Sugarizer APK builder is a simple way to generate and customize yourself Sugarizer for Android. It provides a way to generate an APK without any knowledge on Android development.
Note that Docker should be installed on your computer to use Sugarizer APK builder.
Sugarizer APK builder comes in the form of a runable Docker container. Here's the command to launch:
git clone
git clone
sudo docker run --rm -it \
-v "`pwd`/sugarizer:/sugarizer" \
-v "`pwd`/cordova-plugin-sugarizeros:/cordova-plugin-sugarizeros" \
-v "`pwd`:/output" \
First, you need to clone the Sugarizer repository, then the Cordova plugin for Sugarizer.
Finally run the docker container llaske/sugarizer-apkbuilder:latest with few arguments:
tell to docker to discard the container at the end of build (optional but recommanded),-it
to run the container interactively (optional),-v ./sugarizer:/sugarizer
is to attach a volume where the container will find Sugarizer,-v ./cordova-plugin-sugarizeros:/cordova-plugin-sugarizeros
is to attach a volume where the container will find the Cordova plugin to build Sugarizer OS,-v .:/output
is to attach a volume where the generated APK will be copied.
At the end of the process (could take more than 10 minutes) you will find a sugarizer.apk
or a sugarizeros.apk
in the output directory.
Few arguments could be add at the end of the docker command:
to generate Sugarizer OS - i.e. Sugarizer as a launcher - instead of Sugarizer,full
to avoid the minify JavaScript step. Build will be quicker but JavaScript code will not be optimized,minsize
to reduce size of package by removing local resources in Abecedarium and Scratch,release
to generate an APK without debug information,sign
same thanrelease
but sign the APK at the end of generation,exclude-activities
to exclude some activities from the APK (see Change activity set below).
If you're using the sign
option you have to provide several environment variables to docker:
is the name of the keystore file, should be located in the directory where the APK will be generated,SUGARIZER_STOREALIAS
is the alias used by the keystore file,SUGARIZER_STOREPASS
is the password used by the keystore file.
To give the value to each variable, use the -e
docker command. Here's an example:
sudo docker run --rm -it \
-v `pwd`/sugarizer:/sugarizer \
-v `pwd`/cordova-plugin-sugarizeros:/cordova-plugin-sugarizeros \
-v `pwd`:/output \
-e SUGARIZER_KEYSTOREFILE="sugarizer.keystore" \
-e SUGARIZER_STOREPASS="mypassword" \
llaske/sugarizer-apkbuilder:latest sign
Customizing your Sugarizer APK could be interesting in many ways. Here's few use cases and how to solve them with Sugarizer APK Builder.
By default Sugarizer try to contact
when the connection dialog is launched. You could replace this default server URL by your own URL, for example if you need to access to a local server.
To do that, before launching the docker command, update file sugarizer/js/constant.js
in line 61:
constant.defaultServer = constant.http + "";
Replace string
by URL of your own server. If your server use HTTPS, replace constant.http
by constant.https
Finally, launch the usual docker command.
You could customize the set of activities visible by default on the Sugarizer home view. Let's suppose for example that you want to hide the Tank Operation activity.
To do that, before launching the docker command, update file sugarizer/activities.json
in line 19:
{"id": "org.olpcfrance.TankOp", "name": "Tank Operation", "version": 1, "directory": "activities/TankOp.activity", "icon": "activity/activity-icon.svg", "favorite": true, "activityId": null},
Replace string "favorite": true
by "favorite": false
. You could change visibility of other activities in the same way.
Finally, launch the usual docker command.
You could customize the set of activities provided with Sugarizer to optimize size of the final APK file. Let's suppose for example that you want to remove the Abecedarium and the TurtleBlocksJS activities.
To do that, you could use the exclude-activities
parameter. The value following this parameter is the list of activity names to exclude, separated by commas without spaces.
So to exclude Abecedarium and TurtleBlockJS activities, launch the docker command:
sudo docker run --rm -it \
-v `pwd`/sugarizer:/sugarizer \
-v `pwd`/cordova-plugin-sugarizeros:/cordova-plugin-sugarizeros \
-v `pwd`:/output \
llaske/sugarizer-apkbuilder:latest exclude-activities=Abecedarium,TurtleBlocksJS
Note that the activity name is the directory name where the activity is located without the .activity
suffix. So for example, EbookReader
for EbookReader.activity
If you want to understand how the APK builder docker container works, you could find docker source here.
Sugarizer APK builder is licensed under the Apache v2 license. See LICENSE for full license text.