MacBlip is a MacOSX client for, Polish microblogging service, written in MacRuby.
The ObjectiveBlip directory contains the backend code that handles the connection to Blip API. It's a separate subproject, available at, and you can use it to create your own Blip clients in ObjectiveC/Cocoa if you want (it's MIT-licensed).
- dashboard view
- sending messages
- displaying avatars and attached images
- growl notifications
- auto-update (Sparkle)
- Snow Leopard
- MacRuby (>= 0.10)
- 64-bit CPU (Core 2 Duo)
Copyright by Jakub Suder <jakub.suder at>. Licensed under Eclipse Public License v1.0.
Includes open source libraries: ASIHTTPRequest by Ben Copsey; SDListView, SDKVO and SDKeychain by Steven Degutis; SBJson by Stig Brautaset; ImageCrop by Matt Gemmell; Sparkle by Andy Matuschak; and the Growl Framework.