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baked_fluent CircleCI


A system for dead-easy i18n in rust. Bakes Fluent source files into executables and provides an easy API to use them. Intended for server-side use; provides easy integration with most web frameworks and templating libraries.

Example usage (with actix-web)


# ...

actix-web = "1.0.0-beta3"
baked_fluent = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["with-actix"]}


use actix_web::{web, App, HttpServer, Result};
use baked_fluent::{impl_localize, localize};

// Create a struct called `Localizer` implementing `baked_fluent::Localize`
impl_localize! {
    pub struct Localizer(_);

fn index((loc, info): (Localizer, web::Path<(String, isize)>)) -> Result<String> {
        name = &info.0[..],
        friends = info.1

fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    HttpServer::new(|| App::new().service(web::resource("/{name}/{friend_count}/").to(index)))


# english translations
greeting = Hello { $name }! { $friends ->
    [one] You have a friend!
   *[other] You have {$friends} friends.


# traducciones a español
greeting = ¡Hola, { $name }! { $friends ->
    [one] ¡Tienes un amigo!
   *[other] Tienes {$friends} amigos.

In the terminal:

$ cargo run &
$ curl -s -H 'Accept-Language: en' http://localhost:8080/Jamie/12
Hello, Jamie! You have 12 friends.
$ curl -s -H 'Accept-Language: es' http://localhost:8080/Jamie/12
¡Hola, Jamie! Tienes 12 amigos.
$ curl -s -H 'Accept-Language: es' http://localhost:8080/Jamie/0
¡Hola, Jamie! Tienes 0 amigos.
$ curl -s -H 'Accept-Language: de_DE,de,en_UK,en_US,en' http://localhost:8080/Jamie/1
Hello, Jamie! You have 1 friend.

TODO: link harvesting from source documentation


Is this gettext?

No, Project Fluent is an alternative API that does similar things to gettext but is designed to support a broader range of languages easily. If you really want gettext, check

How does the fluent language work?

See the guide and the other docs.

Can I use this crate from WebAssembly?

No! Don't do that. This crate bakes all translations into the output, it will significantly swell your wasm module sizes. Instead, use fluent-bundle directly, and load your translations from a static file server. (There's room for a small utility crate that does this, if you feel like implementing one.) There's also fluent-js.

You can, however, use this crate to negotiate a locale chain. Simply create a Localize instance as normal and then call Localize::get_locale_chain() to get the list of locales used by the instance. (You can also use fluent-locale to do this on the frontend.)

Why isn't framework [Z] supported?

The Localize API is simple enough that ideally it shouldn't be hard to just use it from your app.

If you want to improve support for a particular framework, make a PR!

How fast is this crate?

# a simple locale negotiation:
negotiate-fast          time:   [4.5704 us 4.6237 us 4.6789 us]
# a locale negotiation with a long chain:
negotiate-slow          time:   [24.855 us 25.130 us 25.443 us]
# localizing a message with no arguments:
localize-simple         time:   [890.92 ns 901.70 ns 912.54 ns]
# localizing a message with a few arguments and a conditional:
localize-moderate       time:   [4.1089 us 4.1585 us 4.2078 us]

On an intel core i5 from 2014.

Performance mostly depends on the underlying fluent-rs implementation. We accept performance-related PRs.

Note: this project loads all available translations into memory on the first call to Localize::new. This shouldn't add significant memory overhead, unless you have a lot of translations.

Why doesn't this crate use #[derive(Localize)] instead of this weird macro thing?

It needs to control the contents of the Localize struct, so that won't work.

How do I add support for a framework?

To add support for an imaginary web framework / templating library "xyz":

  • Fork this repo.

  • Add a feature "with-xyz" that brings in xyz as a dependency to baked_fluent.

  • Add "with-xyz" as a dependency to the "full" or the "full-nightly" baked_fluent feature, depending on whether xyz requires nightly to compile.

  • Add a module integrations::xyz, and add a doc comment explaining how to use xyz with baked_fluent. Make sure you've got working doctests (they should at least build.)

  • If necessary, add a feature "with-xyz" to baked_fluent_codegen, which should be automatically activated by the baked_fluent with-xyz feature. Then generate whatever supporting code you need.

  • If necessary, add configuration options for xyz support in the form of an annotation in impl_localize. (The parsing for these options should go in baked_fluent_codegen/src/

    impl_localize! {
        #[xyz(option_a = "bees", option_b = "global warming")]
        struct Localizer(_);
  • Open a PR!


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