go get github.com/konimarti/kalman
Adaptive Kalman filtering with Rapid Ongoing Stochastic covariance Estimation (ROSE)
A helpful introduction to how Kalman filters work, can be found here.
Kalman filters are based on a state-space representation of linear, time-invariant systems:
The next state is defined as
$$x(t+1) = A_d * x(t) + B_d * u(t)$$ where A_d is the discretized prediction matrix and B_d the control matrix. x(t) is the current state and u(t) the external input. The response (measurement) of the system is y(t):
$$y(t) = C * x(t) + D * u(t)$$
// create filter
filter := kalman.NewFilter(
Ad, // prediction matrix (n x n)
Bd, // control matrix (n x k)
C, // measurement matrix (l x n)
D, // measurement matrix (l x k)
Q, // process model covariance matrix (n x n)
R, // measurement errors (l x l)
// create context
ctx := kalman.Context{
X, // initial state (n x 1)
P, // initial process covariance (n x n)
// get measurement (l x 1) and control (k x 1) vectors
// apply filter
filteredMeasurement := filter.Apply(&ctx, measurement, control)
See example here.
See example here.
- Calculation of the Kalman gain and the correction of the state vector ~x(k) and covariance matrix ~P(k):
$$^y(k) = C * ^x(k) + D * u(k) dy(k) = y(k) - ^y(k) K(k) = ^P(k) * C^T * ( C * ^P(k) * C^T + R(k) )^(-1) ~x(k) = ^x(k) + K(k) * dy(k) ~P(k) = ( I - K(k) * C) * ^P(k)$$ - Then the next step is predicted for the state ^x(k+1) and the covariance ^P(k+1):
$$^x(k+1) = Ad * ~x(k) + Bd * u(k) ^P(k+1) = Ad * ~P(k) * Ad^T + Gd * Q(k) * Gd^T$$
This software package has been developed for and is in production at Kalkfabrik Netstal.