,112,101,99,40,112,114,101,109,97,116,117,114,101,32,101,120,101,99,117,116,105,111,110,32,45,32,99,104,97,105,110,99,111,100,101,32,40,57,98,101,48,97,48,101,100,51,102,49,55,56,56,101,56,55,50,56,99,56,57,49,49,99,55,52,55,100,50,102,54,100,48,101,50,48,53,102,97,54,51,52,50,50,100,99,53,57,56,100,52,57,56,102,101,55,48,57,98,57,98,56,100,41,32,105,115,32,98,101,105,110,103,32,108,97,117,110,99,104,101,100,41]}},"msg":"Error:Failed to launch chaincode spec(premature execution - chaincode (9be0a0ed3f1788e8728c8911c747d2f6d0e205fa63422dc598d498fe709b9b8d) is being launched)"}
increase deploy wait time
ex: `chain.setDeployWaitTime(80);`
- if you get a handshake error, try a different `grpc` version
* You can get the version details by issuing either of the below commands
- `npm list | grep grpc`
- `npm list -g | grep grpc`