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Releases: knope-dev/knope

versioning 0.3.2 (2025-03-08)

08 Mar 20:04
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Add basic support for versioning of pom.xml files

pom.xml must contain a <version> field in the <project> section.
Dependencies and multi-module projects are not yet supported.


Don't normalize existing changeset file names

When a new change file is created via CreateChangeFile,
its name is generated by converting the summary of the change to all lowercase letters and underscores.
This same normalization was happening when opening an existing change file, which prevented that change file from
being deleted during a PrepareRelease step if it didn't match the normalized version
(for example, was created with a different tool or by hand).
This has been fixed.

Fixes #1340


  • Update to Rust edition 2024 and MSRV 1.85

knope 0.18.4 (2025-03-08)

08 Mar 22:28
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Add basic support for versioning of pom.xml files

pom.xml must contain a <version> field in the <project> section.
Dependencies and multi-module projects are not yet supported.


Don't normalize existing changeset file names

When a new change file is created via CreateChangeFile,
its name is generated by converting the summary of the change to all lowercase letters and underscores.
This same normalization was happening when opening an existing change file, which prevented that change file from
being deleted during a PrepareRelease step if it didn't match the normalized version
(for example, was created with a different tool or by hand).
This has been fixed.

Fixes #1340


  • Update to Rust edition 2024 and MSRV 1.85

config 0.2.1 (2025-03-08)

08 Mar 20:04
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  • Update to Rust edition 2024 and MSRV 1.85

knope 0.18.3 (2025-01-21)

21 Jan 01:51
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  • Improve error messages when GitHub releases fail

versioning 0.3.1 (2025-01-01)

02 Jan 01:23
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  • Fix panic when Cargo.toml is missing a version
  • Remove warning for Cargo.lock version 4

knope 0.18.2 (2025-01-01)

02 Jan 01:37
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  • Fix panic when Cargo.toml is missing a version
  • Remove warning for Cargo.lock version 4

knope 0.18.1 (2024-09-15)

15 Sep 01:47
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Support glob patterns for package assets

You can now provide a glob pattern when defining package assets instead of specifying each file individually in a list.
This is especially useful when your asset names are dynamic (containing a version, date, or hash, for example) or
when different releases have different assets.

Knope will not error if the glob pattern doesn't match any files.
You can't combine glob patterns with individual file names.

assets = "assets/*"

config 0.2.0 (2024-09-15)

15 Sep 01:34
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Breaking Changes

  • Changed type of Package::assets to Assets enum

versioning 0.3.0 (2024-08-18)

18 Aug 05:34
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Breaking Changes

Support for dependencies within Cargo.toml

Dependencies within a Cargo.toml file can now be updated
as part of versioned_files.


Support for Cargo.lock in versioned_files

Dependencies within a Cargo.lock can now be updated.

knope 0.18.0 (2024-08-18)

18 Aug 05:54
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Breaking Changes

Auto-update Cargo workspace dependencies when using default config

If using the Cargo workspace default configuration,
Knope will now attempt to automatically update the version of workspace members in dependencies and the workspace Cargo.lock.

To avoid this, use knope --generate to create a manual config file and customize the behavior.

Don't create any go module tags that match package names

Knope already avoided creating duplicate tags for Go modules which match tags that would be created by the Release step for the package.
Now, Knope won't create a Go module tag if it matches a release tag for any configured package, to avoid potential conflicts.


Support for Cargo.lock in versioned_files

Dependencies within a Cargo.lock can now be updated.

Support for dependencies within Cargo.toml

Dependencies within a Cargo.toml file can now be updated
as part of versioned_files.


Deduplicate release actions

Knope now collects all actions to be performed across all packages and runs them at once with deduplication.

This means that if multiple packages write to the same versioned_file, for example, the file will only be written
a single time.
Changesets will also only be deleted once, files will be staged to Git only once, etc.

This mostly only impacts the output during --dry-run or --verbose, but is especially important for the new
dependency updating and lockfile support.