Provides CFML Image functions for Lucee
- WEBP support is now read and write in v2
Dump out imageFormats( true )
(v2 only) to see which formats / codecs are loaded and available
Version 2.0 includes the Twelve Monkeys ImageIO library
Version 2.0 supports the following commercial Image Libaries (.jars ) when available in Lucee's classpath (i.e lucee's /lib dir)
JDeli for example provides support the for HEIC format and write support for WEBP
General extension documentation is here.
As image tests sometimes require visual confirmation, many tests check for the environment variable TEST_CLEANUP=FALSE
, which will leave the generated test artifacts in place for visual inspection in your local lucee-server/context/temp/
Set up a working directory for Lucee development and clone repositories:
# create a working directory for lucee development
# clone lucee, or fork then clone
git clone lucee
cd lucee
git checkout 6.0
# clone script runner repo, or fork then clone
git clone
# create a directory to house source for extensions
mkdir "$LUCEE_DEV_BASEDIR/extensions"
# clone this extension, or fork then clone
cd "$LUCEE_DEV_BASEDIR/extensions"
git clone
This should yield a structure as follows:
└── lucee-dev
├── extensions
│ └── extension-image
├── lucee
└── script-runner
Run build/tests:
# from within the images's source root
cd ~/projects/lucee-dev/extensions/extension-image/
# build/test
See general extension documentation.
Tests can be found in at least the following locations. (Look for files named with the pattern Image*.cfc
- /tests
On a headless Linux server, you will get a java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
error if you don't have fonts installed
Please refer to LDEV-2619 various image functions crash on headless linux when font packages aren't installed for solution
Since Version 2, you can limit the image codecs being used via this.image.coder=['Lucee','TwelveMonkeys'];
in your Application.cfc
Supported codecs are:
To test and profile codec support and performance, there is a new function ImageCoderInfo(image)