Welcome to the React Trello board. A Trello like board based on React, Redux, React-dnd. At the moment it has only Drag-and-drop functionality.
For a live demo of the project have a look at http://react-trello-board.web-pal.com
Firstly make sure that you have Node and Git installed. Next clone this repo https://github.com/web-pal/react-trello-board.git. You can do this by going into your shell of choice and entering
git clone https://github.com/web-pal/react-trello-board.git
then change into that folder
cd react-trello-board
install the necessary packages locally
npm install
and start up a local server
npm start
Now visit localhost:3000
from your browser. Now your app should be up and running.
We are very happy for any input and potential contributions for this project.
Firstly raise an issue. Then if you are assigned to that issue fork the repo, make your edits and make a pull request.