Install from composer
composer require lyrasoft/melo
melo dependents on lyrasoft/sequence and lyrasoft/favorite packages. Please read their README and configure them first.
Then copy files to project
php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/melo -t routes -t migrations -t seeders
php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/favorite -t routes -t migrations
php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/attachment -t migrations
Add these files to resources/seeders/main.php
return [
// ...
__DIR__ . '/lesson-seeder.php',
__DIR__ . '/order-seeder.php',
__DIR__ . '/segment-seeder.php',
__DIR__ . '/question-seeder.php',
__DIR__ . '/option-seeder.php',
Add these types to category-seeder.php
static function () use ($seeder, $orm, $db) {
$types = [
// ...
'lesson' => [
'max_level' => 3,
'number' => 30,
Open /etc/packages/melo.php
, you can configure there settings:
// ...
return [
'melo' => [
// ...
'checkout' => [
'allow_anonymous' => false,
'default_expiry' => '+7days',
'receiver_roles' => ['superuser', 'manager', 'admin'],
'order_no' => [
'mode' => OrderNoMode::INCREMENT_ID,
'prefix' => 'S',
'hash_offsets' => 100000,
'sequence_day_format' => 'Ymd',
'maxlength' => 20
'shop' => [
'sitename' => 'Melo',
'logo' => 'vendor/lyrasoft/melo/images/simular-logo.png'
Melo will need video upload profile, so we need to add video
profile to file_upload profiles
return [
'unicorn' => [
// ...
'file_upload' => [
// ...
'profiles' => [
// ...
'video' => [
'storage' => env('UPLOAD_STORAGE_DEFAULT') ?: 'local',
'accept' => null,
'dir' => 'lesson-videos/{year}/{month}/{day}',
'force_redraw' => true,
'resize' => [
'enabled' => true,
'driver' => env('IMAGE_RESIZE_DRIVER', 'gd'),
'width' => 1920,
'height' => 1920,
'crop' => false,
'quality' => 85,
'output_format' => null
'options' => [
After you configure the base settings, you should not change it after site release. And then you can run migtaiotns/seeders, all orders No and faker locale will use this setting.
php windwalker mig:reset -fs
As melo may need to redirect to outside Payment service to process checkout, you must disable SameSite
cookie poilicy
and set secure
// etc/packages/session.php
return [
'session' => [
// ...
'cookie_params' => [
// ...
'secure' => true, // <-- Set this to TRUE
// ...
'samesite' => CookiesInterface::SAMESITE_NONE, // Set this to `SAMESITE_NONE`
melo will auto install lyrasoft/favorite
and copy config file. You must add product
to allow_types
to allow
AJAX call.
return [
'favorite' => [
// ...
'ajax' => [
'type_protect' => true,
'allow_types' => [
'lesson' // <-- Add this
先到 unicorn.php 中註冊 AttachmentPackage
'unicorn' => [
// ...
'providers' => [
Add this line to admin & front middleware if you don't want to override languages:
$this->lang->loadAllFromVendor('lyrasoft/melo', 'ini');
$this->lang->loadAllFromVendor('lyrasoft/favorite', 'ini');
Or run this command to copy languages files:
php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/melo -t lang
php windwalker pkg:install lyrasoft/favorite -t lang
melo dependents on lyrasoft/favorite
, you must add these vendors to fusionfile.mjs
export async function install() {
return installVendors(
// ...
// Add these below
// Add these 2 lines
Then run this command to install npm vendors:
yarn add sweetalert ts-luxon
Currently melo Beta has no cart button widget. You must add it to HTML manually.
You must includes these 2 attributes to make JS works:
<button type="button"
class="btn btn-primary position-relative z-3 rounded-pill"
data-id="{{ $item->getId() }}"
Edit resources/menu/admin/
$menu->link('課程管理', '#')
->icon('fal fa-person-chalkboard');
function (MenuBuilder $menu) use ($nav, $lang) {
// Category
->to($nav->to('category_list', ['type' => 'lesson']))
->icon('fal fa-sitemap');
// Lesson
$menu->link($lang('unicorn.title.grid', title: '課程'))
->icon('fal fa-book');
$menu->link($lang('unicorn.title.grid', title: '訂單'))
->icon('fal fa-file-invoice');