The Memory Manager application (MM) is a core Flight System (cFS) application that is a plug in to the Core Flight Executive (cFE) component of the cFS.
The MM application is used for the loading and dumping system memory. MM provides an operator interface to the memory manipulation functions contained in the PSP (Platform Support Package) and OSAL (Operating System Abstraction Layer) components of the cFS. MM provides the ability to load and dump memory via command parameters, as well as, from files. If the operating system supports symbolic addressing, MM allows specifying the memory address using a symbolic address.
The MM application is written in C and depends on the cFS Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL) and cFE components. There is additional MM application specific configuration information contained in the application user's guide.
User's guide information can be generated using Doxygen (from top mission directory):
make prep
make -C build/docs/mm-usersguide mm-usersguide
cFS Framework (cFE, OSAL, PSP)
An integrated bundle including the cFE, OSAL, and PSP can be obtained at
The cFS is a platform and project independent reusable software framework and set of reusable applications developed by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This framework is used as the basis for the flight software for satellite data systems and instruments, but can be used on other embedded systems. More information on the cFS can be found at