Ddc.vim filter which uses edit distance for matching and sorting candidates.
It removes candidates which has greater edit distance than threshold. This also sorts candidates by editdistance.
It only sort candidates by edit distance. I recommend using only matcher_editdistance.
- limit: (number) Candidates whose edit distance exceed this value are ignored. (default: 3)
- diffLen: (number) If candidates' length is smaller than (users' input + params.diffLen), the candidates are ignored. (default: -1)
- showScore: (boolean) If it is true, edit distance is shown in completion menu. (default: false)
call ddc#custom#patch_global('sourceOptions', {
\ '_': {'matchers': ['matcher_editdistance'], 'sorters': []},
\ })
call ddc#custom#patch_global('filterParams', {
\ 'matcher_editdistance': {'showScore': v:true, 'diffLen': 0, 'limit': 2},
\ })